two years later.

[Heavenly Dao announcement: Congratulations to the 'Yanhuang collar' of Dongtian World No. 666, who is the first to be upgraded to a country - 'Yanhuang Kingdom', special rewards: Chuanguo Yuxi x1, Kyushu Ding (full set) x1, Yulongchi x1. 】x3

The announcement rang three times in succession.

While everyone in Heaven Designated was shocked, they felt it was expected.

Yanhuang Kingdom has been ahead of all Heaven Designated since the tribal era.

Now it is reasonable to be the first one to upgrade to the Age of Kingdom.

In Cao Wu's mansion.

Inside the meeting.

A group of people are curiously watching the rewards announced by Heavenly Dao.

[Chuan Guo Yuxi (unique): It can gather, suppress and mobilize the country's luck. 】

[Kyushu Ding (full set, only): There are nine ancient tripods in total, which can be arranged as Kyushu barriers to resist foreign lands, and can also suppress dragon veins and the luck of the country. 】

[Yulongchi (the only one): It can gather the luck of the country and breed the dragon of luck. 】

"It's all related to the luck of the country!"

Jiang Bai muttered, thoughtfully.

Others looked at each other.

Today, they are not ignorant of luck.

Luck seems ethereal, but it actually exists and is extremely important.

Cao Wu asked: "Master Jiang, what should 927 do with these three things?"

"Yulongchi will be placed in the dungeon, and the Chuanguo Yuxi will probably have to be carried with you. Keep the Kyushu tripod for now, and it will be used in the future."

After Jiang Bai thought about it, he gave his own suggestion.

Cao Wu nodded: "Success, that's how to secure the bandits."

"By the way, Lao Cao, the territory is divided into titles, and the country should also have a certain way of division, right?"

Jiang Bai looked curious.

Not only him, but others also looked at Cao Wu curiously, waiting for his return.

Cao Wu nodded: "Indeed, there are. The lowest rank is the vassal state, and the upper ranks are kingdoms, empires, dynasties, holy dynasties, kingdoms of gods, and fairy kingdoms. Each level is divided into nine ranks. The first rank is the lowest. The highest, such as Yanhuang Kingdom, is the first rank vassal state."

Hearing the words, everyone understands.

"Okay, the country has just been established, and many things have to be advanced accordingly. You can discuss it yourself!"

Jiang Bai left behind a word, got up and left gracefully.

He is here to witness the critical moment when the territory is upgraded to the country.

He has no interest in management or anything like that.

With this time, he might as well take care of the medicine garden!

In the following time, Dancheng began its renovation.

After the expansion of Yanhuang City's ultra-large construction altar, it was divided into central city, inner city and outer city.

The outer city is the newly expanded area, the inner city is the original outer city, and the central city is the inner city.

Now that Yanhuang collar has been upgraded to Yanhuang country, the capital and imperial city are indispensable.

As a result, Yanhuang City became the capital, and the central city became the imperial city.

People who originally lived in the central city had their mansions moved to the inner city—except Jiang Bai.

The central urban area began to be gradually rebuilt according to the appearance of the imperial city.

It took half a year before and after the reconstruction of the imperial city was completed.

After that, it was Cao Wu's coronation ceremony.

This ceremony dragged on for half a year, but it still had to be made up after all.

On the day of the coronation ceremony, not only the Elders from the China Alliance came, but also all the lords came to Yanhuang City in person to congratulate.

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun also rushed back from the southern and northern regions.

After the coronation, Cao Wu officially became the king of Yanhuang Kingdom.

After that, Cao Wu began to award rewards.

The matter of rewards had already been finalized within half a year, and it was only announced on the day of the coronation.

Moreover, the award is also improving the internal organization of Yanhuang Kingdom, such as the division of official positions, functional departments, and so on.

Jiang Bai was not on the reward list.

This is what he asked for himself, he just wants to keep a low profile now, and he doesn't want to be exposed in front of too many people.

Moreover, Cao Wu also felt that he was not qualified to reward Jiang Bai.

But Jiang Bai's identity, status, and even the right to speak, absolutely surpassed Cao Wu in Yanhuang Kingdom.

Even Cao Wu himself agrees with this point.

By the way.

Although the Yanhuang Kingdom built the imperial city, it also has the imperial palace and forbidden courtyard. (cfdd)

But there is no eunuch.

This kind of existence is too inhuman, and it is unanimously opposed by everyone.

So the eunuchs in the imperial city are all women.

However, there are still some men in places like the Imperial Dining Room and Imperial Hospital.

In addition, there are the imperial city guards and personal guards who guard the imperial city, and most of these places are men.

In addition, the intelligence agency that Guo Jia was originally in charge of has also officially come to the fore and has been named Kaiwang.

Take the meaning of Tianwang Huihui, sparse but not leaky.

What only a few people know is that Skynet is divided into two parts, the bright part and the dark part. The bright part is placed on the bright side, while the dark part disappears in the dark.

Guo Jia was the first leader of Skynet.

It's just that he, the leader, still needs to continue to sit in the southern region, and the Western Yanhuang Kingdom will take over the resources of the southern region.

Perhaps it was stimulated by Cao Wu's appearance as a high-ranking king.

In the following time, the development of other territories obviously became faster.

No, other territories began to be upgraded to kingdoms one after another after a year.

When the number of kingdoms reaches 10,000, the Heavenly Dao announcement will also sound.

[Announcement: Congratulations to the number of countries in Dongtian World No. 666, which is the first to reach 10,000. The Heroes Competition event in this world is over, and the new event ——— Heroes Competition will officially start at 8:00 tomorrow morning!】

[Note 1: Only Heaven Designated who owns the kingdom are eligible to participate in this event. Heaven Designated without a kingdom can participate in the event by joining other Heaven Designated kingdoms. 1

[Explanation 2: The World Heroes List, Leader Mode, and Plunder Mode will remain unchanged and will continue to be implemented in this event. 】

[Explanation 3: During the event, new aboriginal countries will be spawned randomly, and Heaven Designated can attack, annex, etc. to obtain resources, blueprints, residents, talents, etc. Note: The aborigines' countries that are brushed out are limited to 'vassal states'. 】

[Explanation 4: There can only be one winner of the Heroes Contest, and the other Heaven Designated either leave the trial land to develop in other regions, or belong to the winner. Note: The forces jointly formed by each Heaven Designated can also become the winner. 】

[Explanation 5: Whichever cave world is the first to end the hegemony activity will first open the way to connect to the middle domain. 】

Seeing the fourth instruction, Jiang Bai frowned.

Heavenly Dao is going to make Heaven Designated kill each other!


"Looks like Heavenly Dao still has a chance!"

Looking at the last comment, Jiang Bai frowned

As long as those allied countries choose to join the China Alliance, then the battle for hegemony in Dongtian World No. 666 can be completed in an instant.

I just don't know, will those allies join the Congress?

Although all of them have joined forces to form the Blue Star Federation, the leader is also the China Alliance.

But at least, in this model, those allies are still free and autonomous.

If it belongs to the China Alliance, the situation will be different.

Therefore, Jiang Bai guessed that those allied countries might not be willing to just surrender like this. .

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