All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 179 Rekindling The Flames Of War

"Master Jiang, Mr. Cao is looking for you."


Jiang Bai in the quiet room responded, then got up and walked out of the quiet room.

"Old Cao is in the front yard?"


Jiang Bai nodded, and stepped out~go.

Forecourt hall.

When Jiang Bai walked into the hall, he saw Cao Wu and the grand elder drinking tea.

"Yo, you two busy people, why are you looking for me?"

While joking, Jiang Bai came to the main seat and took a seat.

The maid on the side also quickly offered a cup of tea.

"You also know that you are an idler!"

Cao Wu rolled his eyes and said resentfully, "I'm so busy that I touch the ground every day, but you are good, every day is leisurely and comfortable, and you even go out for a trip from time to time!"


The big Elder took a sip of tea and looked at Jiang Bai dumbfounded: "Are you usually so free?!"

As the lords gradually upgraded to kingdoms, the affairs of the China Alliance became more and more complicated.

Big Elder is busier than Cao Wu on weekdays.

Jiang Bai said solemnly: "Now you know why I don't care about things? The endless work is not counted. Wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs. This is not what people do!"

Cao Wu:

Big Elder:  ……

Are you scolding us?

Must be!

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

The big Elder put down his teacup and brought the topic back on track, "Xiao Jiang, Xiao Cao and I came to see you to ask you what you think about the Heroes Contest?"

"Sit and watch, of course."

Jiang Bai took a sip of tea, and the old god said, "If those allied countries don't want to die, there are only two ways to go, either to join or move to other regions, so what should be urgent now is not us, but them."

"What if those allies join forces to resist us?" Cao Wu couldn't help asking the most critical question.

Jiang Bai shrugged: "Then just destroy them. It's not like we don't have the strength. Besides, without them, we can enjoy more resources, right?"

Hearing this, Cao Wu and the Elder opened their mouths, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Jiang Bai glanced at the two of them, shook his head and said, "Your ideas still haven't changed! What we're after now is survival, and the battle for survival doesn't need to pay attention to right and wrong, benevolence and morality, it's just life and death!"

These words directly silenced Cao Wu and the elder Elder.

a long time.

Big Elder sighed: "Xiao Jiang is right, the battle for survival is life and death, there is no chance at all! Especially as the superiors, we must not be soft-hearted, otherwise countless compatriots will die!"

"I understand." Cao Wu nodded heavily.

Jiang Bai reminded: "One more thing, don't forget, the strength of the aborigines revealed in this event is the vassal state! The resources of these countries must be more abundant than the territories!

Hearing this, both Cao Wu and the elder Elder couldn't sit still.

This is a question directly related to resources!

Cao Wu said resolutely: "Before it gets dark today, those countries must make a choice. If any country dares to prevaricate or deliberately delay, when night falls, the Yanhuang Kingdom will definitely send an army to wipe them out!"

"Yes, this is the domineering power of the first king!" Jiang Bai gave a thumbs up.

The elder Elder sighed softly: "I understand, now go back and communicate with those countries."

The words fell, because the Elder got up and walked out.

Cao Wu and Jiang Bai hurriedly got up to see them off.

In the afternoon, Jiang Bai received the news.

More than half of those allied countries chose to join, and the rest directly united and raised the banner of resistance.

Thus, the army of the Yanhuang Kingdom set off on thousands of psychic warships without waiting for it to get dark.

In less than five hours, the battle was over.

All the countries that jointly resisted were wiped out by the army of Yanhuang Kingdom, and their resources were also plundered.

Those allied countries that chose to join were all dumbfounded after receiving the news.

They have tried their best to overestimate the strength of the China Alliance, but they never expected it.

The China Alliance only dispatched one Yanhuang country, and wiped out all the countries that resisted.

And it took less than five hours!

Although the Yanhuang Kingdom is the most powerful country under the China Alliance, this strength is too terrifying, right?!

You know, it has been more than three years since the domain wall restrictions were lifted.

Over the past three years, countries have also been developing and growing rapidly.

They thought that they had narrowed the gap with China's alliance.

But now I found that the gap has become even bigger!

As a result, some allied countries that pretended to submit to the allies immediately extinguished the thoughts they shouldn't have, and turned into sincere submissions.

...asking for flowers......

However, with Jiang Bai's reminder first, the China Alliance did not immediately choose to accept it.

Because once accepted, the hegemony campaign will end early.

In this way, those aboriginal countries will not spawn.

Without these aboriginal countries, how can the Heaven Designated country under the China Alliance develop rapidly?

Of course, since those allied countries have chosen to join, they are naturally allowed to share some soup.

It was also at this time that those allies realized why the China Alliance made such a move before the event started.

Feelings are for monopolizing activity resources!

Soon, the time came to eight o'clock in the morning of the next day.

With the official launch of the battle for hegemony, the aborigines' kingdoms have also been spawned in various places in the Eastern Region.

Jiang Bai stood above Yanhuang City, and Divine Sense quickly expanded to cover the entire Eastern Region.

"Tsk, is the strongest level ten?"

Jiang Bai shook his head in disappointment, then withdrew his Divine Sense and returned to the mansion.

He sent a private message to Cao Wu, stating that among the aboriginal countries that were created, there was no first-order powerhouse.

So he is interested in participating in this event and letting them handle it themselves.

In this regard, Cao Wu also expressed his understanding.

After more than three years, Yanhuang Kingdom has already produced other tenth-rank powerhouses besides Jiang Bai.

Even if Jiang Bai doesn't make a move, it's fine.

that's all.

The Eastern Territory, which had been at peace for more than three years, once again ignited the flames of war.

The Yanhuang Kingdom has a strong military force, so it directly divided the Eight Route Army to sweep the aboriginal country from eight directions.

The leaders are all famous historical generals summoned by special summoning orders, as well as famous counselors.

With Jiang Bai, the European Emperor, Cao Wu has never lacked various special summon orders.

Therefore, there are many generals and counselors in Yanhuang Kingdom.

This is also one of the reasons why Yanhuang Kingdom can develop so fast, but is still so stable.

If only relying on Cao Wu and others, the interior of Yanhuang Kingdom would have become a mess.

Not to mention other things, just the selection of the managers of each city is a big problem.

But with the Counselor Summoning Order, this problem can be easily solved.

Even if it is a strategist who is no matter how bad the history is, he can still manage a city with his hands. .

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