half year later.

The army of Yanhuang Kingdom, which swept half of the Eastern Region in one breath, finally returned in triumph.

No way, there are so many Heaven Designated countries under the China Alliance!

And, those allied countries that are attached to have to drink some soup, right?

So after the Yanhuang Kingdom swept away half of the Eastern Region, they stopped directly.

And in the past six months, Yanhuang Kingdom has also jumped from a first rank vassal state to a ninth rank vassal state.

It won't take long before it can be further upgraded to a kingdom.

one year later.

The remaining half of the Eastern Region was wiped out by other Heaven Designated.

So far, the fleece of the Heroes' Hegemony campaign has basically been wiped out.

So the China Alliance also formally held a surrender ceremony.

After those allied countries officially surrendered, the voice of Heavenly Dao's announcement also sounded.

[Announcement: Congratulations to Dongtian World No. 666 for being the first to end the campaign for hegemony. The "583" world of this world will be the first to open the path to the Central Domain at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. The location is located in the trial area!】

Unlike the previous announcements, this announcement is rare without any explanation.

But Jiang Bai was still very excited.

He waited for so long, and it finally arrived!

God knows how eager he is to go to Zhongyu!

the next day.

Jiang Bai got up early in the morning and flew over Yanhuang City, covering the entire Eastern Region with Divine Sense.

As the time came to eight o'clock, his Divine Sense also captured the west side of the Eastern Territory, and there were violent spatial fluctuations.

He immediately activated the Void Lord Talent and moved directly there.

To the west of the Eastern Territory, on a hilltop.

Jiang Bai appeared on the top of the mountain out of thin air, looking up into the sky.

I saw a phantom in the air, like a mirage.

In the phantom, there is a long staircase, at the end of which is a magnificent and ancient pass.

There is a tower above the pass, and a statue of Azure Dragon stands on the top of the tower.

There are three characters engraved on the top of the gate.

Jiang Bai didn't know those three characters, but at a glance, he understood their meaning naturally: Sent by Azure Dragon.

"Azure Dragon off?"

"Is this the test for entering the Central Domain?"

Just when Jiang Bai was puzzled, the voice of the world announcement suddenly came to mind.

[World Announcement: The path connecting the No. 666 Dongtian World to the Central Domain has been opened in the East, South, West, and North Regions. All creatures whose strength is at level five or above can enter the Central Domain through these four routes in the future. 】


Jiang Bai keenly captured key information.

He pondered for a moment, then used his spiritual energy to condense an incarnation, and separated a Divine Sense to attach to the avatar.

The avatar soared into the sky and flew directly to the Azure Dragon in the sky.

I saw the mirage-like Azure Dragon pass phantom, after the avatar approached, it seemed like a real existence, allowing the avatar to really step into it.

Jiang Bai saw it in his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Immediately, the avatar raised his foot and walked up the stairs.

Through the Divine Sense attached to the avatar, Jiang Bai found that there was an invisible weight falling on the avatar.

The higher the avatar goes, the stronger this pressure becomes.

"A test?"

Jiang Bai muttered in his heart, but he didn't care.

Although the combat power of the avatar does not reach the eleventh rank, it still has the combat power of the peak of the first rank.

This little pressure is nothing to the incarnation.

No, the avatar suddenly started to accelerate, and in a moment came to the end of the stairs, standing under the Azure Dragon.

At this moment, a line of Gold characters manifested in front of the avatar.

"No matter what means, as long as you can open the gate of the Azure Dragon alone, the peace will be considered successful.

This line of big characters is in the language of the human race, so Jiang Bai can easily understand it.


"It's that simple?"

Jiang Bai looked suspicious, it seemed so simple that it looked like a trap!

After pondering for a moment, he still asked the avatar to try it out.

I saw the avatar clenching his fist with his right hand and punching towards the city gate from the air.

However, the invisible fist energy bombarded the city gate, but it couldn't shake the city gate at all.

Jiang Bai raised his eyebrows, and immediately let the avatar take action seriously.

The avatar immediately opened his posture, and a terrifying fist erupted from the avatar, easily mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, causing the situation in the sky to change.

I saw the avatar slowly throwing his right fist towards the gate of the city, the intention of the fist mixed with the power of heaven and earth to form a terrifying fist force, cracking the surrounding space like a spider web.

The entire Azure Dragon Guan phantom shook violently, as if The next moment would shatter like a bubble.

Suddenly, the gate of the closed city of Azure Dragon burst open.

Two Gold characters also emerged: pass!

This is over?

Jiang Bai blinked, and with a thought, he let the avatar loose his fist and walked towards the Azure Dragon pass.

After the avatar walked into the city cave, the city gate was also closed......

Although the view is blocked by the city gate, Jiang Bai can still see the situation inside the Azure Dragon pass through the Divine Sense left on his avatar.

how to say?

The Azure Dragon pass is indeed a real ancient pass.

It's just that this pass, apart from the appearance that it looks intact, the interior has long been dilapidated, with dead bones and broken soldiers everywhere.

And it looks like no living beings have passed this pass for a long, long time.

Jiang Bai let the avatar explore the pass.

Judging from the remaining traces, this pass has experienced a tragic battle.

And a long time ago, heavy troops should be emphasized here.

But after a fierce battle, the pass was breached, and then it fell to this point.

Jiang Bai didn't think too much, after all he had no clue about what happened here.

He asked the avatar to look at the wall on the other side of the pass.

Soon, the avatar came to the city wall.

Through the Divine Sense left on the avatar, Jiang Bai saw a vast desert beyond the pass.

At the end of the desert, a majestic giant city can be seen faintly, located among the mountains.

Jiang Bai thought for a while, and let the avatar try to leave the Azure Dragon pass.

The avatar immediately took off from the city wall and flew away from the Azure Dragon pass smoothly.

After that, the avatar flew back to the Azure Dragon pass smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, the avatar flew directly out of the Azure Dragon pass and returned to the Eastern Region.

This made Jiang Bai heave a sigh of relief.

It seems that this path is not a 5.7 dead end that will never return.

In this way, the operating space is very large.

Jiang Bai dispersed his avatar, and immediately set up a super-large teleportation array on the top of the mountain.

After finishing, he sent a private letter to Cao Wu and asked Cao Wu to send some practitioners of level five or above.

As the teleportation array continued to light up, the number of people on the mountain gradually increased.

Jiang Bai didn't stop until 10,000 people were teleported.

Afterwards, he collected the super-large teleportation array and led the ten thousand people into the phantom of the Azure Dragon pass.

He quickly followed the steps and came to the Azure Dragon.

But he didn't continue to check, but turned to look at the 10,000 people who were climbing the stairs.

The strength of these ten thousand people ranges from the fifth level to the tenth level.

Jiang Bai also keenly discovered that the higher the strength, the easier it is to climb.

This shows that the weight on the ladder is constant and will not increase with the strength of the climber. .

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