All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 184 The Besieged Terran

three days later.

On the top of a mountain.

Jiang Bai stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at a huge city surrounded by mountains in the distance ahead.

This giant city is located among the mountains, and its background is not simple.

Because it is the ancestral land of the Goblin Yi clan!

"Only ten powerhouses of the eleventh rank?"

Jiang Bai looked surprised.

The pinnacle of practice in this world is the eleventh level—that is, entering the Dao realm.

The ultimate level is to step into the twelfth step + ten~ Half step Dharma Phase realm with one foot.

Although the Goblin Yi clan is only a low-ranking group, they are located in the central region anyway, and the resources and cultivation environment are far from comparable to those in the four regions.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Bai originally thought that in the ancestral land of the Goblin Yi clan, there would be at least double-digit eleventh-order powerhouses!

I never thought that there were only ten of them!

This number is a bit abnormal!

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Bai disguised himself as a goblin with the Synchro Talent and disappeared quietly on the cliff.

Not long.

Jiang Bai quietly bypassed the many restrictions on the periphery, and sneaked into the ancestral land of the Goblin Yi clan without anyone noticing.

He secretly used Talent, the master of mind, to look through some Goblin's memories.

Knowing that in this huge city built around mountains, the mountain surrounded by the center of the city is the real ancestral land of the Goblin Yi clan.

So, Jiang Bai waited until after dark, and with the magic of the Supernatural Power, he dived to the mountain in the center of the city.

Many formation Restrictions along the way were invalidated under the effect of the bullying Supernatural Power.

Jiang Bai arrived at the foot of Tianshan Mountain without any danger as if he had entered the land of no one.

Afterwards, he secretly captured a few master guards of the Goblin Yi clan, and figured out the layout of the entire mountain.

The key point is the location of the resource treasure house of the Gob Lin Yi clan!

In other words, the treasure trove of resources of the Goblin Yi clan can make Jiang Bai fancy.

No, after he knew the location, he immediately went to the floor where the treasure house was located.

Using the Five Elements escape technique, he escaped directly into the mountain, easily avoiding many bright posts and dark sentries along the way.

Soon, he came near the treasure house.

This treasury is hidden inside the mountain. Not only are eleventh-order powerhouses sitting in it, but there are also many formation restrictions outside.

Jiang Bai used the Five Elements evasion technique and the bullying Supernatural Power to easily pass through the formation restrictions around the treasure house, and escape into the treasure house from other places.

"Get rich!"

Looking at Bao Curry's resources, Jiang Bai's eyes lit up.

It should be said that it is indeed the ancestral land of the Goblin Yi clan!

The resources in the treasury are far more and more advanced than those of the Yanhuang Kingdom!

After being overwhelmed with excitement, Jiang Bai began to collect resources that were empty of Curry.

After one hour.

The entire treasury was seized by Jiang Bai, not even the hidden compartment escaped his seizure.

Before leaving, he deliberately left a sentence on the wall in the deepest part of the treasure house in the words of the druids:

Thank you for your generosity, the resources in the treasury, I accept it with a smile!

After leaving his words, Jiang Bai went straight away, leaving the ancestral land of the Goblin Yi clan all the way.

ten days later.

The territory of the Goblin Yi tribe.

In a city on the western frontier.

"Hey, have you heard the latest rumors?"

"You're talking about the theft of the ancestral treasure house?"

"Yes, yes, you heard that too?"

"I've heard it a long time ago, and more than that, I also heard that the thieves are from the Druid clan, and our clan is gathering an army to attack the Druid clan!"

Jiang Bai, who was disguised as a goblin, couldn't help but smile when he heard the discussion.

At that time, he deliberately left a message in the language of the Druids, just to set the blame on the Druids.

As for the powerhouses of the Gob Lin Yi clan, don't you believe it?

It does not matter.

When they can't find any clues, they have to believe it or not!

The treasure house of the ancestral land was stolen, and the resources accumulated over the years were emptied.

This is a great loss to the Goblin Yi family.

If it cannot be made up in time, it will not only cause turmoil within the Goblin Yi clan, but more importantly, it will delay the training of the younger generation!

how to make up

Druid family!

The top executives of Gobu Lin Yi clan are not fools, they can all guess the message in the treasury, it is the thief deliberately planting the blame.

But so what?

Now that the thief can't be found, and the treasure house resources can't be recovered, they can only find compensation from the druids.

Fortunately, the Druid clan is also a low-ranking clan, and its territory is adjacent to the Goblin Yi clan.

Therefore, between the two races, there have always been frictions and enmity.

Now, by virtue of the theft of the treasury, it is justifiable to attack the druids.

First, transfer the annotation calendar within the clan.

Second, recover blood from the druids.

"The Goblin Yi clan and the Druid clan are both low-ranking clans, and their strengths can't be checked much."

……… Ask for flowers……

"It is estimated that this battle will take a lot of time, just so that Azure Dragon Pass and Azure Dragon City can be safely deployed.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai quickened his pace and walked out of the city.

During this month, he has already inquired about the human race.

As the upper group of the Central Territory, the human race is also well-known in the Central Territory.

So even in the territory of the Goblin Yi clan, some information about the human race was obtained.

Although there are not many, at least I know the general direction of the ancestral land of the human race.

No, after coming out of the city.

Jiang Bai soared into the sky, regained his original appearance, and flew straight to the depths of the Central Territory.

a month later.

"This central area is so vast!"

Jiang Bai on a certain mountain had a look of emotion on his face.


With his current strength, even if he doesn't need to fly with all his strength, he can circle the Eastern Region several times in one day.

But now, he flew for a month before arriving near the border of the human race.


"Isn't the human race one of the top ten high-ranking races? Why are there still unscrupulous aliens who dare to attack the human race?"

Jiang Bai looked at the border gate of the human race in the distance, and frowned.

At this moment, a war is taking place at the border of the human race.

Outside the huge border city of the human race, a coalition army composed of more than a dozen foreign races is launching a fierce attack on the giant border city of the human race.

It can be seen that the entire battlefield is divided into three parts: ground, low altitude, and high altitude.

On the ground battlefield, creatures below the fifth level are fighting.

In the low-altitude battlefield, creatures below the eleventh level and above the fifth level are fighting.

And the high-altitude battlefield is where the powerhouses of the eleventh order are fighting.

The human race could not support itself, and was besieged by many alien races.

Therefore, on the three battlefields, none of them had the upper hand.

But the Human Race Warrior was brave enough to block the attack of the alien allied forces.

However, Jiang Bai knew that the key to winning or losing was the high-altitude battlefield.

The number of strong people in the eleventh rank of the human race is naturally not as good as that of the alien coalition forces.

But the eleventh-level powerhouse of the human race can fight against two or even three with one!

Therefore, although the number of strong men on both sides is uneven, the battle situation is evenly divided.

According to Jiang Bai's judgment, it may be very difficult for the foreign allied forces to break through the border of the human race.

So he was not in a hurry to make a move, "Song is hiding in the distance and watching...

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