All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 185 Want To Run? Have You Asked Me?

"The human race in this world is really good!"

Jiang Bai looked at the Human Race Warrior who sacrificed his life on the battlefield, his eyes were full of admiration.

Only such a human race is worthy of his rescue.

Just when he was about to make a move, a sudden change occurred!

I only heard the sound of 'boom', which came from the huge city beside the human race.

Immediately afterwards, the wall of the giant city collapsed with a big gap.

Through this opening, Jiang Bai saw that the giant city was already in chaos.

And there are still human races fighting each other in the city!

Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that he directly activated the Void Lord Talent, and disappeared in place in an instant.

No matter what, the giant border city of the human race must not be broken!

The next moment, Jiang Bai appeared in front of the opening where the city wall collapsed.

At the same time, he activated the great elementalist Talent, and while using the Talent's ability to repair the gap in the city wall, he raised his hand and shook the "390" in the air against the swarming alien army.

At the foot of the alien army, a huge mudstone palm appeared, and the five fingers were clenched suddenly.

With a pop, all the aliens in the giant palm were crushed to death.

This sudden change caused the Warriors on both sides of the battlefield to stop subconsciously, staring blankly at the giant palm.

Jiang Bai didn't stand still, he took the opportunity to mobilize the power of the earth, and quickly repaired the gap in the city wall.

Then an avatar is separated to stay on the ground battlefield, while the main body flies to the sky.

The key to the victory of this war depends on the victory or defeat of the high-altitude battlefield.

As long as the human race wins in the high-altitude battlefield, then this war will win the final victory!

Coming to the high-altitude battlefield, Jiang Bai took out the Snow Song Knife, and rushed into the battlefield while singing.

At the same time, his whole body is emitting an incomparably holy light.

The light of the knife flickered, and the energy of the knife was vertical and horizontal.

An eleventh-rank powerhouse of a foreign race was beheaded by Jiang Bai one after another.

Even Daoguo and dharma body were torn apart by the sword intent contained in the sword light, and they died so badly that they could not die any more.

In just a moment, more than 20 powerful people from the foreign race were beheaded.

Those who were beheaded were all low-level eleventh ranks, facing Jiang Bai's attack, they couldn't even dodge in time.

At the same time, Jiang Bai's singing also gave blessings to all eleventh-order powerhouses of the human race, causing their strength to skyrocket.

This is the battle song Supernatural Power transformed from the SSS-level war song Talent!

There is also the holy light blooming on Jiang Bai [this is the SSS-level Sacred recovery talent Talent.

The holy light automatically avoids those strong men of other races, and shines on all strong men of all races.

No matter how badly the human race is injured or consumed, they will all recover to their peak state in an instant!

The strength skyrocketed, and the state returned to its peak.

Not to mention the powerhouses of the human race, even the powerhouses of other races were stunned by this change.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai immediately used Divine Sense to send a voice transmission to all the strong people of the race: "What are you doing in a daze, counterattack!"

All the powerhouses of the human race suddenly woke up, and each one was full of fighting spirit, launching a frenzied attack on the powerhouses of the foreign race.

The situation on the high-altitude battlefield is instantly reversed!

The faces of those strong alien races turned black, and they all looked at Bai with cannibalistic eyes.

At the same time, some powerful aliens abandoned their own opponents and went to kill Jiang Bai.

They are not stupid and can see the importance of Jiang Bai.

If Jiang Bai is not beheaded, then they will lose this war.

In this regard, Jiang Bai did not retreat but advanced, using the Nirvana Saber to meet him.

The terrifying true meaning of Nirvana swept across, and the faces of those strong alien races who came to besieged suddenly became terrified.

They turned to flee, but they were too late.

The sword energy swept across the sky and killed them instantly.

With this strength, the eyelids of the strong men of the human race and the foreign race are all jumping.

And Jiang Bai looked around the battlefield quickly, and then dodged to kill those 11th- and 10th-level powerhouses of the alien race.

With the cooperation of the strong human race, Jiang Bai only spent ten minutes beheading eight alien strong men of level 11 and level 10.

In this way, the pressure on the human side is greatly reduced.

Jiang Bai saw it, and immediately abandoned the 11th-level and 10th-level foreign powerhouses, and rushed to the half step Dharma Phase battlefield.

He wants to try the limit of his own combat power!

For this reason, he turned off the Sacred recovery technique and also took back the Warsong Supernatural Power.

Without the blessing of War Song Supernatural Power, the strength of the strong human race fell back to the normal level.

But they recovered from their injuries and their condition has returned to its peak.

In addition, the strong aliens were beheaded a lot by Jiang Bai.

So the advantage is still on the human side.

As for those Half step Dharma Phase experts of the foreign race, when they saw Jiang Bai approaching, they all had murderous intent in their eyes.

If this human race didn't come out suddenly, this battle must have been won by the alien race coalition forces!

But because of this human race, their plans for many years have completely failed!

No, those Half step Dharma Phases of the foreign races are in an extremely tacit understanding.

After knocking their respective opponents into the air, they immediately joined forces to kill Jiang Bai, intending to kill Jiang Bai in an instant...

"Well done!"

Not only was Jiang Bai not afraid, but he was full of pride.

He used Supernatural Power——Mysterious Heaven and Breaking Words, combined with the true meaning of Nirvana, to slash towards the alien races in the Half step Dharma Phase realm.

Obviously, he wanted to use his own strength to fight against those alien races in the Half step Dharma Phase realm at the same time.

Those alien races in the Half step Dharma Phase realm all showed happy and ferocious smiles on their faces, as if they had seen Jiang Bai being torn to pieces.

But those Half step Dharma Phase experts of the human race, with their eyes wide open, rushed towards Jiang Bai with a roar, wanting to rescue him.


The terrifying knife light slashed out, and the expressions of those alien races in the Half step Dharma Phase state suddenly changed, and they felt a deadly threat approaching at an extremely fast speed!

This is the law of nirvana derived from the comprehension of the true meaning of nirvana!

Those alien races in Half step Dharma Phase wanted to escape, but it was already too late.

He could only quickly change from offense to defense, and use Lingyuan to construct defensive barriers in front of him frantically.

However, in front of that terrifying knife light.

The barrier built by Lingyuan is like paper paste, which can be easily chopped into pieces by the light of a knife.

Simply this also bought a little reaction time for those half step Dharma Phase aliens, allowing them to successfully display the defensive Supernatural Power technique.

No, after the sword came to them, although they were cut to the point where they vomited blood and flew backwards, their injuries were not serious.

But the few rescued Half step Dharma Phase realm human races were stunned by the result.

"Is this the half step Dharma Phase environment?"

5.8 Jiang Bai raised his brows, knowing what to do.

With his 11th-level and 8th-level strength, he can completely kill the Half step Dharma Phase realm!

So, he immediately rushed to the nearest Half step Dharma Phase alien.

Those Half step Dharma Phase realms of the human race reacted immediately, dodging to block the other Half step Dharma Phase realms of the alien race.

On the other side, Jiang Bai casts the Mysterious Heaven Supernatural Power, which cooperates with the Law of Annihilation.

With just two or three sword strikes, the half step Dharma Phase alien race was beheaded on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the remaining alien races in the Half step Dharma Phase environment felt chills in their hearts.

Without any hesitation, they turned around and ran away.

"Want to run? Did you ask me?"

Jiang Bai snorted coldly, and his speed was unimaginably fast under the blessing of Mysterious Heaven.

He quickly caught up with a half step Dharma Phase alien, and beheaded him on the spot with a flash of the knife. .

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