A few minutes later.

"Forget you to run fast!"

Seeing the remaining three alien races go away quickly, Jiang Bai was rather unwilling.

When he turned around, he saw the Half step Dharma Phase realm of the human race, bringing all the eleventh-order powerhouses of the human race to him.

Both Fang Mo looked at each other silently for a while.

An old man in the Half step Dharma Phase couldn't help asking Jiang Bai: "Little friend, you shouldn't be a human from this world, right?"

"I come from the land of trials." Jiang Bai did not hide his identity.

The old man suddenly realized: "So it's Heaven Designated, no wonder I've never seen you before!"

Others also understood.

No wonder they, as beings at the top of the human race, have never heard of Jiang Bai, their feelings come from outside!

At this time, a middle-aged man in the Half step Dharma Phase asked, "May I ask you what your name is?"

"My name is Jiang Bai."

Hearing this, other people greeted each other and reported their names at the same time.

People in the half step Dharma Phase environment call Jiang Bai "Jiang Xiaoyou".

But people at the eleventh level are called 'Jiang senior'.

No way, although they can see that Jiang Bai's strength is only level 11 and level 8. 25 But Jiang Bai used practical actions to show that he can easily kill even in Half step Dharma Phase!

In the circle of practitioners, regardless of age, those who have achieved it come first.

That's why those powerhouses of the eleventh rank called Jiang Bai 'Jiang senior'.

"I'll talk about other things later, let's end this battle first!"

The Half step Dharma Phase elder named Jiang Shang reminded me.

Everyone also reacted and looked at the battlefield below.

The half step Dharma Phase middle-aged man named Luo Ji answered, "Everyone, it's time to counterattack, and we must kill them all!"

The other strong men answered in unison.

The next moment, everyone swooped down.

With this group of top powerhouses participating in the battle, the form of the low-altitude battlefield and the ground battlefield seems to be overwhelming.

Because when the three alien races in the Half step Dharma Phase region fled, it was too late to notify the alien race coalition forces below to retreat.

So the alien coalition forces thought that the top powerhouses on their side were restraining the top powerhouses of the human race!

No, when the top powerhouses of the human race came down from the sky, those alien masters were all dumbfounded.

And the top experts of the human race are also smart, knowing to give priority to hunting the most powerful experts among the alien races.

Those masters of the tenth and ninth ranks among the foreign races are about to face annihilation, and they can't escape even if they want to.

Not long.

The alien coalition forces began to be completely defeated, fleeing frantically.

Under the leadership of the top powerhouses of the human race, the human army pursued and killed them all the way.

It wasn't until evening that the battle finally came to an end.

Jiang Bai also returned to the border city with a group of powerful people.

At the same time, he also learned one thing

The wall of the giant border city before suddenly collapsed and a big gap was created by traitors within the human race!

The human race and the alien race have been fighting for many years, and some people in the human race have secretly joined the foreign race and have been making waves.

It's just that they didn't expect that these traitors almost caused the border city to fall this time!

No, Jiang Bai saw that Jiang Shang, Luo Ji and other top powerhouses all turned pale, and exuded a cold aura all over their bodies.

"Jiang senior, can you arrange a resting place for me?"

"The previous battle exhausted me too much, and I need to recover."

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, Jiang Shang nodded, and quickly arranged for someone to take Jiang Bai to rest.

After Jiang Bai leaves.

Jiang Shang looked at the traitors of the human race who had already been arrested, and said coldly: "Boy Luo, you are responsible for this matter yourself, you must investigate to the end! No matter who this person is or how much he has made, he will be severely punished! "

"Don't worry Jiang senior!"

Luo Ji nodded and said with a sneer, "Because of the war, I didn't have the energy to take care of these rats. This time, the alien coalition suffered heavy losses. They are unable to organize another war in a short time. I also have enough time to clean the inside thoroughly! "

the next day.

Luo Ji came to Jiang Bai's resting place early in the morning.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, I will turn back to the rear of the human race today, do you want to come with me?"

"Can I?"


Luo Ji nodded and said with a smile, "Although you are Heaven Designated, you are still a part of the human race! What's more, if you hadn't helped us yesterday, the border of the human race would have been breached long ago, and we would not have been able to achieve brilliant results!"

"Success, then I'll go and have a look with you." Jiang Bai agreed.

Needless to say, he is also really curious about the human base camp in this world.

Because he saw from the huge border city that the human race in this world is not purely a cultivation civilization, but also has a path of technological development.

"Then it's done, I'll let you know when I leave.

Luo Ji said while standing up.

Jiang Bai nodded: "No problem."

In a blink of an eye.

It was nearing noon.

When Jiang Bai came to the back of the huge border city, he saw a huge stone gate thousands of feet high.

This is the space door.

According to Luo Ji, inside the gate is the rear of the human race, also known as the 'Human Realm'.

The Human Realm was built up bit by bit by the strong men of the human race through the ages.

Its periphery is wrapped by space barriers, which can prevent the enemy from sneaking into the human realm.

The only entrance and exit is the space gate behind the border giant city.

The human realm is the basis for the human race to gain a foothold in this world.

It is also thanks to the protection of the human realm that the human race can persist until now under the siege of more than a dozen alien races.

Wait for the big team to assemble.

Everyone boarded the airship warships in batches and flew towards the space gate one after another.

As soon as he passed through the space door, Jiang Bai felt the strong Spiritual Qi blowing towards his face.

There is one thing to say, the concentration of Spiritual Qi in the human environment is at least two or three times higher than outside!

Not 113 over.......

"Brother Luo, why did the Human Landlord have so many districts?"

Jiang Bai looked curious.

As soon as he sensed it, he caught a lot of beast breath.

With the strength shown by the human race in the giant border city, it should not be difficult to clean up these beasts!

"You have a keen sense!"

Luo Ji smiled and explained, "To tell you the truth, at first I didn't understand why the higher-ups of the human race wanted to leave so many beasts in the human realm. It wasn't until later that I realized that these beasts were actually used to Remind and temper the descendants of the human race!

Ferocious beasts are waiting around, threatening the human races everywhere, if you want to survive, you can only continue to strengthen yourself! Only in this way can the strong ones emerge continuously among the human races!"

Hearing this, Jiang Bai also understood.

If Life is too comfortable, the human race will inevitably slack off, and even begin to seek pleasure.

Over time, the human race will begin to decay from within, and then self-decay.

In the middle domain, the human race is not an invincible existence.

Not to mention those races that are also in the upper class, let's say that there is a peak group in the head!

Therefore, if the human race wants to continue in the central region, it has to maintain its own strength.

And the dangerous environment created by ferocious beasts is to stimulate the survival awareness and strong belief of the human race.

This is also the fundamental reason why the human race has been able to fight against more than a dozen alien races alone for so many years!.

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