"The interior of Human Territory is extremely vast, and for the convenience of management, it is divided into 108 areas, collectively called 108 prefectures.

"And each prefecture has a prefecture master, and under it there are several city masters who are in charge of many cities in the prefecture..."

On the leading warship, Luo Ji stood at the bow and introduced the basic situation of the people's territory to Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai listened carefully on the surface, but secretly used Divine Sense to spy on the whole human environment.

It has to be said that this place really deserves to be the ancestral home of the human race in this world.

In terms of strength, background, humanities, etc., they are not comparable to the human race in the four domains.

Even the level of technology here is an era higher than that of the Blue Star before All People crossed.

go all the way.

On the way, other warships sailed to all sides one after another and returned to Hakka.

Only the warship where Jiang Bai was on went straight to the depths of the human realm.

About an hour later.

The warship landed in a giant city.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, this is the holy city of our human race, and it is also where the highest management organization of the human race is located."

Luo Ji introduced to Jiang Bai while getting off the boat.

After coming to the ground.

Luo Ji asked, "Little friend Jiang, what are your plans for the future?"

"I want to find a place like Library to learn more about Terran, chicken?"

Jiang Bai made a request.

Luo Ji nodded: "No problem. As for the place with the richest collection of books, it is the library of Wanzu Academy. It happens that Wanzu Academy is located in the Holy City. Let me take you there!"

"Thank you, I will trouble you then." Jiang Bai thanked.

Luo Ji waved his hand: "You and I are both human races, so why be polite? Besides, the human race has also benefited greatly from your Heaven Designated.

"How do you say that?" Jiang Bai was a little puzzled.

Luo Ji was taken aback: "You don't know?"

Jiang Bai shook his head.

Luo Ji was surprised and asked: "Then there was a Heaven Designated human race who visited the Heavenly Dao Monument twice, you should know about it?"

"Of course I know that." Jiang Bai nodded.

Nonsense, this was caused by him!

Luo Ji smiled and said: "That's right, the human race Heaven Designated has visited the Heavenly Dao monument twice, and Heavenly Dao has rewarded the human race with luck and resources. This reward benefits all human races."

"The whole human race?" Jiang Bai was a little confused.

Luo Ji smiled mysteriously: "Could it be possible that you think that the Tianhuang Realm (that is, No. 666 Dongtian World) is the entirety of the human race?"

Jiang Bai was taken aback.

"Whether you Heaven Designated or us, they are just a branch of the human race.

"If this happens, it will also appear in other world masters."

"And when I say all human races, I mean all races in every world!"

"It's not limited to your Heaven Designated, or our Human Race in the Heavenly Desolation Realm!"

Hearing Luo Ji's explanation, Jiang Bai also understood.

This is broad sense and narrow sense.

In a narrow sense, the entire human race is the Blue Star Human Race or the Tianhuang Realm Human Race.

In a broad sense, the entire human race is the human race that includes all worlds.

And the whole human race mentioned by Luo Ji is obviously in a broad sense.

And Heavenly Dao's rewards to the human race are obviously also in a broad sense.

From this point of view, Heavenly Dao is really a big deal!

No wonder until now, only the human race has received the rewards of family luck and resources twice.

And it was when Jiang Bai ascended the Heavenly Dao monument.

It can be seen that it is extremely difficult for Heaven Designated to seek rewards for their race!

half an hour later.

Jiang Bai and Luo Ji arrived outside a Ten Thousand Races Academy by car.

Luo Ji contacted through the communicator.

Soon, a figure flew out of the academy at high speed and landed in front of Luo Ji.

"Meet Master Luo!" The visitor greeted Luo Ji respectfully.

Luo Ji waved his hand: "No, Jiang Xiaoyou, let me introduce you, he is Cao Wenbin, the dean of Wanzu College."

Little friend?

Cao Wenbin looked at Jiang Bai in shock, what is the background of this young man?!

"Wen Bin, Jiang Xiaoyou wants to study in the college's library, you can make arrangements for board and lodging, don't neglect it.

When Luo Ji spoke at the end, his tone suddenly became a little more serious.

Cao Wen Yilin: Don't worry, Master Luo, I will treat you well. "

"Jiang Xiaoyou, you take this communicator."

"I have saved my communication number on it, if you need anything, you can contact me anytime.

"If you want to buy something, you can use the communicator to pay."

As Luo Ji said, he took out a palm-sized and thin communicator.

"Okay, I remember."

Jiang Bai nodded and took the communicator.

Luo Ji looked at Cao Wenbin and exhorted: "Remember, any request from little friend Jiang must be satisfied!"

After speaking, he nodded to Jiang Bai, then turned around and got in the car to leave.

After watching Luo Ji's car go away.

Jiang Bai looked at Cao Wenbin: "Dean Cao, I'm sorry to trouble you.

Mr. Jiang is polite, please. "

Cao Wenbin falsely led Bai to the academy.

for the rest of the time.

Cao Wenbin took Jiang Bai to visit the college, and arranged a villa for Jiang Bai as a residence by the way.

Originally, Cao Wenbin wanted to arrange servants to come to the villa to take care of Jiang Bai's daily necessities.

But Jiang Bai refused, and instead asked Cao Wenbin for a meal card in the college cafeteria.

Afterwards, Cao Wenbin took Jiang Bai to the library.

It is said to be a library, but in fact this is not an ordinary building, but a mythical treasure.

This secret treasure looks like an ancient attic, divided into nine floors.

From the outside, the attic looks small, but inside it is vast.

The first floor of the attic is open to everyone in the academy.

From the second floor to the ninth floor, you need to meet the requirements to enter.

Because the books stored in the eight-storey attic include Cultivation Technique, Techniques, Supernatural Power, Guza and so on.

Following Luo Ji's instructions, Cao Wenbin gave Jiang Bai a token, allowing him to freely enter and exit all floors of the attic.

Finally, Cao Wenbin and Jiang Bai exchanged communication numbers before leaving.

And Jiang Bai wandered around on the first floor of the library.

the other side.

Cao Wenbin (Zhao Lehao) hurried back to the office, immediately took out the communicator to contact Luo Ji, and asked about Jiang Bai's background.

In this regard, Luo Ji did not hide it.

Not only the identity of Jiang Bai Heaven Designated was revealed, but also the deeds of Jiang Bai's efforts to turn the tide yesterday.

After hearing this, Cao Wenbin broke out in a cold sweat from fright.

He was very fortunate that he did not neglect or despise Jiang Bai because he was young.

Otherwise, he would have been slapped to death by Jiang Bai long ago!

Because Luo Ji personally admitted that even he is not Jiang Bai's opponent.

In Cao Wenbin's perception, Luo Ji is one of the peak powerhouses of the human race!

After hanging up the communication.

Cao Wenbin let out a long breath and said worriedly: ""This is an ancestor! I hope nothing will happen!"

After thinking about it, he felt that it was not safe, so he asked the secretary to notify the senior management of the college to attend the meeting.

He had to give an emphatic warning, lest some unscrupulous fellow in the academy should get caught by that ancestor.

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