All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 19 The Function Of The Marketplace

Jiang Bai was dumbfounded.

However, after the price breakthrough of 10 billion, there were very few bidders.

Another minute later, the tribal order was finally sold at a sky-high price of 10.5 billion.

After deducting the handling fee, Jiang Bai earned nearly 10.4 billion evolution coins!

Get rich straight away!

In all his past and present lives, Jiang Bai has never been so rich!

He sat there giggling for a long time before he recovered.

"Should this tribal order be released now, or will it be released in the afternoon?"

Jiang Bai smacked his lips, and took out another tribal order, his face became tangled.

After a while, he had a decision in his mind.

"Let's let it go now!"

"As time goes by, when other Heaven Designated also issue tribal orders, their price will definitely drop!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai immediately put the second tribal order on the auction house.

Then, the auction house's promotional advertisements were immediately displayed on the entire channel.

For an instant, all chat rooms and regional channels fell silent.

Looking at the promotion advertisement of the auction house, all Heaven Designated couldn't recover for a while.

They couldn't figure out how the anonymous seller got two pieces of tribal orders!

After all, the event was only launched today!


For other Heaven Designated questions, Jiang Bai also saw it from the regional channel of District 168.

But only seeing it, he will not answer.

Could it be that he said that he obtained the tribal order by opening the Heavenly Dao treasure chest?

Isn't this a self-destruct identity!

But having said that, Jiang Bai has opened three tribal orders through the Heavenly Dao treasure chest.

How lucky is this?

Eh, wait!

luck? Luck?

With a flash of inspiration in Jiang Bai's mind, he immediately opened his personal information page and looked at own luck.

【Luck: 12000】

"Is it related to luck?"

Jiang Bai was thoughtful.

Although luck is illusory, it really exists.

It is said that the stronger a person's luck is, the better his luck will be and the deeper his fortune will be.

The most typical representative is the well-known son of fortune!

Thinking of yesterday's unpacking results, Jiang Bai felt more and more that this conjecture was correct.

He still remembered what Cao Wu said, none of the ten black iron treasure chests yielded a blueprint.

But what about Jiang Bai?

Twenty black iron treasure chests will yield five black iron blueprints, and one special blueprint!

To say that this has nothing to do with luck, Jiang Bai absolutely does not believe it.

"This is a good thing, you don't have to worry about becoming a non-chief in the future!"

Jiang Bai said to himself, got up and went on the upgrade journey again.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

While having lunch in Jiang Bai, the second piece of tribal order was also auctioned off at a sky-high price of 15 billion.

So far, Jiang Bai's wealth has officially broken through 25 billion!

If you have money, you can use it to buy resources and supply yourself for cultivation.

Just, where to buy resources?

The evolution shop only sells basic level items.

There are not many Heaven Designated items for sale on the trading platform.

"By the way, there are tribes!"

Jiang Bai suddenly remembered the special blueprint of the market that he opened yesterday!

He quickly opened the chat channel and sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: Let me ask you something, what is the function of the market established by that special blueprint?

Soon, Cao Wu replied the message.

Cao Wu: Coincidentally, I was planning to tell you about this too.

Cao Wu: You can guess, I bet you will never guess the function of the market! (smug expression)

Looking at Cao Wu's private letter, Jiang Bai pinched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and an amazing idea popped up.

Jiang Bai: Couldn't the market be able to trade with the aborigines?

Cao Wu:? ? ?

Cao Wu: How do you know? seen before?

Sure enough!

Jiang Bai looked excited and explained to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: I guessed it!

Jiang Bai: Do you think, which online game does not have aboriginal settings?

Jiang Bai: But so far, we have only seen ferocious beasts, but not any aborigines.

Jiang Bai: Moreover, the evolution store and trading platform are only for Heaven Designated.

Jiang Bai: So I boldly imagine that the market should be a platform for Heaven Designated to trade with aborigines!

Jiang Bai: And I speculate that after the Rise of the Tribes event is over, the next thing is likely to be the debut of the aborigines!

Cao Wu: Damn it! (worship.jpg)

Cao Wu: Boss, come out of the mountain! The Yanhuang Tribe needs talents like you! This leader allows you to be under one person and be above tens of thousands of people!

Jiang Bai: ...Don't make trouble, I said before that I won't join any tribe.

Cao Wu: It was just a joke, don't mind.

Cao Wu: However, you really have to join the Yanhuang Tribe this time! (a series of smirks)

Jiang Bai:? ? ?

Cao Wu: You asked about the market, probably because you want to buy something? And it's something you can't buy in the evolution store and trading platform, right?

Jiang Bai: Yes.

Cao Wu: But the market is a special building of the tribe, and only the high-level members of the tribe have permission to use it.

Jiang Bai: ...

In the end, Jiang Bai joined the Yanhuang tribe and became a Keqing Elder.

No way, he needs resources for cultivation!

For the time being, Cao Wu can buy resources on his behalf, but he can't always bother him, right?

But Jiang Bai also made it clear in advance that he will not take care of anything about the tribe.

And he will only act when the tribe is in danger, or when a manpower fight is needed.

To this, Cao Wu readily agreed, and promised not to disturb Jiang Bai's leveling easily.

The chat is over.

Jiang Bai also rested enough, so he went into the upgrade again.

He didn't return to the cave last night until the evening.


With resources, it is natural to use them.

Jiang Bai built an earthen stove in the cave, and bought a large iron bucket from the evolution store.

He lit the earthen stove on fire, put a large iron bucket on the earthen stove, and filled it with water.

As the water in the big iron bucket gradually heated up, he also put various medicinal herbs, animal blood, etc. into the big iron bucket one by one according to the medicinal bath formula.

Soon, the water in the big iron bucket became colorful and looked very strange.

Wait until the water boils completely.

Jiang Bai boiled for another ten minutes before the fire in the clay stove was extinguished.

When the water temperature dropped slightly, he took off his clothes and entered the big iron bucket.

"Hiss, it hurts!"

Jiang Bai grinned, then took a deep breath, and sat down cross-legged in the big iron bucket, enduring the pain.

In this way, his whole body was submerged in the water.

Then he used the special internal energy operation method in the skin refining chapter to absorb the medicinal power in the water through internal energy and use it to nourish the skin of the whole body.

The whole process lasted only ten minutes, and the water in the big iron bucket became clear again.

This is when the medicinal power has been absorbed.

Jiang Bai also emerged from the water, no longer holding his breath.

Holding his breath for ten minutes, with his current four-dimensional attributes, it's nothing more than pediatrics.

Come out of the big iron bucket.

Jiang Bai's skin turned red all over, like a cooked shrimp.

This is the power of the medicine at work.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Bai also began to practice Innate Daoyin.

He didn't put on his clothes until his skin returned to normal, and fell asleep.

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