All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 20 Tribal Defense Battle (Part 1)

two days later.

Today is the seventh day of Heaven Designated's advent.

As soon as Jiang Bai woke up, the notification sound of the Talent system sounded in his mind.

"Ding, seven days are up, the host can draw Talent again."

The sound of the Talent system instantly woke up Jiang Bai.

He quickly sat up, entered the Talent space, and began to draw a new Talent with anticipation.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Talent: Hawkeye (F-level)."

? ? ?

Jiang Bai had a question mark on his face.

F grade? !

Is my 12,000 points of luck just a decoration?

Or is it that the luck granted by Heavenly Dao is useless to the Talent system?

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai showed a painful expression on his face.

Fortunately, he was still full of expectations, but in the end he was looking forward to loneliness!

Afterwards, he quickly opened the personal information interface to check the newly obtained Talent.

[Eagle Eye (F-Class, Enhancement): Allows people to have the visual ability of an eagle. 】

Eagle Vision?

Jiang Bai frowned, got up and pushed away the boulder at the entrance of the cave, and came out of the cave.

He turned on Hawkeye Talent, and his eyes immediately changed into Hawkeye.

Looking around, he... didn't feel anything!

"I knew it would be like this!"

Jiang Bai pouted, not surprised at all.

You know, his current strength level has been raised to level 1 and level 5.

The first level of Die Lang Jin has also been upgraded to the level of 'Xiao Cheng'.

There is also the skin refining chapter of Innate Daoyin Technique, which has also been upgraded to the 'proficient' level.

As a result, the inner strength soared to 2400/2400.

The four-dimensional attribute has increased all the way to 1535 points!

On this basis, Jiang Bai's visual ability has far surpassed that of the eagle.

So Hawkeye Talent doesn't work for him at all!

Fortunately, it can also be Enhancement!

[Record: Your Talent—Hawkeye (F-level), successfully broke through the shackles and was promoted to Talent—Vision Enhancement (E-level). 】

【Vision Enhancement (Class E, Enhancement possible): After opening, the visual ability will be enhanced ten times. 】


Looking at the description of Visual Enhancement Talent, Jiang Bai immediately came to a conclusion.

Continue to Enhancement!

[Record: Your Talent——Visual Enhancement (Grade E), successfully broke the shackles and was promoted to Talent——Super Vision (Grade D). 】

[Super vision (D grade): 1. Normal vision—that is, when the Talent is not turned on, the visual ability will be passively increased by five times. 2. Over-the-shoulder state - that is, after opening Talent, you can get super-long-range vision, and can focus freely within the range of sight, and the range of sight will increase with the improvement of strength. 】

After reading the description of Super Vision Talent, Jiang Bai immediately opened the Talent.

Suddenly, he felt that everything in the distance was instantly drawn closer.

It's like using a telescope.

It’s just that the clarity of Jiang Bai’s ‘telescope’ is a bit scary!

And when he focuses on a certain place within the line of sight, the scene there will instantly magnify and become clearer!

It's like having a magnifying glass!

"Hey, that's... the Yanhuang Tribe?!"

Jiang Bai was startled.

The place where he is at the moment is at least 30 kilometers away from the Yanhuang Tribe!

Attention, it is kilometers!

But now, Jiang Bai can see everything in the Yanhuang Tribe clearly!

"This Talent... is a pity!"

Jiang Bai sighed softly and turned off the hypervision state.

If he was still on the Blue Star, this Talent could still be a sniper, gunner, lookout or something.

At this?

It can only be used for archery.


Wash and eat breakfast.

Facing the rising sun, Jiang Bai practiced Innate three times as usual before rushing to the Yanhuang Tribe.

At nine o'clock this morning, the Yanhuang Tribe will start the tribal defense battle on time.

Hurry all the way.

Jiang Bai finally arrived outside the Yanhuang Tribe at 8:50.

It can be seen that outside the gate of the Yanhuang tribe, there are many wooden fences serving as roadblocks.

And Cao Wu and the other five were already waiting at the gate of the tribe.

Seeing Jiang Bai arrive, all five of them greeted him with surprise.

"Brother Jiang, you are finally here!"

Cao Wu patted Jiang Bai on the shoulder with a relieved expression on his face.

The same goes for the other four.

In the eyes of the five, as long as there is Jiang Bai, the next tribal defense battle will be foolproof!

This scene was also seen by the other Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang Tribe.

There is curiosity and inquiry in their eyes, but more doubts.

Cao Wu had revealed the rumors before, it is said that today's tribal defense battle will have a top master.

Those Heaven Designated from the Yanhuang Tribe are still looking forward to it.

But when they saw Jiang Bai, they were immediately disappointed.

The so-called top expert is actually a little boy?

What an international joke!

If Jiang Bai wants to know what they think, he will probably cry out for injustice.

He doesn't want to be a badass either!

But as he continued to practice the skin refining chapter of the Innate Daoyin Technique, his skin naturally became fairer.

Can this be his fault?

"Go, let's go first!"

"The defense battle will begin soon!"

As Cao Wu spoke, he enthusiastically pulled Jiang Bai into the tribe.

After the six people entered the tribe, the thick wooden door at the entrance was also closed.

After three days of construction and development, the interior of the Yanhuang tribe has already taken on a new look.

The original thatched cottages were rebuilt into wooden houses of different sizes.

There are also the outermost fence walls of the tribe, which have also been replaced by tall and thick wooden walls.

Especially on the wooden wall where the tribal gate is located, there are two wooden arrow towers standing on the left and right sides!

According to Cao Wu, these two arrow towers were built based on the two black iron level arrow tower blueprints issued by Jiang Bai.

As long as there are enough arrows in the arrow tower, the arrow tower can automatically attack enemies within 100 meters of the tribe.

Moreover, Cao Wu has already tested it, and the lethality of the arrow is amazing.

Even if a Tier 1 ferocious beast is hit, it will be pierced by an arrow.

It can be said that these two arrow towers are currently the strongest weapons of the Yanhuang tribe.


Soon, ten minutes passed.

Heavenly Dao's voice rang in the ears of all members of the Yanhuang Tribe.

[Reminder: The tribal defense battle is about to begin, please be prepared. 】

[Explanation: There are ten waves of herds in this defense battle. You only need to successfully defend against the impact of ten waves of herds to pass the test. 】

[The first wave of herds will start now! 】

As soon as Heavenly Dao finished speaking, a group of beasts appeared out of thin air a hundred meters away from the Yanhuang Tribe.

Jiang Bai on the wooden wall saw it and recognized it immediately.

This is a Level 1 Megalodon!


A mouse king seemed to be born in the group of rats. As soon as it gave an order, the group of rats rushed towards the Yanhuang tribe.

However, as soon as the megalodons entered within a hundred meters of the Yanhuang tribe.

The two arrow towers on the wooden wall began to attack automatically.


The one-meter-long arrows flew out at a speed of three per second.

Under the salvo of the two arrow towers, those megalodons were shot to death in just ten seconds.

This scene greatly boosted his confidence seeing the many Heaven Designated on the wooden wall.

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