All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 195 The Strength Of The Ten Peak Groups

In the middle of the night.

Jiang Bai spent a lot of time and finally sneaked into the treasure house of resources in the ancestral land of the Heavenly Dog clan.

No way, there are many strong people in the ancestral land of the Heavenly Dog clan, and the dog's nose is too clever!

If you are not careful, you will be found abnormal.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai's supernatural power of deceiving the sky is so strong that he successfully sneaked in without any danger.

Looking at the treasure house full of spiritual materials, he grinned silently while using Divine Sense to quickly put the spiritual materials into the storage space.

After more than ten minutes.

The entire treasury was emptied by Jiang Bai, and he immediately escaped from the treasury, heading outside the ancestral land of the Heavenly Dog clan.

After coming out without any risk.

Jiang Bai flew high into the sky, overlooking the ancestral land of the Heavenly Dog clan.

Judging from the aura he sensed, there are fewer eleventh-order powerhouses and Half step Dharma Phase powerhouses in the ancestral land of the Heavenly Dog clan than in the Dwarf clan.

This shows that the overall strength of the Heavenly Dog family is not as good as that of the Dwarves. "Eight Seventy"

Coincidentally, because the dog race is also one of the alien races that hate the human race.

Jiang Bai included it in the candidate list.

If there is no group weaker than the Heavenly Dog group among the remaining eight peak groups.

Then the Heavenly Dog clan will definitely become the target of attack.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai turned around and flew to the next peak group.

in a few days.

The ancestral land of the Jinpeng people - Jinpeng City.

Jiang Bai hid in the sky, overlooking Jinpeng City below, with a strange expression on his face.

A member of the Jinpeng tribe, Bloodline with a golden winged roc.

They were born in the form of golden eagles. As their strength increases, Bloodline will continue to awaken, and then they will return to their ancestors to become Peng birds, and then they can be transformed into human forms.

This point, not to mention similar to the golden eagle.

It's exactly the same!

"So, the golden eagle is a lost member of the Jinpeng clan?"

After pondering for a while, Jiang Bai shook his head.

"Forget it, let's go back and ask the golden eagle first!"

"With this girl's strength, I am afraid that she has already awakened the memory in Bloodline, and has already known the origin of own.

"Since she didn't propose to return to the Jinpeng clan, there must be another reason."

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai instantly turned into a palm-sized golden eagle and fell towards Jinpeng City.

After successfully lurking into Jinpeng City.

Jiang Bai secretly figured out the location of the resource treasure house, and at the same time used his perception to explore the depth of the Jinpeng tribe.

Judging from the number of top combat power, the Jinpeng clan far surpasses the Dwarves and Heavenly Dog clan.

If there was a fight, the Jinpeng clan would probably be able to crush and slaughter the dwarves and Heavenly Dog clan overwhelmingly.

This strength and background really shocked Jiang Bai.

"It seems that there is also a huge gap between the peak groups!"

After Jiang Bai sighed in his heart, he restrained his perception and stood firm for a while.

It wasn't until late at night that he quietly entered the treasure house of resources.

It has to be said that the strength of the Jinpeng clan is not a display.

The area of ​​the resource treasure house is not only larger than that of the Dwarves and Heavenly Dogs.

Moreover, the grade and quantity of resources inside are far more than that of the Dwarves and Heavenly Dogs.

No, it took Jiang Bai more than half an hour to empty out all the treasure house of resources.

After that, he quietly slipped out of Jinpeng City, flew high into the sky, and left quickly.

for the rest of the time.

Jiang Bai patronized the remaining seven peak groups one after another.

While he stole all the resource treasures of the ancestral lands of these seven peak ethnic groups, he also found out the depth of these seven ethnic groups.

From the perspective of the number of top combat power, the strength of the titan family should be ranked first.

However, the population of the titan race is much smaller than that of the other peak race groups.

Followed by Jinpeng tribe, Fenglei tribe, Tianpeng tribe, Youjiao tribe, Tianhu tribe, Dwarf tribe, Heavenly Dog tribe, Shadow tribe, and Yiren tribe.

Jiang Bai originally wanted to choose the Winged Human Race as the target of attack.

But the territory occupied by the Winged Human Race is all high mountains, and their residences are also built on high mountains.

There is no way, the Winged Human Race is the same as the Fenglei Race, they are born with two wings, and they can fly as long as they are adults.

The difference is that the wings of the Fenglei Clan are generally Black, with eagle claws.

The wings of the winged humans generally appear White, just like the angels in Legendary.

Because of this, the winged people like to live in high places.

But humans don't like it!

And it's not convenient!

Fortunately, Jiang Bai discovered that the territory occupied by the Shadow Clan is very suitable for the Human Clan to settle down.

The Shadow Clan is no different from the Human Race in appearance, but their aura is different.

Moreover, the Shadow Clan is born with the ability to manipulate shadows. Talents have unique advantages in hiding, stealth, etc.

So there are rumors that ShadowClan is born Assassin.

Jiang Bai, who is not an Assassin, doesn't know. Anyway, he only knows that when he infiltrated the ancestral land of the Shadow Clan, it was easier than infiltrating the ancestral land of the Wing Human Race......

"Next, it's the last place!"

Jiang Bai muttered to himself, looking at a huge mountain towering into the sky in the distance.

The shape of this giant mountain is very strange, with an extremely vast bottom, a cylindrical shape in the middle, and ten hills branching out from the top.

Such a shape is probably not formed naturally, but artificially.

Because this is Myriad Beast Mountain!

In the area at the bottom of Wanshou Mountain, there are many powerful beasts dormant.

Especially on the main mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, there are many first-order or half-step Dharma Phase-like beasts hidden.

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of the number of top combat powers, Wanshoushan has more than the top ten peak groups combined!

If the ten kings of beasts could work together, the ferocious beasts would have already become the masters of the Tianhuang Realm.

Well, fortunately, King Tianlu didn't care!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai turned on Talent, the lord of the mind, and soon contacted the Black Giant Leopard through the mind imprint.

From Black Giant Leopard's mouth, he learned that the beasts with strengths of eleventh level or above on Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain were basically practicing or sleeping in the Closed Door Training.

Because they are waiting!

The upper limit of the Tianhuang Realm is the Half step Dharma Phase realm. If you want to go further, you have to leave the Li Tian Desolate Realm and enter a wider world.

This situation is similar to Ascension in Legendary.

But the situation in Tianhuang Realm is somewhat different.

Because the 'Ascension Channel' is not open all the time, but only once every Thousand Year.

And the ominous beasts with strengths of eleventh rank or above on Wanshou Mountain are waiting for the opening opportunity of 0.1!

And Black Giant Leopard also found out that the number of places to fly is limited.

If you want to get a place, you have to rely on yourself to fight for it.

To put it bluntly, let Heaven Designated fight Heaven Designated and aborigines, and finally decide the real strong!

This is in line with Heavenly Dao's style of doing things.


"This is a good thing for the China Alliance!"

Jiang Bai looked at the Mountain of Beasts and broke the connection with the Black Giant Leopard.

Since the strong men of Wanshou Mountain intend to leave this world, it means that they will not go down the mountain easily.

In the future, when the China Alliance attacks the Shadow Clan, they don't have to worry about provoking Wanshoushan.

Such a behemoth, even if the current China Alliance comes out with all its strength, it is estimated that it may not be able to win.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai turned around and flew towards the Shadow Clan's territory. .

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