All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 196 All The Ethnic Groups In The Central Region Have Been Cheated

ShadowClan frontier.

Jiang Bai found a hidden place and set up a Spatial Teleportation array to connect to the Spatial Teleportation array in Azure Dragon City.

There is no way, the area of ​​the central area is too vast, and the super-large teleportation array is simply not enough.

After fiddling with the teleportation array.

Jiang Bai differentiated into an avatar, let the avatar guard the teleportation array, and his body took the teleportation array back to Azure Dragon City.

Through Azure Dragon City, he was sent back to Azure Dragon Gate, and then sent back to Yanhuang City from Azure Dragon Gate.

After returning to Yanhuang City.

Jiang Bai found Cao Wu and told him what he had seen and heard in the Human Realm and the Central Territory.

At the same time, he also told Cao Wu that he would attack the Shadow Clan as a territory in the future.

In this regard, Cao Wu raised his hands in agreement.

After hearing about the Human Realm, Cao Wu never thought about entering the Human Realm, but planned to find another foothold in the Central Territory.

Now that Jiang Bai has personally selected and inspected it himself, it is naturally the best.

After sharing information.

Jiang Bai went to the dungeon to fill the Yanhuang Kingdom's treasury with all the resources he collected from other ethnic groups that he didn't need.

After that, he returned to the own mansion.

He found Jiang Rou immediately - she was the human body of the golden eagle.

25 "Xiaorou, are you a member of the Jinpeng clan?"

Jiang Bai looked at Jiang Rou seriously as he asked.

Jiang Rou has been unable to read her information on the evolution panel since she practiced the Supernatural Power.

"Brother, how do you know the Jinpeng clan?" Jiang Rou was surprised.

Because there is no trace of the Jinpeng tribe in the Eastern Region, Southern Region, and Northern Region.

Hearing this, Jiang Bai immediately understood.

He explained: "I went to the Central Territory during this period of time, and I also secretly investigated the depths of the various powerful clans in the Central Territory, including the Jinpeng Clan."

"No wonder!" Jiang Rou suddenly realized.

Immediately, a color appeared on her face.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai stretched out his hand to gently rub her head: "I'm not asking about your origin, but I want to tell you that if you want to return to the ethnic group, I can send you back. If you don't want to go back, it's okay, this is also your home .

"I don't want to go back!"

Jiang Rou shook her head, with disgust and hatred in her eyes.

Jiang Bai saw it and smiled: "Then stay, with me here, no one can force you.

"Thank you bro!"

"Silly girl, thank you, I'm you!"


"Okay, let's go play!"

After dismissing Jiang Rou, Jiang Bai frowned.

It seems that Jiang Rou's life experience really has something else hidden!

However, since Jiang Rou didn't want to say it, Jiang Bai wouldn't force it either.

Anyway, with him around, no one in the wild world can hurt her.

next morning.

Jiang Bai, who was checking the situation in the medicine garden in the backyard, suddenly received a private letter from Cao Wu, saying that it was the Elder who came to visit.

There was no other way, so Jiang Bai had no choice but to drop what he was doing and rush from the backyard to the front yard.

In the front hall.

After Jiang Bai waited for the servant to serve tea, he sent him away.

He looked at Cao Wu and the big Elder: "You two busy people have come together, what's the matter?"

"It's about Zhongyu."

The big Elder replied, took a sip from the teacup, and praised, "Xiao Jiang, your Wen's tea is delicious!"

That is, this is produced by a mythical tea tree!

Jiang Bai said something in his heart, but he said on his mouth: "Big Elder, I have done what I have to do, and the rest is to slowly accumulate strength and prepare for the capture of the Shadow Clan territory. These are your affairs, come to me What are you doing?"

Hearing this, the big Elder coughed lightly and winked at Cao Wu.

Seeing this, Cao Wu hurriedly picked up his teacup and drank tea, pretending not to see the big Elder's little move.

Big Elder:  ………

Sighing, the big Elder said: "Let me just say it straight, Xiao Jiang, you also know that we are far inferior to those strong clans in the central region in terms of the number of top combat power, so I want to ask you to refine a batch Panacea of ​​Legendary level (corresponding to the eighth level) or above."

"Pill refining?" Jiang Bai frowned: "Hasn't the alliance been cultivating pill refining masters all the time? Why, haven't they cultivated pill refining masters of Legendary level or above?"

The big Elder shook his head: "We only have a fifth-level secret realm, and the most spiritual herbs and elixirs we can produce are platinum-level (corresponding to fifth-level), so there is a shortage of corresponding pill refining materials for pill refining masters to practice."

Jiang Bai:!!!

He suddenly remembered that when the secret realm competition started, he packed all the secret realms of the sixth and seventh ranks.


"Aren't there pill refining materials above the platinum level in the market?"

Jiang Bai looked puzzled.

At this moment, Cao Wu coughed lightly, and interjected, "Master Jiang, for some reason, the number of platinum-grade or above-grade elixir and spirit materials sold in the market recently has begun to decrease on a large scale."


Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, and then felt guilty.

It can't be because of him, can it?

Naturally, there is not only one treasure trove of resources for all ethnic groups in the Central Territory.

But the resource treasure house in the ancestral land must be the most important one!

Because this is an ethnic group, accumulated over the years!

Therefore, even the treasure house stolen by Jiang Bai is only the resource treasure house of the ancestral lands of the ten peak ethnic groups.

But for the top ten peak groups, it can also be called a heavy loss.

Because this will directly affect the cultivation of the younger generations!

what to do?

Grab it!

However, the peak group will not directly send troops to snatch it.

Instead, pass the message to other ethnic groups and let them take the initiative to confess.

This situation also existed in previous years.

It's just that the number of offerings this time is much larger than in previous years.

As a result, all ethnic groups can only take off the elixir and spiritual materials that are sold centrally in City 107 and use them for offerings first.

This is why there has been a large decrease in the number of platinum-level or above elixir and spirit materials in the market.

Regarding this point, Jiang Bai does not know for the time being.

After hesitating for a while, he said: "Big Elder, let me refine the panacea, but you have to provide the materials."

"This is natural." The big Elder breathed a sigh of relief: "Before the alliance hoarded some high-grade spiritual herbs and elixir, they were originally used for emergencies, and I will mail them to Xiao Cao later.

Jiang Bai nodded: "If that's the case, then I won't accept any reward this time, but I won't make an exception.

To this, Yin Xin nodded in agreement.

After sending Cao Wu and the big Elder away.

Jiang Bai took out the Spatial Teleportation array and contacted Luo Ji.

When the two had a drinking conversation before, Jiang Bai left an array for Luo Ji so that they could contact each other easily.

Through Luo Ji, Jiang Bai also learned about the offering and the reason for the turmoil in the market.

Jiang Bai, who was the culprit, naturally saw the tricks at a glance.

The top ten peak ethnic groups are using the name of making offerings to take away the resources of each ethnic group and use them to make up for their own shortfalls!

"So in the end, it's still my fault?"

While Jiang Bai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was also a little guilty.

He can be regarded as using his own power to trap all the ethnic groups in the central region.

Even the human race is included. .

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