All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 197 Incomplete Laws Of Heaven And Earth

"Did the big Elder have some misunderstanding about 'some'?!"

Jiang Bai looked at the spiritual herbs and elixirs forwarded by Cao Wu, with several black lines hanging down his face.

Originally he heard 'some, but thought it wasn't much.

never thought...

"Forget it, I've already agreed, so I can't go back on my word!"

Sighing, Jiang Bai got up and went to the quiet room, took out the pill refining furnace that had just been upgraded to the mythical level, and started pill refining.

This exercise is not suitable for being fat.

After completing the task.

Jiang Bai mailed all the elixir to Cao Wu, then went back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

After sleeping until the next morning, Jiang Bai didn't wake up.

In the following days.

Jiang Bai announced Closed Door Training and began to concentrate on improving his strength.

He hasn't reached the eleventh level of Returned to Origin yet!

that's all.

Half a year passed in a flash.

[Reminder: In the cave world where Heaven Designated is located, the laws of heaven and earth are not complete. If you introduce the laws into your body at this time, it will have a great impact on your subsequent cultivation. 】

Jiang Bai, who was about to introduce the law into his body, saw this reminder, and was so frightened that he quickly cut off the newly activated law of heaven and earth.

"Can't you remind me sooner?"

Jiang Bai complained, and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.

He really broke out in a cold sweat!

It is related to his own follow-up cultivation, even he cannot calm down.

After a while.

Jiang Bai opened the chat channel and sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: Lao Cao, immediately warn all eleventh-level powerhouses, after reaching the eleventh level Returned to Origin, never lead the laws of heaven and earth into their bodies.

Soon, Meng Wu became credible.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, what's the matter?

Jiang Bai: I was just about to introduce the law of heaven and earth into my body and break through to the Half step Dharma Phase realm. Who knew that I suddenly received a reminder from the evolution panel that the law of heaven and earth is not complete in the cave world where Heaven Designated is located.

Jiang Bai: If the incomplete laws of heaven and earth are introduced into the body, it will cause defects in the body, which will directly affect the subsequent cultivation.

Cao Wu: Understood, I will inform you immediately.

After closing the private message.

Jiang Bai also got up and walked out of the quiet room. He has reached the end of his cultivation for the time being.

Because he had entered level 11 and level 10 two months ago.

In the following two months, I have been precipitating and polishing myself.

Until I reach the limit completely, I plan to go a step further today.


Therefore, Jiang Bai does not need to devote a lot of energy to cultivation for the time being.

Just maintain your daily practice.

Therefore, Jiang Bai began to let himself go.

Ever since he came to this world, he has been busy improving his strength.

But now, he has reached the pinnacle of the square world.

Although in terms of strength, he did not enter the Half step Dharma Phase.

But in terms of combat power, he can definitely say: "I am invincible in the wild world"!"

And if you want to continue to go up, you have to leave Tianhuang Realm.

If you want to leave the Tianhuang Realm, you have to go through the 'Ascension Passage'.

It's just that it's still too early to open the 'Ascension Passage'.

That is to say, Jiang Bai can now stop temporarily, run wildly on the road of evolution, and take a good rest.

No, Jiang Bai greeted Cao Wu and left Yanhuang City with Yuejiao and Jiangrou, intending to play in Yanhuang.

Speaking of which, Jiang Bai really hasn't had a good look at Yanhuang Kingdom until now!

Just now I have time, I can take a look at the quilt.

Anyway, this can be regarded as Jiang Bai's single-handedly laid down country, isn't it?

Today, the technological level of Yanhuang Kingdom has already surpassed that of Blue Star in the past.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the travel tool of the three of Jiang Bai——Yanhuang Speed ​​Car (Sanqi customized version).

Ordinary Yanhuang speeding cars can only drive one meter above the ground at most, and are suitable for any terrain.

But the Jiang Bai can not only sail underwater, but also fly at low altitude.

The energy used is not only controllable nuclear energy, but also spiritual energy.

Moreover, this aircraft is equipped with a variety of energy weapons, which is more powerful than a small psychic battleship.

The most important thing is that the latest space technology of Yanhuang Kingdom is used inside this flying car.

From the outside, the size of this flying car is similar to a sports car, but the area of ​​its rear half is no less than 300 square meters!

This is the latest space technology researched by Yanhuang Kingdom!

Not only that, Jiang Bai's flying car is also equipped with the top artificial intelligence brain.

201 high-speed fairway.

Jiang Bai entrusts the driving task to the artificial intelligence brain, and he listens to music while admiring the scenery outside through the glass.

Yuejiao and Jiangrou got together, searching for interesting places through the virtual panel, and planning the itinerary for the future.

The two girls were chattering and chatting, very excited.

It can be seen that they are also suffocated in Yanhuang City.

About half an hour later.

Jiang Bai and his group came to the first destination --- Wanhua City.

As its name suggests, this city is famous for its flowers.

For this reason, the entire city has undergone a special transformation to make it a real paradise of flowers.

It even spawned the annual Wanhua Festival.

At this time of year, thousands of flowers bloom in the city, which is too beautiful to behold.

This city is also one of the famous tourist attractions in Yanhuang State, and its reputation has already spread throughout the China Alliance, thus attracting many tourists from other countries.

Because of this, Wanhua City's annual GDP ranks among the top ten cities in the Yanhuang Kingdom.

After parking the car in a parking lot outside the city.

The three of Jiang Bai rented a bicycle that could be shared by three people, and rode to Wanhua City.

This is the characteristic of Wanhua City.

The only means of transportation in the city is bicycles, and any other means of transportation are prohibited from entering the city.

Wanhua City focuses on romance, leisure, and slow pace. In addition to the iconic flowers, it also takes great care in greening.

Not only that, Jiang Bai also saw that the entire city was enveloped by a large purification array.

This large purification array can evolve the air, which actually becomes cleaner and fresher.

In addition to the excellent environment, street singers, street countries, performance art, etc. can also be seen on the street.

Of course, all kinds of (Zhao De Zhao) snacks are essential.

Jiang Bai rode his bicycle slowly, looking at the bustling scene around him, he suddenly felt relaxed.

It was as if the string that had been tense in my heart suddenly relaxed.

Miraculously, Jiang Bai clearly felt that at this moment, his state of mind Cultivation Base, which had been stuck for a long time, broke through as if it had come naturally.

""Is this the so-called relaxation?"

Jiang Bai understood as soon as he thought about it, and a smile appeared on his face.

That being the case, then completely forget everything about Heaven Designated and take a break for a while!

And as Jiang Bai's mood changes, his temperament also changes quietly.

Although he used to hide himself with bullying Supernatural Power, the sense of oppression brought by his strength could not be changed.

But now, even if he removes the Supernatural Power, his whole person is like a Common person without Cultivation Base at all.

This is the change brought about by the improvement of the state of mind, which allows him to return to the common world from Extraordinary. .

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