All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 198 Is My Presence That Low? !

In the rest area of ​​a playground.


"Brother, why do I feel that you have become a little different?"

While eating the cone, Jiang Rou tilted her head and hit Jiang Bai

Yuejiao on the side also nodded and said, "It's indeed a little different."

"Then what do you think, is it getting better or worse?" Jiang Bai asked curiously.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Judao: "It's changed for the better. Before, you gave people an unfathomable feeling, which made people unconsciously stiff, but now you have become approachable, and people can't help but want to get close!"

"I think so too!" Yuejiao nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, Jiang Bai thought deeply.

He naturally understands that his own changes are brought about by the improvement of his state of mind Cultivation Base.

It's just that he didn't expect that this change would be so obvious.

Perhaps this is the so-called phase from the heart?

At this moment, a frivolous voice sounded:

"The two beauties met by fate.

"It is obviously a fate arranged by heaven that we can meet in the vast sea of ​​people."

"Since that's the case, I wonder if I have the honor to invite the two Hongs to dinner?"

Looking at the handsome, luxuriously dressed young man in front of him, Jiang Bai had a question mark on his face.

what's going on?

797 Daddy is such a big guy sitting on the side, so you flamboyantly ignore him?

Jiang Rou glanced at the man, curled her lips: "You are a bad person, so I won't follow you to dinner!"

Yue Jiao's pretty face turned cold: "Get lost!"

"You two beauties, it's very impolite to refuse someone's sincere invitation!"

The young man smiled and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, more than a dozen big men in black wearing sunglasses surrounded him, staring coldly at Jiang Rou and Yue Jiao.

Jiang Bai who was ignored again:  ……

Is my sense of existence so low?!

"Hey, didn't you see there's another person here?"

Jiang Bai couldn't help crying, this is so annoying!

The young man glanced at Jiang Bai, then waved his hand.

Immediately, two big men in black stepped forward to hold Jiang Bai's arms, intending to carry him away.

But no matter how hard the two black-clothed men tried, they still couldn't shake Jiang Bai's seriousness.

Seeing this, the young man narrowed his eyes: "Cultivator?"

You know, the bodyguards around him are all at the fifth rank at the lowest level.

This level of strength, let alone lifting a person.

Not even a small mountain!

With a slight force, Jiang Bai sent the two big men in black flying away.

He looked at the young man and said indifferently: "I give you two choices, either get out or die, choose Ba.

After saying that, those big men in black looked at Jiang Bai in unison, exuding an icy aura from all over their bodies.

This is murderous.

But not only Jiang Bai, but even Yuejiao and Jiang Rou had normal expressions, as if they didn't feel the pressure of those big men in black at all.

The young man saw it and frowned.

He took a deep look at Jiang Bai, then waved his hands, turned and left.

Those big men in black also restrained their murderous aura and followed closely behind.

Jiang Bai looked at the young man's back, narrowing his eyes slightly.

This son-in-law is a little different from ordinary son-in-law!

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

But Wanhua City became more and more lively.

After playing for a whole day, Jiang Rou and Yue Jiao are still full of energy, walking around the streets all day long.

Along the way, Jiang Bai also attracted many envious eyes.

Yuejiao herself is stunning, and after stepping into the road of cultivation, her temperament and appearance have improved to a higher level.

Although Jiang Rou was transformed into a fierce bird, she often stayed with Yuejiao, so the human body she transformed into was also stunning.

And Jiang Bai, surrounded by two stunning beauties, naturally became the envy of countless men.

Although practice can improve genes, which can optimize one's appearance to a certain extent.

But after all, there must be a foundation, right?

The foundation is too poor, no matter how optimized it is, it will be the same.

Such as Yuejiao and Jiangrou are different. The foundation of the two women is already high, and the effect after optimization is naturally more amazing.

This is also the reason why the young man was attracted to strike up a conversation with him when he was at the playground.

In fact (cfdh) this happened more than once.

But generally speaking, when those who strike up a conversation see Jiang Bai, they will know how to stop pestering him.

But when I met that young man in the playground, it was like a dog skin plaster.

Until now, they still sent people to follow them secretly.

Even Jiang Bai, who just had a breakthrough in Cultivation Base, couldn't hold back the killing intent in his heart.

No, he entered the stronghold of Skynet while shopping, and asked the members of Skynet to check the origin of the young man.

Only ten minutes.

The communication device on Jiang Bai's left wrist received the message from Skynet.

He clicked on the communication device, and a virtual screen popped up, on which was the message from Skynet.

After a quick look.

Jiang Bai's face sank, he immediately opened the evolution panel, and sent Cao Wu a questioning private message.

Jiang Bai: Some aborigines who surrendered are acting recklessly in secret, why not deal with them?

Cao Wu responded to the message in seconds.

Cao Wu: The net has been cast, and the cleaning plan will start after the fish are hooked.

Cao Wu: What, something happened to you? (Laughing expression)

Jiang Bai closed the private message without a word, and he was relieved.

Since Cao Wu knew what was going on, there was no need to meddle in other people's business.

It would be bad if it disrupted Cao Wu's plan.

So Jiang Bai contacted Skynet with a communication device and asked them to deal with the tail that had been following.

It's annoying to be followed everywhere you go!

Soon, Jiang Bai noticed that the tail behind him had disappeared.

He secretly nodded in satisfaction, and started playing with confidence.

It wasn't until late at night that the three returned to the hotel they had booked in advance to rest.

the next day.

Jiang Bai slept until almost noon before getting up.

He regards himself as a Common person, sleeping and sleeping until he wakes up naturally.

Needless to say, this feeling is really cool!


When the three of Jiang Bai walked to the door of the hotel, they saw the young man from yesterday.

Immediately, Jiang Bai's mood became unhappy!

Before the young man could speak, Jiang Bai said to Jiang Ju who was eager to try: "Just break the limbs, don't kill them!"

"Okay, jail!"

Jiang Rou responded excitedly, and rushed out in an instant.

The next moment, the screams kept ringing.

In just a moment, the young man and his bodyguards were lying on the ground, howling constantly.

When Jiang Bai passed by, he deliberately stepped on the young man, the pain caused the young man to roll his eyes and fainted.

At the same time, Jiang Bai also notified Skynet to deal with the follow-up matters.

Beating people in front of the hotel in public is the law of Yanhuang Kingdom.

If Skynet is not allowed to deal with the follow-up, the Law Enforcement Department will definitely arrest the three of Jiang Bai.

Although they went in, the three of Jiang Bai could come out soon.

But trouble after all isn't it?

It's different when Skynet makes a move.

Skynet is equivalent to national security, once they make a move, the law enforcement department has to obey. .

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