Since that day, the young man has never appeared again.

Jiang Bai didn't care either.

And after there were fewer flies, the three of them played more happily.

that's all.

After staying in Hundred Flowers City for a week, the three of Jiang Bai started to go to the next tourist spot~ point.

on the high-speed waterway.

The artificial intelligence Xiaoya suddenly reminded: "Master, it has been detected that there are three speeding cars following behind, do you want to call the police?"

"No, go directly to the airway."

Jiang Bai rejected Xiaoya's proposal, he didn't want to find work for the Law Enforcement Division.

And he had noticed it a long time ago, but he just didn't take it to heart.


Xiao Ya responded, and immediately controlled the speeding car to fly to the airway in the sky.

The high-speed waterway is divided into two types: ground and sky.

Under normal circumstances, the flying car only has the authority to fly on the ground channel.

The airway is generally an official exclusive waterway, or can only enter the airway after applying for and obtaining official permission.

But who is Jiang Bai?

His flying car does not need to apply, and can use the airway anytime and anywhere.

No, after the flying car enters the airway.

The three flying cars that were following disappeared immediately.

If you want to enter the airway, you must first have the low-altitude flight function, and secondly, you must have the qualification to fly.

If these two conditions cannot be met at the same time, once entering the airway forcibly, the flying car system will automatically lock and give an alarm.

Regardless of the conditions, this is beyond the capabilities of Common people.

Obviously, the three speeding cars that followed also thought of this, so they retreated decisively.

the other side.

A certain villa area in the eastern outskirts of Wanhua City.

Inside Villa 10.

The young man whose hands and feet were broken by Jiang Rou also received a communication from the people below, and learned that Jiang Bai's speeding car had entered the airway.

"Not from Common?"

The young man sneered, with hatred in his eyes, "That would be even better, when I find out your background, not only you will die, but also the people around you and the forces behind you will also die."


a month later.

Still in that villa.

"It's been a whole month, and you guys haven't found anything!"

"What use do I want you trash!"

The young man was furious immediately. He took out an energy pistol and shot and killed the underlings who were kneeling on the ground.

When the others saw this, they were suddenly frightened into cold sweat and trembling.

for a while.

The young man calmed down.

He turned around and looked at a middle-aged man behind him: "Uncle Bai, you just said that you have found the traces of those three people, right?"

"Yes." Uncle Bai nodded, but secretly sighed.

He already guessed what the young man wanted to do.

Sure enough, the young man said with a gloomy face: "Then don't investigate, call all the guards, and I will personally go and catch those three people and torture them severely!"

"Yes, young master." Uncle Bai responded, turned around and arranged to go.

Not long after, a small spaceship took off from the villa and flew towards the south.

at the same time.

Windscale City.

You can tell from the name that this is a city named after the Windscale Horse.

With the protection of Yanhuang Kingdom, Fenglinma has been living in a safe environment.

As a result, the number of wind scale horses began to skyrocket.

Even the officials of the Yanhuang Kingdom couldn't digest so many wind-scaled horses.

Thus, a city with wind scale horse as its main style was born.

Anyone who comes to Windscale City, even if they are Common people, can enjoy the feeling of riding a horse and flying into the sky.

Not only that, Windscale City has also developed projects such as air carriages, aerial sightseeing cars and so on.

For this reason, many tourist attractions and entertainment facilities have been built in Fenglin City.

This also led to Fenglin City becoming a famous tourist city at home and abroad, just like Wanhua City.

At this moment, the three of Jiang Bai came to Windscale City.

After buying tickets.

The three of Jiang Bai entered the Fenglin Horse Farm.

This is a man-made vast horse farm.

Because the range of the racecourse is limited, a batch of windscale horses will be sold out every once in a while.

Coupled with special care and breeding.

Nowadays, the quality of Scale Horse is getting higher and higher, and Heavenly Horse Bloodline is getting richer and richer.

There are even wind scale horses that have mutated and become unicorns, nightmare horses, etc. in Western Legendary.

Although the Yanhuang Kingdom has psychic battleships, the soldiers still like mounts like wind scale horses.

Therefore, good-quality wind scale horses are only supplied internally, and those with poor quality will be sold externally.

In order to protect the safety of tourists, the racecourse has also specially divided a sightseeing area.

If there are tourists who want to tame the windscale horses, they can enter the horse farm to tame them as long as they are confirmed by the staff and pay enough fees.

Of course, if taming fails, the fee will not be refunded.

………seeking flowers… 0

To be honest, Jiang Bai did not expect that after abducting the Fenglin Maqun back then, it would bring such great benefits to the Yanhuang Kingdom.

And it has also been made into one of the characteristic business cards of Yanhuang Kingdom.

Because the Windscale horses were abducted by Jiang Bai, only the Yanhuang Kingdom in the entire Eastern Region has Windscale horses for sale.

This is also a specialty of the Yanhuang Kingdom.

After staying in Windscale City for two days, the three of Jiang Bai set off again.

The next destination is to travel abroad.

After leaving the country from the southern border.

The three of Jiang Bai took the speeding car and headed for the city of China.

All waterways in Yanhuang have speed limits, even for high-speed lanes.

But after going abroad, there is no such thing as a speed limit.

Suddenly, the siren sounded in the flying car.

Xiao Ya's voice sounded in time: "Warning, the flying car has been locked by a small electromagnetic gun, do you want to evade and counterattack?"

Jiang Bai frowned, and the Divine Sense spread out instantly.

In the blink of an eye, he locked onto a small spaceship behind him.

At the same time, he also 'sees' the young man in the spaceship through Divine Sense.

"Do you want to die that much?"

Jiang Bai's face darkened, and there was fire in his eyes.

As soon as he moved his Divine Sense, he directly mobilized the power of heaven and earth, imprisoned the small spaceship, and destroyed the system of the spaceship.

The electromagnetic gun that was charging was also turned off instantly.

"Little girl!"

Jiang Bai gave an order, and the flying car immediately turned around and flew towards the small airship.

Soon, the flying car stopped near the spaceship.

After getting out of the car.

Jiang Rou gritted her teeth and said, "It's that bad guy again! Brother, I'll kill him!"

"Don't worry!" Jiang Bai stopped Jiang Rou, stretched out his hand and grabbed the spaceship in the air.

Silently, the spaceship crashed directly.

A group of people on the spaceship were suddenly startled.

No matter how stupid they are, they still understand that this is a super big iron!

Jiang Bai detained the group of people in front of him, and his eyes fell on the young man:

"I wanted to spare your life, but you have to rush to die!"

"In that case, I will fulfill you!"

When the words fell, Jiang Bai let out a cold snort.

Others except the young man exploded into a rain of blood directly on the spot, drenching the young man all over.

Afterwards, Jiang Bai used Divine Sense to forcibly invade the young man's mind and read the young man's memory and information. .

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