All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 200 Whoever Dares To Discredit The Yanhuang Kingdom Will Be Destroyed!

Not long.

Jiang Bai finished reading the young man's memory, and he was so angry that he crushed the young man to death on the spot.

What this bastard has done is outrageous!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Jiang Bai sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: Has your cleaning plan started yet?

Cao Wu replied in seconds.

Cao Wu: It will start in three days, what's the matter?

Jiang Bai: There is a miscellaneous thing that makes me very upset, I am very angry now, you give me the cleaning list now, and I will do the next thing myself!

Cao Wu:!!! (horrified expression)

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, who doesn't have a good eye for messing with your old man?!

Jiang Bai: I don’t want to say the same thing twice, understand?

Cao Wu: Understood, I will send you the purge list right now.

Cao Wu, who was far away in Yanhuang City, breathed a sigh of relief after sending the list to Jiang Bai.

He was intimidated!

This is the first time Jiang Bai has spoken in this tone in a private message "267".

It can be seen from this, how intense Jiang Bai's anger is at the moment!

"Come on!"

"Your Majesty, please command.

"Order Guo Jia to immediately find out who provoked Master Jiang!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Only ten minutes.

Guo Jia stood in front of Cao Wu and presented the ins and outs.

After Cao Wu finished reading it, he immediately scolded: "Fuck, these guys really want to die!"

"My lord, what happened?" Guo Jia looked curious.

Cao Wu said angrily: "What else can happen? One guy provoked Master Jiang, and now Master Jiang is so angry that he wants to clean it himself!"

"What!" Guo Jia trembled in shock.

He knew very well that Cao Wu would still leave a leeway for making a move.

And Jiang Bai's move must be to kill all of them, leaving no one behind.

It is foreseeable that there will be rivers of blood in the Yanhuang country in the future!

Guo Jia calmed down and asked cautiously, "My lord, what should we do now?"

"Cold salad!" Cao Wu rolled his eyes: "Master Jiang didn't plan to take care of it, but there is a guy who has to hurry to die, can Jiang Bi be okay?"

Guo Jia's scalp was numb: "Master, if Master Jiang is allowed to take action, I'm afraid the entire Yanhuang Kingdom will be in turmoil!"

"Why don't you go and persuade Master Jiang?"

Cao Wu's words directly made Guo Jia dumbfounded.

Who dares to persuade at this time?

I'm afraid it's not that I'm bored with my life!

"Okay, let's convene a meeting of ministers!"

Cao Wu waved his hand, giving orders with some headaches.

Guo Jia responded, turned around and left quickly.

the other side.

Jiang Bai brought Yuejiao and Jiangrou to the Zhengnan military camp, and temporarily took over all the troops of Yanhuang Kingdom through the military camp.

He distributed the cleaning list and ordered each military camp to send troops to each city to clean them one by one according to the list.


Jiang Bai doesn't care.

He is not a king, what fame does he want?

Cao Wu is different, he is the king, he has to take his reputation into consideration.

So you can't do too much.

That's why Jiang Bai took over the cleaning program.

What Cao Wu can't do, let him do it!

And as the army rushed to the cities, the entire Yanhuang Kingdom also began to experience turmoil, and the virtual network exploded even more.

Fortunately, the officials of Yanhuang Kingdom also responded in time and released the criminal evidence of the purged targets one by one.

For a time, All People were in an uproar.

The matter also spread to other countries, which also caused a sensation.

The virgin whores of some countries, or guys with ulterior motives, took the opportunity to criticize and discredit Yanhuang country.

In this regard, Jiang Bai, who has been paying attention to the feedback of the virtual network, directly used Divine Sense to follow the signal of the virtual network to target some of the netizens who scolded too much.

Then he descended a terrifying sea of ​​thunder from the air, and razed the city where these netizens lived.

After that, he posted a sentence on the virtual network:

"Whoever dares to discredit the Yanhuang Kingdom will be destroyed!"

As soon as these words came out, the Heaven Designated once again thought of the fear of being dominated by the Yanhuang Kingdom, and also remembered the existence that was called taboo in Heaven Designated——Jiang Bai.

Since then, no one on the virtual network has dared to criticize Yanhuang Kingdom's purge plan.

Without the rhythm of the Madonna whore and the guys with ulterior motives, the citizens of Yanhuang Kingdom can also look at the purge plan objectively.

Looking at the evidence of crimes published one by one on the official website.

The people of Yanhuang Kingdom changed from panic at the beginning to anger and concern.

In particular, victims continue to be exposed on the virtual network, corroborating the officially released evidence.

Immediately, there was a burst of applause on the virtual network!

And the people's support and support for the officials and the king of the Yanhuang Kingdom also skyrocketed unprecedentedly.

Cao Wu, who was far away in the city of China, watched the wind change on the virtual network and fell silent.

He originally thought that Jiang Bai's actions with such fanfare would cause turmoil in the Yanhuang Kingdom.

I never thought that Leo was the complete opposite!

"Is there no need for us to discuss?"

Cao Wu looked at the group of counselors in front of him, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry......

He hasn't negotiated a charter yet, and Jiang Baili will clean it up soon!

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly: "My lord, Master Jiang's strategy, vision, and wisdom are all above ours, and this situation is quite normal."

"Mr. Zhuge's words are reasonable." Guo Jia nodded in agreement: "Although Lord Jiang's actions are empty, the results are often good."

Cao Wu sighed: "It seems that we are worrying for nothing, so let's discuss the finishing matters!"

Based on what he knew about Jiang Bai, Jiang Bai definitely wouldn't care about the ending.

The cleaning operation lasted for a day and a night before finally coming to an end.

As Cao Wu expected, after cleaning, Jiang Bai threw back the remaining things.

Fortunately, when the cleaning plan was set, the basic framework for the end was also set.

It wouldn't be a hassle to pack it up.

And Jiang Bai also took Yuejiao and Jiang Rou to embark on the journey again.

In the following time, the three of them traveled all over the countries established by Heaven Designated and experienced various national customs.

After visiting the Eastern Territory.

The three of Jiang Bai went to the Northern Territory.

Zhuge Liang, who was originally in charge of matters in the Northern Territory, has already returned to the center.

Because in the Northern Territory, the human race has already ruled the roost, and other ethnic groups need to rely on the breath of the human race to survive.

Therefore, the resources of the Northern Territory are basically in the hands of the Yanhuang Kingdom.

And the person in charge of the Northern Territory will send back a large amount of 0.1 resources to Yanhuang Kingdom every month.

Of course, with such a big piece of cake, other Heaven Designated will naturally be greedy.

It's a pity that the territory was first occupied by the Yanhuang Kingdom, and most of the resources have already been occupied by the Yanhuang Kingdom in advance. No matter how greedy they are, they can only stop there.

Not only the Northern Territory, but also the Southern Territory.

And Yanhuang Kingdom has the resource supply of these two regions, which also makes the development of all aspects of the country extremely fast.

Of course, this development is all behind the scenes.

Everyone in Yanhuang Kingdom upheld Jiang Bai's behavior as the sixth child, and he hid it more than one hand.

And this is also for the sake of Yanhuang Kingdom.

If the development speed of Yanhuang Kingdom is too fast, surpassing other Heaven Designated too much, it will definitely make other Heaven Designated jealous.

Even if they don't dare to make trouble on the surface, all kinds of dirty things in the dark are definitely endless!

This is the so-called heart that does not worry about few but suffers from inequality. .

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