one year later.

Western Regions.

During this year, Jiang Bai took Yuejiao and Jiang Rou all over the northern and southern regions.

Plus the Eastern Territory, which was the first to travel.

Among the four regions, there is only one Western Region left.

So Jiang Bai proposed to visit the Western Regions to complete the four regions.

So the three of them entered the Western Region from the Southern Region.

The Western Regions is a region dominated by foreign races, and there is no human race here.

Because they are not familiar with the place of life, and they are all of different races.

Therefore, the three of Jiang Bai did not enter the city, but just like tourists passing by, sitting in the flying army and passing by at a glance.

Unless you encounter a beautiful scenery, you will only stay for two days.

that's all.

It took more than two months for Jiang Bai and the three to visit the Western Regions.

The westernmost edge of the Western Regions.

"Master Jiang, why does the lake here belong to Blue?"

Hearing Yuejiao's words, Jiang Bai chewed and smiled.

"It's not a lake, it's an ocean!"

"The sea?" Yuejiao blinked, a little confused.

Jiang Bai nodded: "You can regard the sea as the largest lake in the world.

To be honest, 25 did not expect that the Western Regions actually border the sea.

Originally, he thought that there was no ocean in this world!

After all, he traveled all over the Eastern Region, Northern Region and Southern Region, but he didn't see the sea.

And in the library of Wanzu College, there is no book that records that there is an ocean in the Central Territory.

That's why Jiang Bai thought that oceans don't exist in this world.

I never thought that the ocean pattern of this world is different from that of Blue Star, the westernmost part of the coastal western region.

"Go, get in the car, let's play in the sea!"

Jiang Bai said hello and got on the speeding car first.

Wait until Yuejiao and Jiang Rou get into the car.

Jiang Bai asked Xiaoya to start the speeding car and fly to the sea.

After flying into the sea range.

Jiang Bai ordered Xiaoya to turn on the diving mode, and Fei immediately plunged into the sea.

As the searchlight on the surface of the flying car was turned on, the gorgeous scenery of the seabed was also displayed in front of the three of them.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

"A lot of fish!"

Yuejiao and Jiangrou lay on the glass window, looking at everything under the sea in amazement.

Not to mention them, even Jiang Bai was very curious.

Because he is also the first time to come to the bottom of the capital.

And Xiaoya also slowed down the speed very humanely.

By noon.

The flying car has already penetrated into the sea area.

Along the way, the three of Jiang Bai saw many strange marine life.

Moreover, these creatures are not simple, because most of them are existences that have stepped into the ranks of Extraordinary.

Of course, what Jiang Bai cares most about is all kinds of seafood.

No, he asked Xiaoya to park the flying car on the bottom of the sea, and grab all kinds of seafood into the flying car.

Then in the back half of the speeding car, in the 300 square meter space, a seafood barbecue was set up.

"Brother, this thing called seafood is so delicious!"

Jiang Rou was amazed and gorged herself.

As a fierce bird, her food intake can be described as terrible.

Plus she's a foodie.

So most of the seafood caught by Jiang Bai went into her stomach.

After filling the stomach.

The three of Jiang Bai took the flying car and continued to move forward on the bottom of the sea.

Not long after, Jiang Bai saw a stone wall appearing in front of him.

With a thought in his heart, he immediately let the speeding car float up.

After reaching the surface of the sea, he saw an island appearing in front of him.

"Little girl, go to the land ahead!"

With Jiang Bai's order, the flying car immediately turned on the flight mode, took off from the sea and mountains, and flew towards the island in front.

Soon, the flying car landed on the beach of the island.

Jiang Bai used Divine Sense to investigate the entire island while getting off the car.

Through investigation, he found that there are many fierce beasts and birds living on this island, which covers about 100 square kilometers.

But no intelligent race exists.

"You stay here for now, I'll go back first!"

After Jiang Bai spoke to Yue Jiao and Jiang Rou, he opened the Talent of the Lord of the Void, opened a space crack and walked in.

About ten minutes later.

A spatial crack appeared out of thin air, and Jiang Bai walked out from it.

Afterwards, he took out hundreds of simulated robots from the storage space and asked them to use the island as a base to explore marine resources.

These simulation robots are products of Yanhuang Kingdom, and can be used to detect various minerals, including spiritual materials!

The ocean is a great treasure, so Jiang Bai brought these robots over to explore it.

In addition, Jiang Bo also brought a team of construction robots.

Construction robots have 3D printing functions and also have high-level material transformation functions.

As long as they are there, you can build any desired residence anytime, anywhere.

No, Jiang Bai asked this team of construction robots to build a sea view villa near the beach.

Yuejiao came over and asked curiously, "Master Jiang, do we want to stay here for a while?"

"Yes." Jiang Bai nodded and explained, "There are countless resources in the ocean, and I want to build an outpost here to facilitate the development of marine resources by Yanhuang Kingdom.

Speaking of this, he smiled, "If you two feel bored, go to the island for a stroll! There are many fierce birds and beasts on the island, just bring some ingredients back.

"Okay." Yuejiao responded, and greeted Jiangrou to walk to the island together.

Qi and Jiang didn't come back until the evening.

"Yo, you're back, how's the harvest?"

Jiang Bai, who was lying on the beach chair, raised his head and asked.

Yuejiao smiled and said: "The harvest is good, in addition to some ingredients, we also found some spiritual herbs and spirit nests.

"Brother, is this the sea view villa you mentioned?"

Jiang Rou looked at the big villa that had been built at 550.

Jiang Bai nodded: "Go and choose a room by yourself, we will be here for a while.

"Okay! Elder sister Yue, let's go!" Jiang Rou excitedly pulled Yuejiao into the villa.

The sea view villa has three floors. There is a seawater purification device on the roof, which can absorb seawater and purify it into drinkable fresh water.

Inside, there are all kinds of facilities and furniture.

With 3D printing technology, these things are easy to make.

Behind the villa, there is also a big swimming pool.

Although the villa faces the sea, the sea water contains salt, "it will be uncomfortable after soaking for a long time.

The water in this swimming pool is fresh water purified from seawater.

In addition, a fence was built behind the villa, and an alarm device was also installed to prevent the invasion of fierce birds and beasts.

Where is the electricity coming from?

What about controlled nuclear fusion?

In the basement of the villa, a controllable nuclear fusion device has been built.

Electricity for the entire villa comes from this installation.

And after building the villa.

The team of construction robots began to build the stronghold.

The stronghold is not on the ground, but underground.

The entrance is temporarily located in the basement of the villa.

According to Jiang Bai's preliminary plan, he intends to transform all the underground and underwater parts of the island.

In this way, it will be more convenient to collect seabed resources in the future.

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