a month later.

Another island.

The three of Jiang Bai stood on a hill, overlooking a deep blue lake below.

To be precise, it was a group of strange creatures by the lake shore.

This group of creatures has a mermaid tail, elbows, ears, and back, all with tulle-like fins.

"Brother, what race is this?"

"It looks so pretty!"

Jiang Rou looked curious and probing.

Yuejiao frowned slightly, she felt something was wrong.

Jiang Bai replied in amazement: "This is the merman race. In Legendary, they are elves in the sea. They are naturally beautiful and have no gender distinction.

"I just said that these creatures don't look right, it turns out that they can't tell their gender!"

Yuejiao suddenly realized, and then asked curiously, "Master Jiang, since the mermaid race has no gender distinction, how should they reproduce?"

Jiang Bai smiled slightly: "Although the mermaids are born without gender distinction, they will automatically switch genders when they meet someone they like. If the person they like is a man, they will change into women, and vice versa.

Moreover, this kind of transformation will only occur once in the life of the Merman Race, so once the Merman Race falls in love, they will be loyal and will never change until death!"

"It's amazing that such a race still exists!"

Yuejiao was amazed, quite an eye-opening feeling.

Jiang Rou on the side nodded repeatedly in agreement.

At this moment, Jiang Bai suddenly sensed something and frowned.

Soon, Jiang Yi also sensed it.

Yuejiao is the weakest and the last to perceive.

She frowned and said, "Master Jiang, the visitor is hostile, I'm afraid the visitor is not kind!"

"It's okay, it's not for us."

Jiang Bai shook his head and looked at the merman below.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Rou tentatively asked, "Brother, do we want to help the Mermaids?"

"No rush, let's see and talk."

Jiang Bai looked up at the flying boat coming across the sky, and said casually, "These guys can use flying boats to travel, and they probably have a lot of power in the sea area. It's just a good time to use them to understand the overall situation of the sea area."

Hearing this, Jiang Rou nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, the shark people below also discovered the flying boat.

They immediately fled into the lake and hid at the bottom of the water.

Soon, the flying boat landed on the shore of the lake.

A large group of Warriors wearing silver and white armor and holding tridents flew up and down from the flying boat.

From the outside, the appearance of this group of Warriors is no different from that of humans, but they are not humans in terms of aura.

Jiang Bai also learned through the evolution panel that this group of Warriors belonged to the Sea Race.

Not only do they have a deep Bloodline, but each one has a Water Control Talent.

At this moment, a man in golden armor got off the airship.

Coming to the shore of the lake, the man looked at the deep blue lake and issued orders to those Warriors.

After Jiang Bai captured this language, he mastered it completely in an instant.

Because of this, he understood the man's order: "Go down and catch all the sharks!"

No, those Sea Warriors only left a dozen or so guards beside the man, and the other Warriors all jumped into the lake and swam to the bottom of the lake like fish.

It can be seen that the Sea Tribe Warrior seems to be more flexible in the water than on the shore, and the swimming speed is also extremely fast.

Before long, the entire lake began to churn.

This is caused by the underwater battle between the Merman Race and the Sea Race Warrior.

It's just that Jiang Bai found out through Divine Sense that the strength of the mermaid race is too weak.

The strongest among them is only at the fifth level.

And those Sea Clan Warriors, the weakest ones are all at the fifth level!

It's no wonder that the mermaids are going to hide on the island. With their strength, they can't survive in the sea.

Because there are countless sea beasts in the sea, many of them have eleventh order, or even Half step Dharma Phase!

In about an hour.

The Mermen were all captured by the Sea Clan Warrior and brought to the shore.

Looking at the number, there are less than a thousand members of the Merman clan!

Afterwards, the Sea Clan Warrior carried the Merman Clan onto the airship.

Seeing the flying boat take off, Jiang Bai also greeted Yuejiao and Jiang Rou to get on the flying boat.

"Little girl, turn on stealth mode and follow that flying boat!"

"Yes, zhe.

As the flying car started, Jiang Bai released Divine Sense, covering the whole flying car with Divine Sense.

Stealth mode can only deceive the naked eye, but not the practitioner's perception.

Jiang Bai uses Divine Sense to cover up, which is to shield the perception of practitioners.

In this way, the speeding car could follow behind the flying boat without anyone noticing, and left the island all the way.

Speeding all the way.

About two hours later.

The flying boat of the Sea Clan came to a group of islands and flew towards one of the islands.

With one sweep of Divine Sense, Jiang Bai has a clear picture of the strength of the entire island group.

There are only three Half step Dharma Phase realms in the island group, and there are hundreds of strong people in the first rank of Tian Tian.

This strength is roughly equivalent to the median group level of Zhongyu.

And even in the ranks of the median ethnic group, it belongs to the bottom one.

So Jiang Bai wasn't afraid at all, he just asked Xiaoya to follow the island without fear of being discovered.

Finally, the airship landed on a square.

Jiang Bai asked Xiaoya to land the flying car on a nearby hill.

After getting out of the car.

Jiang Bai put the speeding car into the storage space.

He, Yuejiao, and Jiangrou have all cultivated the supernatural power of bullying the sky, and their own concealment ability far exceeds that of speeding car.

Through Divine Sense, Jiang Bai's "vision" followed the group of captured mermen all the way into the interior of the mountain.

What surprised him was that there was seawater that could submerge up to his knees on the corridor in the mountain.

With doubts, he expanded the Divine Sense and immediately understood what was going on.

Inside the mountain was actually a large prison cell, in which many mermaids were imprisoned.

These mermaids are used as tools by the sea people, either producing pearls or weaving.

In Legendary, the mermaids shed tears into pearls, and they can also weave 'dragon silk' (thin and transparent silk fabric) that is not wet in water!

Obviously, Legendary is real.

The Sea Clan captured the Merman Clan to produce pearls and dragon silk.


***〃Things should not be that simple!"

Jiang Bai muttered in his heart.

Pearls and silk (good) fabrics are valuable items to the Common people.

But to practitioners, these things are no different from garbage.

Therefore, Jiang Bai speculates that either the pearls and dragon silk produced by the mermaids have other functions, or the mermaids themselves have other uses for the sea people.

After thinking about it, he said to the second daughter: "You guys wait here, I'll go check it out."

After the words fell, he cast the Five Elements escape technique, and the whole person sank directly into the ground.

He walked through the mountain and soon came to the mountain where the Merman Clan was imprisoned.

After taking the opportunity to obliterate a Sea Clan guard.

Jiang Bai escaped from the mountain, and used the Attunement Talent to become the guardian of the Sea Clan.

Then, with this face on his face, he went to the place of detention.

Along the way, he also used Divine Sense to read the memory of the Sea Warrior, and his disguise kept changing.

When he came to the place of detention, his disguised identity had been changed to one of the deputy commanders who were responsible for guarding the place of detention.

This identity is enough for him to come and go in the place of detention as freely as he was a child. .

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