All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 203 Gathering The Mermaids

As the deputy commander of the place of detention, he can naturally come into contact with some secrets.

For example, the real role of shark beads and dragon silk!

The first is the shark bead, this thing can not only restore physical injuries, but also restore spiritual injuries!

Moreover, this thing can also assist in cultivation, so that practitioners can always stay awake without Qi Deviation.

If it is a top-grade shark bead, it also has the effect of temporarily improving understanding, and even allowing practitioners to enter epiphany!

The role of Long Xiao is relatively small.

It can be used to refine equipment, so that the equipment can not be invaded by water and fire, and the wearer can ignore the water pressure and breathe freely underwater.

In addition, Longxiao can be refined into a special soul weapon to protect the soul.

To be honest, Jiang Bai's heart was moved!

He has decided that he will definitely pull the merman tribe into King Huang!

Wait for the Sea Clan man in the golden armor to imprison the Merman Clan that was captured earlier.

When the man left, Jiang Bai attached a ray of Divine Sense to the man.

After that, Jiang Bai sent the man and his guards away.

Only then did Jiang Bai return to the place where he was held, and began to enslave the Sea Clan Warrior in the place where he was held.

After enslaving all the Sea Race Warriors in the entire prison.

Only then did Jiang Bai come to the deepest part of the prison.

There is a special cell here, 137 holds the royal family of the Merman clan.

With the help of the bullying Supernatural Power, Jiang Bai easily passed through the Restrictions outside the cell and entered the cell.

It is said to be a prison cell, but it is actually a big cave filled with sea water.

After all, the mermaids cannot do without sea water.

Jiang Bai waved his hand to set up a barrier in the cell, and then he returned to his original appearance.

He activated the Sacred Restoration Technique Talent to heal all the weak merman royals in the cell.

Soon, all the merman royal family recovered.

They looked at Jiang Bai with expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

After a while, the middle-aged mermaid royal family whose sun had changed into a male swam out.

He came to Jiang Bai and bowed: "Thank you for your help!"

"Aren't you afraid that I'm the Sea Clan in disguise?"

Jiang Bai asked with a smile.

The middle-aged mermaid royal family smiled wryly and said: "Even so, I admit it, if it is not for the adults, we will all die here in a few days."

"Why did the Hai Clan watch you die?" Jiang Bai looked curious.

The middle-aged mermaid royal family returned: "We are the royal family of the mermaid clan, and we can produce higher quality mermaid king beads and Dragon King silk. The sea tribe wants to use us as a tool for producing cfeg beads and dragon king silk , but we did not agree, so we were imprisoned here, trying to force us to agree."

"So that's the case." Jiang Bai nodded, and changed the subject, "You are not afraid, am I saving you all because of the Shark Bead and Dragon Silk?"

The middle-aged merman royal family said: "As long as the lord can save our merman family, our royal family is willing to offer a thousand merman king beads and a thousand Dragon King silk every year!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Bai turned around and left.

This is how to treat him as a fool!

The middle-aged merman royal family was taken aback for a moment, and then hurried forward to stop Jiang Bai.

"Adults stay behind!"

"I was wrong. In addition to the conditions just now, our mermaid tribe is willing to donate 100,000 merman beads and 100,000 dragon silk every year!"

Jiang Bai paused, shook his head and said, "Not much. You should know that if I take action to save the Merman Clan, I will stand completely against the Sea Clan."


The middle-aged mermaid royal family hesitated for a moment, then gritted their teeth and said, "Then the number mentioned just now will be increased by ten times, what do you think?"

"Deal!" Jiang Bai agreed without hesitation.

Next, the two parties sign the contract.

This contract is evidenced by Heavenly Dao, and the two parties made the Hearts Demon oath together.

In this way, whichever party breaks the oath, Heavenly Dao will issue a punishment from heaven.

At the same time, Jiang Bai also learned the identity of the middle-aged mermaid royal family.

He is the king of the mermaid clan!

After that, Jiang Bai used Talent, the Lord of the Void, to return to the mountain where Yuejiao and Jiangrou were.

He first sent the two girls back to Qihang Island—the island that was first discovered.

Then come to the center of Qihang Island, use the talent of the great elementalist to transform a large lake, and pour seawater into the lake.

Stopping vomiting, Jiang Bai returned to the place of detention and gathered all the mermaids.

He also violently broke through the cell of the royal merman family, and released the royal merman family inside.

Then, he used the Void Lord's Talent to tear open a space crack, leading directly to the large lake on the sailing island.

After all the merman race are transferred away.

Jiang Bai also took back the Talent of the Void Lord, and began to collect it in the place of detention.

The shark beads and dragon silk produced by the shark tribe have not had time to hand over to the upper echelons of the sea tribe.

Jiang Bai accepted it angrily.

After doing this, he will let the Sea Race Warriors enslaved by him in the place of detention go outside to create chaos.

He used the Five Elements evasion technique to take the opportunity to touch the place where the Sea Clan man was before.

Through the memory of the deputy commander, he already knew the identity of this man from the Sea Clan—the eldest prince of the Sea Clan!

After capturing the eldest prince of the Sea Clan.

Jiang Bai read his memory, not only knowing the information of many sea areas, but also knowing the location of the treasure house of sea clan resources.

After evacuating the resource treasure house of the Sea Clan, Jiang Bai beheaded the eldest prince of the Sea Clan before returning to Qihang Island.

He slipped away, and the island group where the Sea Clan was located was fried.

The Sea Clan Warrior suddenly rebelled, killing everywhere.

After suppressing these Sea Race Warriors, worse things were discovered one after another

The imprisoned merman tribe has inexplicably disappeared.

The eldest prince was killed.

The treasure house of resources in the clan was empty, and the resources accumulated in it disappeared.

Within one minute, the three things went straight to the Sea King of the Sea Clan.

Neptune was furious and ordered a thorough investigation of the entire island group.

No, the entire island group is in chaos.

the other side.

Jiang Bai returned to Qihang Island and came to the big lake where the Merman clan settled.

Now that he's on his own territory, Jiang Bai doesn't need to hide it.

He truthfully told the Shark King about the origin of own.

He also said that as long as the shark tribe surrenders to the Yanhuang Kingdom, they will be able to get the protection of the Yanhuang Kingdom.

And with the strength of the Yanhuang Kingdom, it is enough to guarantee the safety of the Merman Clan.

To this, the Shark King agreed without any hesitation.

The strength of the mermaid race is too weak, even if he refuses to agree, he can't resist, so it's better to be more straightforward.

Jiang Bai has always been very generous with himself.

No, after the Shark King agreed to surrender, Jiang Bai immediately dispatched a group of construction robots to build a residence for the Sharks.

not only that.

There are other spirit-gathering formations, spiritual veins, etc., which are also arranged directly.

Not so defensively.

Qihang Island is the base of Yanhuang Kingdom in the sea area, and its defense has been built long ago.

It can be said that the entire island was shrouded in a large formation and disappeared. .

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