"This is the merman race? It is as beautiful as described in Legendary!"

Cao Wu was very excited when he looked at the Mermaids around him.

Not only him, but also Lin Guodong, Luo Feng and others.

After receiving the news from Jiang Bai, they rushed over to visit immediately.

After all, in the minds of the people of Longguo, the mermaids are creatures in the mythical Legendary.

"I said you are enough!"

Jiang Bai's face turned black, this group of guys are too shameful.

The Shark King is just around the corner!

"Cough cough.

Cao Wu coughed twice, and looked at the Shark King beside him, "Gonghai, right? I am Cao Wu, the king of Yanhuang Kingdom. Don't worry, I will fulfill all the promises that Lord Jiang made earlier.

--Don't worry!"

Speaking of this, Cao Wu patted Merman Wang Gonghai on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "From now on, I will be my family. As long as you don't betray, just ask for any needs, and I will definitely satisfy you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the King!" Merman Wang Gonghai thanked respectfully, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Returning to the Yanhuang Kingdom is naturally worrying.

But now it seems that the choice is right.

In the next time.

Gong Hai took Cao Wu and his party to visit the merman camp, and then had lunch at the merman tribe before leaving.

In a sea view villa next to the beach.

Cao Wu and others sat around in the living room, listening to Jiang Bai's information about the sea area.

the end.

Jiang Bai reminded: "Old Cao, Qihang Island has to send a large army to take charge, and also send a counselor to coordinate the overall situation."

"No problem, I'll arrange it when I get back." Cao Wu nodded and asked, "Any other needs?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Bai continued: "Cultivators of the eighth level or above will be transferred to practice in batches, and let them explore the entire sea area by the way.

"Good idea, why didn't I think of it!" Cao Wu's eyes lit up.

Others also nodded in agreement.

The highest level of secret realm in Yanhuang is only seven levels.

So after reaching the eighth level, there is no place to practice.

Jiang Bai pondered for a while, and added: "Let these experienced people bring the teleportation array with them, and then use the island as the teleportation point to build a teleportation channel.

"Hey, this calendar is great! Do you have any more?"

Cao Wu clapped his hands and looked at Jiang Bai expectantly.

Jiang Bai rolled his eyes: "If you want to go, don't rely on me for everything!"

Cao Wu: ...


None of the others could hold back, and burst out laughing.

After Cao Wu and others.

Jiang Bai stayed in Qihang Island for a month, refining a lot of super large teleportation arrays and Spatial Teleportation arrays.

He took some away, and left the rest on Qihang Island, for those who came to the sea to experience.

Then he took Yuejiao and Jiang Rou and continued on the journey.

This time, the three of them went all the way to the depths of the sea.

Jiang Bai has seen the boundaries of continents, but not the boundaries of sea areas.

Needless to say, the sea area is really a heavenly treasure.

Along the way, the three of Jiang Bai saw many things.

For example, various naturally generated strange environments, races with strange looks or abilities, rare resources that can be called heaven and earth, and so on.

It can be said to be an eye-opener!

In addition, Jiang Bai was also drawing charts along the way, and left a quantum beacon on all the islands he passed by.

This is a high-tech product that not only absorbs light energy to maintain its own operation, but also absorbs the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth.

As long as there is light and Spiritual Qi, the nose beacon can always emit quantum information.

In this way, as long as you hold the corresponding signal receiver, you can receive the quantum signals emitted by these beacons.

If there is no deserted island occupied by intelligent races, Jiang Bai will leave a super large teleportation array on it.

He can be regarded as opening up a channel.

Three years later.

The three of Jiang Bai traveled almost the entire sea area, and even explored the seabed in many places.

This also made Jiang Bai discover that there are many half step Dharma Phase sea beasts hidden in the depths of the sea.

In terms of quantity, I am afraid that it is more than the half step Dharma Phase of all races in the Central Territory combined!

No, Jiang Bai subdued some sea beasts in the Half step Dharma Phase and sent them to Qihang Island to help guard the island.

Because in the past three years, people from the Yanhuang Kingdom have continued to travel in the sea area, stirring up turmoil in the sea area.

Qihang Island is also gradually exposed to the eyes of many forces in the sea area.

For such a sudden force.

It's hard not to pay attention to the many forces in the sea area!

In particular, the various high-tech displayed by Qihang Island amazed many forces, and at the same time, they were very eye-catching.

There is no way, the living conditions in the sea are not as good as the land.

…… Ask for flowers………

Among other things, potable fresh water is a big problem!

Coincidentally, Houhang Island's high-tech can easily solve this problem!

Not only that, but also the cultivation of various crops, which can also be easily solved by high technology.

And many forces in the sea area are used to plundering, if they look at something, the first thing that comes to mind is not trading, but robbing!

In this way, Hou Aviation has joined forces with many forces in the sea area.

But with the passage of time, many forces in the sea area also discovered that the strength of Qihang Island is extremely terrifying, and it is not something they can compete with at all.

Therefore, those forces that were hostile to Qihang Island planned to seek peace.

After Jiang Bai learned of this, he replied to the person in charge of Qihang Island: Anyone who commits Yanhuang will be punished no matter how far away he is!


If you want to plunder, you can plunder, if you want to make peace, you can make peace.

How can there be such an easy thing in this world?

Under Jiang Bai's statement, Yanhuang Kingdom dispatched three additional armies to slaughter those forces that had wanted to plunder Qihang Island.

After this incident, the name of Qihang Island in Yanhuang Kingdom resounded throughout the sea area.

Those forces in the sea area who have not been hostile to Qihang Island no longer dare to underestimate Qihang Island.

At the same time, Qihang Island also let out the wind. If you want high-tech products, you can, but you need to exchange them at the same level.

Spirit Stones, Elixirs, Spirit Materials, etc. can all be exchanged.

It didn't take long for some forces to come to trade and successfully bring back high-tech products that can improve living conditions.

Moreover, with the help of these high-tech products, the living conditions of this force have also been greatly improved in a short period of time.

With this lesson learned from the past, other forces couldn't sit still, and rushed to Qihang Island to conduct transactions.

The business of Qihang Island is getting bigger and bigger, and it has also touched the interests of those top forces in the sea or in the sea.

Thus, the bloody plot was staged.

A top power sent a representative to Qihang Island, and put on a haughty gesture, commanding Qihang Island to surrender to them in a tone of charity.

Who can bear this?

So this representative was beaten up on the spot until his own mother didn't even recognize him.

After the representative returned, the top power behind him was naturally furious.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of fifth-level or above masters were mobilized, and led by two half-step Dharma Phases, they came to Qihang Island with great fanfare to question their crimes.

The war is imminent. .

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