All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 208 Three Thousand Years Of Waiting

three months later.

"Yes, it seems that these strategists and warriors have not been corrupted by power over the years!"

Jiang Bai looked at the virtual panel in front of him and nodded in satisfaction.

In the past three months, he took advantage of the fact that the Yanhuang Kingdom had just moved and there were a lot of things to do, and conducted a secret inspection of the courtiers in the court.

No, he was very satisfied with the results of the investigation.

These courtiers are the pillars of the Yanhuang Kingdom, as long as they are not broken, it doesn't matter if the lower part or the place is a little bit worse.

Today's Yanhuang Kingdom has a large population, and there are many people in Baling.

Where it is broken, just replace it.

In addition, Xun Yu's internal censorship has begun.

Jiang Bai didn't order randomly, but wanted to get a comprehensive understanding of the entire Yanhuang Kingdom through this method.

At the same time, we really need to review it internally.

So during these three months, Jiang Bai was too busy to even have time to eat.

But it's been a busy period of time, and the follow-up will be much easier.

In addition to internal things, there are also external things.

Since Yanhuang Kingdom announced its withdrawal from the China Alliance and cut off all supplies to the alliance, the Heaven Designated in the Eastern Region exploded in an instant.

However, the China Alliance has only been strong for a month, and it directly fell apart, splitting into countries headed by Heaven Designated.

Those Heaven Designated who were obedient to the alliance headquarters before 107 all changed their faces, not like the Elders of the alliance at all.

It wasn't until this time that the Elders of the alliance came to their senses.

The existence of the China Alliance does not depend on them, but on the Yanhuang Kingdom!

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it.

From the moment they gradually turned into worms that only knew to lie on Yanhuang Kingdom's body and suck blood, everything could never go back to the way it was before.

Jiang Ri had foreseen this situation from the moment the China Alliance was established.

Because the human heart is unpredictable, and human nature cannot stand the test!

Under the trend of desire, how many people can keep their original intentions?

Apart from Heaven Designated, Yanhuang Kingdom's establishment of diplomatic relations with foreign countries in the Central Region has also been quite effective.

No way, Jiang Bai was too aggressive when he came to collect debts.

Even the Jinpeng clan, who ranked second in the peak group, was easily killed by him.

Let me ask, who dares to reject Yanhuang Kingdom's establishment of diplomatic relations?

Of course, the Yanhuang Kingdom did not establish diplomatic relations casually.

For those alien races who have enmity with the human race in the human realm, Yanhuang Kingdom will naturally not take the initiative to establish diplomatic relations.

Speaking of the human race in the human realm, I have to mention that there were more than a dozen alien races who besieged the human race in the human realm before.

Since Yanhuang Kingdom destroyed the Shadow Clan, occupied the territory of the Shadow Clan, and gained a firm foothold in the central area.

Those more than a dozen alien races were in constant fear, for fear that one day when they woke up, the human army would attack the gate of the ancestral land.


They also thought about it, but the hatred between the two sides has lasted for a thousand years, and it has long been an endless situation.

Is it possible to unravel it with a single request for peace?

No, according to the reports from the spies sent by Guo Jia, the more than a dozen alien races have been preparing for a life-and-death battle with the human race.

And this battle, Jiang Bai is also preparing.

Today, he was waiting for Luo Ji to arrive.


"Brother Jiang!"

When Luo Ji saw Jiang Bai, he immediately hugged him very enthusiastically.

Thanks to the blessings of the Yanhuang Kingdom, the human race in the Human Realm has also branched out.

This also led to the official ushering in a peaceful and peaceful day for the human race in the human realm.

After letting go of Jiang Bai, Luo Ji stepped aside: "Brother Jiang, look who I brought!"

Jiang Bai saw it, but it was a white crime.

What surprised him was that in just a few years, Bai Feifei had entered the 11th and 10th level!

"Xiaobai, is that you?"

Bai Feifei asked in a trembling tone.

Hearing this familiar address, Jiang Bai's pupils shrank, and he stared at Bai Feifei: "You, you are Feifei?!"

"It's really you!"

"Great, I'm finally waiting for you!"

Bai Feifei rushed forward, hugged Jiang Bai, and burst into tears.

After being dazed for several seconds, Jiang Bai finally came to his senses.

"Mr. Zhuge, Mr. Xi, you (cfej) first greet Brother Luo for me!

"Brother Luo, I have some personal matters to deal with, sorry!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Bai hugged Bai Feifei in one hand and disappeared in place in an instant.

Jiangfu Intermediate Court.

In the courtyard where Jiang Bai lived.

In the gazebo.

Jiang Bai looked at Bai Feifei in disbelief: "You were also Heaven Designated?!"


Bai Feifei nodded and recalled, "From now on, about three thousand years ago, after I died on the hospital bed, I completely lost consciousness, but unexpectedly, I came back to life again, and the resurrection passed through Another girl with the same name and surname.

Through the remaining memories of my previous life, I learned that the world I crossed is called the Shenzhou Continent, but just after I received all the memories, I heard the voice of Heavenly Dao, and then I was teleported to the Tianhuang Realm—that is, In the No. 666 cave world, I became a Heaven Designated!

Unfortunately, the Talent I awakened is not powerful, nor does it have the system in the web novel, so it is very difficult for the Preceding Entry Stage to survive. But fortunately, I survived all the way, and finally joined the human race in the wild world.

That is, in the human race, I happened to meet a strong old man named Celestial Secrets. From his mouth, I learned that there is a chance to meet you again in the future, so I started to practice hard, and finally stepped into Half step Dharma The level of the Phase environment.

And in order to reunite with you, I created a man and a woman with my own Bloodline, and established the Bai family. After that, I used a special secret method to seal my own spirit in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Bai family, and set the rules, so that the Bai family will be separated every hundred Year sends a baby girl into the forbidden area.

At that time, my soul will integrate into the baby girl's body, and grow step by step, and return to the world to search for your trace. If I don't find you, I will seal the soul again.

I just rely on this method, and I have persisted until now...

After Jiang Bai listened, he couldn't help hugging Bai Feifei: "I'm sorry, I'm late..."

"You don't have to blame yourself, it's my own choice."

Bai Feifei hugged Jiang Bai, and said with relief, "Also, my persistence has paid off, we finally met again, didn't we?"

Jiang Bai was speechless, but hugged Bai Feifei even tighter.

Three Thousand Years of waiting, Three Thousand Years of suffering, Three Thousand Years of searching.

Just thinking about it, Jiang Bai's heart felt like being stabbed by a knife.

During the three thousand years, there were expectations and disappointments again and again.

How many people can endure this kind of mental torture?

At this moment, Jiang Bai only hated himself for not going to South Vietnam sooner.

If he had traveled earlier, Bai Feifei wouldn't have to wait so long, nor would he have to suffer so long.

And when he was in Wanzu Academy, if he could learn more about the Bai family and Bai Feifei.

The two will not reunite after several years!

Damn me!

The self-blame and remorse in Jiang Bai's heart almost completely drowned him. .

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