All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 209: The Human Race Comes Back

at dusk.

Jiang Bai returned to the front hall alone, looking refreshed.

Luo Ji, Zhuge Liang, and Xi Zhicai, who are Chinese New Year people, all looked at Jiang Bai with strange eyes.


Jiang Bai coughed twice, and said to Luo Ji, "Brother Luo, I like Feifei very much, and she also likes me, so..."

Although the words were not finished yet, Luo Ji understood and immediately said with a smile: "Congratulations, brother, for getting a beautiful woman!"

"Congratulations, Lord Jiang!" Zhuge Liang and Xi Zhicai also congratulated.

It's just that there was a look of shock in the eyes of the two of them.

Who is Jiang Bai?

The most transcendent existence in Yanhuang Kingdom, even Cao Wu has to obey!

Now it is the acting emperor!

Therefore, everyone knows that if they can catch the line of Jiang Bai, they will be able to reach the sky in one step.

And Jiang Bai has never found a partner, this is the best entry point!

Needless to say, if own people can be allowed to settle in Jiangfu, or even become the hostess of Jiangfu.

Therefore, in the past three months, various high-level officials in Yanhuang Kingdom have acted as matchmakers from time to time, introducing beautiful women to Jiang Bai.

It's a pity that Jiang Bai refused all of them as if he was not close to women.


"Let's get down to business!"

Jiang Bai straightened his face and looked at Luo Ji, "Brother Luo, has the manpower been decided?"

"Yes." Luo Ji nodded, with a murderous look in his eyes, "Bloody feud, we must report it! The higher-ups of Human Realm decided to send troops to settle all grievances in a single battle!"

"The Human Realm is quite courageous!" Jiang Bai smiled and looked at Zhuge Liang, "Mr. Zhuge, I will leave this matter to you."

Zhuge Liang stood up: "Yes, Jiang Aldehyde!"

Jiang Bai looked at Luo Ji: "Brother Luo, you can discuss the specific matters with Mr. Zhuge! Let me block the peak group."

Behind the dozen or so alien races, there are the Jinpeng and Youjiao tribes as their backers.

Naturally, the Jin clan and the Youjiao clan will not care about the normal clan rivalry.

But when it comes to the war of extermination, the Jinpeng clan and the Youjiao clan will inevitably intervene.

Otherwise, who would dare to seek refuge from the Jinpeng and Youjiao tribes in the future?

And this requires Jiang Bai to make a move.

Luo Ji nodded: "With your words, I am completely at ease!"

that day.

Jiang Bai asked the avatar to go to the Jinpeng and Youjiao tribes to inform these two peak tribes.

The general idea is that if the human race wants to liquidate the more than ten high-ranking alien races, whoever dares to intervene will die forever!

These two peak groups were just passed through by Jiang Bai three months ago.

Facing Jiang Bai's threat at this time, even if they were angry and aggrieved, they did not dare to act rashly.

Because Yanhuang Kingdom can really destroy them!

three days later.

The army of Yanhuang Kingdom was dispatched, and together with the army of Human Realm, they began to liquidate the dozen or so alien races.

Both sides are clear that this battle is related to each other's life and death.

So there is no holding back, and it is a battle to come up.

The Yanhuang Kingdom and the Human Realm are on one side, and the coalition forces of more than a dozen foreign races are on the other side.

After the two armies collided, they fought endlessly.

Jiang Bai did not attend the scene in person, but sat in the light yellow country.

But he sent an avatar to the battlefield, and hid in the dark to prevent other ethnic groups from taking advantage of the opportunity.

Not to mention, there are people who are not afraid of death!

The impact of this battle was so great that almost all the ethnic groups that could arrive sent strong men to watch the battle.

But bringing an army of more than 100,000 to watch the battle, isn't it a bit too much?

This is obviously to take advantage of the opportunity to pick up a bargain!

For such a guy, Jiang Bai is not used to it, and directly uses his avatar Supernatural Power.

He differentiated into hundreds of clones, and made these clones change their appearance, and raided the army of more than 100,000.

In just ten minutes, the more than 100,000 troops were slaughtered by clones.

Then, hundreds of clones killed the race to which this army belonged.

It only took two hours to completely wipe out this upper class group.

In this matter, Jiang Bai did not avoid other ethnic groups.

The purpose is to kill chickens and monkeys!

No, some guys who also had small thoughts, after seeing the end of the upper group, were so frightened that they immediately snuffed out those small thoughts.

After this incident.

In the eyes of those ethnic groups, Yanhuang Kingdom will also become unfathomable.

That's why Jiang Bai changed those doppelgängers.

The bottom, middle, and top ranks of Yanhuang Kingdom are not inferior to any of the top groups in terms of combat power.

But in terms of top combat power, it is still lacking.

Now it is completely supported by Jiang Bai alone.

But after this incident, those ethnic groups will mistakenly think that Yanhuang Kingdom still has an unknown number of top combat power hidden.

This is an invisible deterrent!

After that, even if the remaining nine peak ethnic groups unite against the Yanhuang Kingdom, they still have to weigh it carefully in their hearts.

This is also the reason why Jiang Bai showed no mercy to that army and the ethnic groups behind it.

...... Ask for flowers 00

As long as there is a little hesitation or weakness, other ethnic groups will definitely follow suit.

Don't think this is alarmist talk.

The struggle between races is far darker and crueler than it appears on the surface!

The waves in the dark did not affect the frontal battlefield.

Under the joint efforts of Yanhuang Kingdom and Human Realm, the coalition of more than a dozen foreign races lasted only one day and one night before being completely defeated.

This also means that the balance of victory in this battle has fallen to the side of the human race.

The human side took advantage of the victory to pursue and wiped out several alien races in a row, and then temporarily stopped to recuperate.

After three days of trimming.

As soon as the human race was convenient, the troops were divided into two groups, and the remaining alien races were wiped out.

The battle lasted for ten days before and after, and the curtain came to an end.

During this battle, the various ethnic groups in the central region also saw the horror of the Yanhuang army.


Especially those psychic weapons, even the powerhouses of the Titan clan feel terrified.

The war is over, and the next step is to enjoy the fruits of victory.

There are more than a dozen high-ranking alien sites, this is a super big cake.

But Yanhuang Kingdom's strength lies there.

Even though other ethnic groups are jealous, they dare not make small moves in secret.

Who is not afraid of exterminating the clan at every turn?

However, Yanhuang Kingdom and Human Realm did not occupy all the territory, nor could they occupy it.

too big!

In the end, under Jiang Bai's suggestion, Yanhuang Kingdom and Human Territory divided up the most important resource points.

The rest were given to those races who had good relations with the human race or traded with the human race in the form of half selling and half giving away.

No, the road between Yanhuang Kingdom and Human Realm has been widened at once.

After the other ethnic groups learned about it, they all beat their chests and stamped their feet with regret.

Then, those races who had never hated the human race, but had no contact with the human race, began to come to Yanhuang Kingdom or the human realm to connect with each other.

There is no way, the resources in the more than ten foreign race sites involve all aspects.

If the human race gives an order not to sell it to the outside world, then their life will be miserable.

Simply, they don't have any deep hatred with the human race, they just don't know each other well.

And those races that are hostile to the human race are completely paralyzed.

Although they did not attack the human race, they did not slaughter the human race.

But he also took advantage of the fire to rob when the human race was in trouble, or followed the trend to add insult to injury.

Now that the situation is reversed, and the human race is holding their lifeline, how can they not be numb?

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