Jiang Bai came to the defense wall and looked towards the sea.

I saw billowing black smoke spreading from the sea.

In the black smoke, densely packed polluting organisms can be seen faintly, flying towards the land.

After the black smoke entered the range, all kinds of high-tech weapons on the defensive wall began to be automatically fired.

I saw dense energy beams blasting out, blasting the black smoke to be riddled with holes.

The polluting organisms hiding in the black smoke have also been hit hard.

Those with low strength were directly vaporized, and those with high strength were smashed to pieces on the spot, but recovered quickly.

It's just that the energy beam's attack is fast and intensive, unless it is a polluting creature whose strength has reached the eleventh level or half step dharma phase.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to withstand the attack of the energy beam and rush to the defense ~ wall.

Even if they can rush to the defensive wall, what is waiting is a sky-high attack, as well as various formation restrictions on the defensive wall.

It is not easy to break through these formation Restrictions.

Jiang Bai flew high into the sky, surveying the entire defense line.

He found that with high-tech weapons, the army of demons was blocked ten thousand meters away, unable to advance an inch.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly notified Cao Wu to let the Heaven Designated of Yanhuang Kingdom manipulate weapons and reap meritorious service.

No way, Heaven Designated needs at least 100,000 merits to enter the road to heaven!

As the lord of the country, Cao Wu can enjoy a privilege-he can get one-tenth of all the meritorious service of his Heaven Designated.

Don't underestimate it, but you can't stand Huangda!

Cao Wu can easily collect 100,000 meritorious service without any action at all.

As for Jiang Bai?

If he wants to make meritorious service, isn't it easy to catch?

So he is not in a hurry, there will be a chance for him to make meritorious deeds later.

About half an hour later.

Jiang Bai suddenly sensed something, and looked up towards the direction of the sea.

I saw a thousand-meter-high huge wave rising from the depths of the sea, sweeping towards the coast.

"You still know how to take advantage of the geographical advantage?"

Jiang Bai looked surprised.

He could tell at a glance that this huge wave was man-made.

However, if you want to break through the defense with just a huge wave, it is too small to look down on all races, right?

No, Jiang Bai didn't even need to make a move, a half step Dharma Phase powerhouse rushed to the beach, pressing his hands on the sea surface.

At the next moment, the ice spread rapidly from the sea, forcibly freezing the huge wave ten thousand meters away.

Even the countless polluting creatures hidden in the huge waves were also frozen together.

The ones with low strength will be wiped out directly, and those with high strength will be trapped for the time being.

Such a scene also raised the morale of the coalition forces of all ethnic groups, and the attacks became more violent.

In this way, three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days and three nights, the attack of the demon army did not stop for a moment.

It's a pity that with Yanhuang Kingdom's scientific and technological background, the army of demons has never been able to enter the range of 10,000 meters, and instead suffered heavy losses.

So I had to retreat temporarily.

Even though there are countless creatures in the sea area, if it continues to be consumed like this, it will be exhausted sooner or later.

And the Yanhuang Kingdom, which has already mastered antimatter energy technology, doesn't have to worry about the energy supply of various energy weapons at all.

Therefore, Jiang Bai has already returned to the cage, the research of the Youxie Mo clan.

Don't take advantage of the current situation to study the weaknesses of the demon clan.

When the real big battle comes later, there is no real time.

three months later.

"Failed again!"

Jiang Bai sighed, leaned back on the chair, and rubbed his temples with his hands.

During these three months, he conducted a large number of experiments.

Without exception, all ended in failure.

So until now, they haven't been able to find out the weakness of the demon clan.

On the contrary, the deeper he understands the demons, the more Jiang Bai finds this creature incredible!

From body to soul, to growth, adaptability, evolution speed, etc., it is almost perfect!

Jiang Bai really wanted to know, how did the demon clan come about?

This kind of heaven-defying creature should not be accepted by Heavenly Dao!

"Could it be that Yanhuang Kingdom's technological level is not enough?"

Jiang Bai suddenly had a guess in his heart.

As the main enemies of Heaven Designated in the future, the demons must have extraordinary backgrounds.

Even Jiang Bai is speculating that Heavenly Dao cultivated Heaven Designated by raising Gu to fight against the evil spirits.

According to the extension of this thinking, the unprecedented changes mentioned by Heavenly Dao may also have something to do with the demons!

In this way, with the current technological level of the Yanhuang Kingdom, it seems reasonable to be unable to analyze the weakness of the demon clan?

"Forget it, let others continue to study!"

Jiang Bai shook his head, got up and walked out of the cage.

He didn't need to waste time here, because Cao Wu outside had already started urging him.

…… Ask for flowers……………

In the past three months, the army of demons has frequently launched attacks on the defensive wall, and each time it is more violent.

Up to now, the existences of the eleventh level and Half step Dharma Phase in the demon army have all participated in the battle.

The same is true for the Allied Forces.

It's just that the eleventh step and Half step Dharma Phase realm of the allied forces of all races are at a disadvantage to the demon clan.

The powerhouses of the Allied Forces of All Clans only have one life, but the powerhouses of the Evil Clan have many lives because of their particularity.

If you want to completely kill the strong man of the demon family, you can only trap him with multiple strong men, and then use high-tech weapons to slowly grind him to death.

As a result, the powerhouses of the coalition of various ethnic groups are a bit stretched.

This is why Cao Wu urged Jiang Bai to join the battle.


Jiang Bai, who came out of the cage, flew into the air.

He observed the defense line and found that the army of demons on the ground had already penetrated within 100 meters of the defense wall.

And the strong ones in the army of demons in the sky have already arrived above the defense line.

The powerhouses of the coalition forces of various races are taking action to resist these former ones.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai took out the Ice Soul Knife, blessed the Ice Soul Knife with the broken characters formula, and rushed to the battlefield in the sky.

At the next moment, the sky filled with sword energy rushed into the battlefield in the sky, accurately avoiding the strong men of the coalition forces of various races, and splitting the strong men of the evil army in half.

The strange thing is that these strong men of the demon army who were split in half were killed immediately.

This is the effect of hyphenation!

The Supernatural Power of this door can cut everything, including vitality, fate, time and space, Karma and so on.

Those strong men in the demon army who were chopped into salads were all cut off from their vitality and died naturally.

This is also the only way Jiang Bai can restrain the army of demons at present.

Then, holding the Ice Soul Knife in his hand, he started killing in the sky battlefield.

All the strong men in the army of evil spirits will be blamed by him!

This scene also shocked the strong men of the coalition forces of various races.

But after they reacted, their morale was greatly boosted.

Originally they fought against the strong men of the demon army, and when they found that these strong men were extremely difficult to kill, they were a little bit cold at the beginning.

Never thought that there is such a terrifying existence hidden on our side!

At the same time, Jiang Bai's performance fell into the eyes of the demon clan.

They also didn't expect that there is such a transcendent existence as Jiang Bai in this world!.

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