All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 215 The Dark Demon Clan

Following Jiang Bai's attack, the powerful demon army on the sky battlefield was quickly cleaned up by him.

There is nothing to do when things are seen, and the army of demons on the ground recedes like a tide.

Jiang Bai stood in the air, looking towards the direction of the sea.

During the battle just now, he sensed several gazes spying on him from afar.

"Evil family?"

Jiang Bai thought to himself, and took the Ice Soul Knife back into his body to preserve it.

He tried to search for the soul of the captured demon family, but failed.

So he didn't know how many demons descended on the Tianhuang Realm this time.

But judging from now, it seems that the number is not much.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai had a thought, and separated a clone to fly to the depths of the sea.

He wanted to make sure.

If the number of evil spirits is really small, then he can definitely take the action of beheading "Nine Zero Seven".

As long as the source is cut off, this demonic crisis can be easily resolved!

Back on the ground, Jiang Bai came to the command post.

The command post is a temporary unified command organization headed by Cao Wu and supplemented by representatives sent by various ethnic groups.

Of course, Cao Wu would not have been able to become the commander-in-chief if Jiang Bai hadn't been famous on behalf of the Yanhuang Kingdom.

Although Cao Wu's strength is not weak, but compared to Jiang Bai, it is not the slightest bit worse.

If it is said that Cao Wu's strength is so strong that the clans are afraid.

Then Jiang Bai is so fishy that it makes the tribes despair!

Because of this, Cao Wu was able to mobilize the armies of the various tribes like his arms and fingers, so that all the tribes would follow.

No, as soon as Jiang Bai walked into the command post, the staff of all ethnic groups respectfully called Jiang Bai.

All the way to the united front room.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Cao Wu raised his head and asked in surprise, "Master Jiang, why are you here?"

"Let's take a look." Jiang Bai casually replied, came to sit down beside Cao Wu, and asked, "Can the line of defense hold up?"

Cao Wu nodded: "Don't worry, the current combat intensity is far from the limit of the defense line, but the top combat power is a bit tight.

"What about logistics?" Jiang Bai asked again.

"No problem, Mr. Zhuge is personally responsible for this aspect, and I have equipped him with more than ten counselors as helpers."

Cao Wu leaned back and asked curiously, "By the way, how is your research going? Is there any progress?"

Jiang Bai shook his head and sighed: "Maybe it's because of my insufficient level of technology, and I haven't been able to analyze the weakness of the demon clan.

"Isn't that right?" Cao Wu looked at Jiang Bai with a half-smile: "You were in the sky battlefield just now, but you cut off all the top powerhouses of the enemy with one blow!"

Jiang Bai rolled his eyes: "That is a special Supernatural Power that I cultivated, and no one can succeed in it except me.

He actually is not a lie.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to hide it, he would have taught the broken characters formula to the top powerhouses of Yanhuang Kingdom long ago.

Not only the hyphenation formula, but also the lock character formula is the same, which belongs to the special Supernatural Power.

Hearing this, Cao Wu touched the bridge of his nose, a little embarrassed.

Jiang Bai glanced at him and changed the subject: "Did the Eastern Region send any troops to join the battle?"

"No." Cao Wu shook his head.

Jiang Bai frowned, and said with a sneer: "Don't those guys want to wait for us to fight the demon army, and then take advantage of it?"

"How do you know?" Cao Wu looked at Jiang Bai in surprise.

Jiang Bai was taken aback: "Is that really the case?"

"It's not like that!"

Cao Wu shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "According to Guo Jia's report, many Heaven Designated had assembled their troops and were ready to join the battle, but those Elders from the former China Alliance Elder Association came forward to dissuade them .

Not only that, those Elders also persuaded Heaven Designated from another country to form a temporary alliance, preparing to watch the fire from the other side, and when we have lost both sides with the demon army, we will stand up to clean up the mess and unify the entire Tianhuang Realm by the way!"

"The idea is good, but that's all." Jiang Bai commented.

You know, most of the power of the Tianhuang Realm is gathered here on the defense line at this moment.

If the line of defense is breached, it means that the Tianhuang Realm will inevitably fall.

Lose both?

Totally impossible!

"Temporarily ban Azure Dragon!"

"Since they want to watch a play, let them stay in this world and watch as much as they want!"

Jiang Bai dropped a sentence, got up and walked out of the united front room.

Heaven Designated needs at least 100,000 meritorious deeds to enter the road to heaven.

Those guys hid in the Eastern Region to watch the theater, which meant that they couldn't get any merit.

When the demon invasion is over, they will cry!

Coming out of the command post, Jiang Bai came to the defense wall.

He looked towards the direction of the sea, but his eyes projected a picture of the depths of the sea...  

This is the vision screen synchronized with the clone.

At this time, the clone had already entered the depths of the sea.

It's a pity that the demon family has been unable to escape for some reason.

Instead, he hid behind his back and commanded the polluted creatures to attack the avatar.

The most important thing is that the avatar can't lock the breath of those demons!

In desperation, Jiang Bai could only let the avatar focus on the top powerhouse to kill.

He didn't believe it anymore, after those polluted top powerhouses were killed in large numbers, would the demon clan still be able to hold their breath?

that's all.

The avatar was killed in the sea for three days and three nights as if entering no one's land.

In the army of demons, Yin Huang's top powerhouse was cloned under the sword.

And in these three days, the army of demons did not launch an attack on the defense line.

The demon family hiding in the dark also disappeared without showing up.

Such an abnormal behavior made Jiang Bai vigilant.

Last night, he had differentiated into several clones again, and disguised himself as a polluted creature through the Synchronization of All Things Talent, and sneaked into the sea area to investigate.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Jiang Bai desperately wanted to know what the demon clan was planning behind the scenes.

Because he had a bad premonition lingering in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

After the strength reaches his level, this premonition will basically not go wrong.

So the demon clan must be holding back their big move in the dark!

Suddenly, Jiang 0.9 Bai was shocked.

Found the Demon Clan!

Through the vision of this avatar, Jiang Bai saw hundreds of demon clan gathered on a sea island.

Here, they are building a huge building.

"This is... the altar?"

Jiang Bai was a little puzzled.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.


"This is not an altar, but a cross-boundary teleportation array!"

"They want to attract the real army of demons to come!"

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Bai's face changed drastically.

Judging from the condition of the altar, it is almost finished!

"They must be stopped!"

Jiang Bai's face was solemn, and he immediately looked at the Talent of the Void Lord, and took the avatar who found the demon family as the coordinate point, and directly tore a space crack.

Then, his body directly stepped into the space crack.

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