All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 216 Gene Evolution System

As soon as Jiang Bai appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of the demon clan.

When they saw Jiang Bai, their expressions changed immediately.

One of the demons immediately ordered half of the demons to stop Jiang Bai in the air, and he and the rest of the demons accelerated to build the altar.

With a thought in Jiang Bai's mind, more than a hundred clones were formed immediately.

The avatars were divided into two, half of which blocked the rushing demons, and the other half rushed towards the demons who built the altar.

The demon in the air was stopped, and the demon on the altar was also forcibly blasted away by the clone.

And Jiang Bai's body, like a stroll in a courtyard, walks towards the altar step by step from the air.

Seeing this, the eyeballs of the commanding demon turned red.

He roared again and again, exploding his strength beyond his own limit, but was still firmly suppressed by the two clones, and could only watch Jiang Bai fall on the altar.

As soon as Jiang Bai fell, he received a reminder from the evolution panel.

[Reminder: This is the teleportation altar that connects the army of demons. Even Heavenly Dao failed to capture it. If you hand it over to Heavenly Dao, you will get an unexpected rich reward. 】

Even Heavenly Dao failed to capture this thing?

Jiang Bai frowned, but didn't rush to respond.

He carefully looked at the 25 teleportation altar, and found that the teleportation altar built by the demon clan was somewhat different from the cross-boundary teleportation array recorded in the All Heavens Formation Code.

He will transmit the construction method of the altar, and write down all of them.

Then he stepped down from the teleportation altar and handed over the entire altar to Heavenly Dao.

With a flash of light, the teleportation altar disappeared out of thin air.

Jiang Bai also received a reminder from the evolution panel.

[Reminder: You hand in the transmission altar of the demon clan, and you have made great contributions to the heavens and all races. Heavenly Dao will give you special rewards: Merit + 1 billion, luck + 1 million, and the baptism of the original law (entering the Dharma Phase realm Enter the Heavenly Dao treasure house (effective when entering the Dharma Phase) once. 】

Such a generous reward?!

Jiang Bai was dumbfounded, everyone was dumbfounded.

Needless to say the value and role of meritorious service and luck.

The key is the baptism of the Law Source and the chance to enter the treasure house of Heavenly Dao!

These two rewards are the real big deal!

Why didn't Jiang Bai break through to Half step Dharma Phase?

It is because when entering the Half step Dharma Phase state, we should introduce the law into the body and baptize ourselves.

However, the laws of heaven and earth in this world are incomplete. If you use the laws to baptize yourself in this world, you will leave defects in yourself, which will affect your subsequent cultivation.

Therefore, the baptism of the law is an extremely important step!

And now, Jiang Bai actually has the opportunity to accept the baptism of the origin of the law that is further than the baptism of the law!

The benefits of this are not clear for the time being.

But what is certain is that starting from this step, Jiang Bai will again distance himself from other Heaven Designated!

After recovering.

Jiang Bai immediately cooperated with the clones to kill the hundreds of demons.

When the demon giving orders was about to die, he stared at Jiang Bai with a fearful expression on his face, with a look of reluctance to die.

"The root cause has been removed, and the rest will be much easier!"

Jiang Bai heaved a sigh of relief, dispersed his avatars, sealed the corpses of those demons, and put them into the storage space.

Then use the Voidlord Talent to turn the coastal defenses around.

In front of the command post.

In front of the ancestors of all races, Jiang Bai took out the corpses of those sealed demons.

"Everyone, the demon clan hiding behind the scenes has been completely killed by me."

"Next, we only need to clean up the polluting organisms in the sea area, and the battle will be over."

Cao Wu was silent.

The ancestors of all races were also silent.

This sudden change made their minds a little confused.

They are worried about how strong the next attack of the demon army will be.

In the end, you actually beheaded all the heads of the enemy without making a sound?

This kind of godlike turning point really made them feel like they were dreaming.

"Why, are you unhappy?"

Jiang Bai scratched the back of his head suspiciously.

Cao Wu smiled bitterly and said, "Master Jiang, you are so sudden, we all don't know how to react!"

"That's right!"

"That's it!"

The ancestors of all ethnic groups nodded in agreement.

Jiang Bai spread his hands: "I can't do it if I don't take action. The demon family is hiding behind and setting up a teleportation altar, and they are preparing to welcome the army of demons to come! If I don't take action in time, "Wei Huang will face a real crisis of extinction!" "

Hearing this, Cao Wu and others also understood the whole story.

Cao Wu asked: "Master Jiang, what should we do now?"

"Didn't I just say that? Clean up the polluting organisms in the sea!"

Jiang Bai pointed to the direction of the sea area and reminded, "Without the coordinating demons behind, the polluting creatures in the sea area will no longer launch large-scale attacks on the defense line.

Therefore, it is only necessary to leave some troops on the defense line to garrison, and the rest of the troops will go directly into the sea area to clean up those polluting creatures little by little. In this way, the battle will be completely over. "

"I understand." Cao Wu nodded and looked at the ancestors of all ethnic groups, "Everyone, please go to the command post, and we will discuss the specific action plan.

The ancestors of all ethnic groups nodded one after another and walked towards the command post.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai put away the corpses of the demon clan, and then walked towards the cage.

These corpses are also research materials, so they should not be wasted.

Jiang Bai did not participate in the next cleansing operation.

With the 1 billion meritorious service rewarded by Heavenly Dao, he began to improve the technological level of Yanhuang Kingdom.

How to improve?

Of course, from the meritorious service store, exchange for the corresponding technology!

Especially genetic and micro technology are the focus of Jiang Bai's exchange.

Because these two aspects can promote the research process on the demon family.

two months later.

"So 447, the demon family follows the genetic evolution system?"

"The microscopic organisms that make up the demonic aura are also the product of the genetic evolution of the demon family?"

After receiving the technology support from the meritorious service store, Jiang Bai made breakthrough progress in his research on demons.

After these two months of research [he has unveiled the tenth veil on the surface of the Demon Clan.

The demon family is not following the evolutionary system of cultivation, but the evolutionary system of genes!

They evolved their own genes to a level that Jiang Bai could not imagine, which led to their abnormal vitality!

And the demonic aura bred through their bodies also inherited some of their genetic characteristics, which is why they became so terrifying!

Inspired by this, Jiang Bai successfully researched genetic evolution medicine.

No, in just one month, he successfully developed the first generation of genetic evolution medicine, which he named Type I evolution medicine.

After the physical test, the Type I evolution potion can elevate a Common creature to the rank of Extraordinary, that is, the first-order question!

This means that Yanhuang Kingdom can realize the first-order ambition of All People!

Because Type I evolution medicine can ignore qualifications, understanding, etc., it evolves creatures from the genetic level!

And this also allowed Jiang Bai to see the great prospects of the genetic system.

If a more powerful genetic evolution potion is developed, then all the people in Yanhuang Kingdom will be able to improve accordingly!.

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