All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 24 Are You Showing Off Your Wealth? Must Be!

"The next improvement, really can only rely on practice!"

Looking at his own strength level, Jiang Bai sighed softly.

Two days ago, he had already raised his strength to the peak of the first order.

It stands to reason that he should have been promoted to the second-order Realm long ago.

However, Heavenly Dao gave a reminder at the moment when Jiang Bai filled up his evolution points.

Heaven Designated wants to go from the first-order breakthrough to the second-order, two conditions need to be met——

First, the strength has been raised to level 1 and level 10.

Second, the three attributes of Strength, Agility, and Constitution must reach at least 1000 points.

These two conditions were met by Jiang Bai at that time.

And the reason why he was not promoted was because of what Heavenly Dao said next.

Heavenly Dao said that the first order is the Realm that casts the foundation, and it is also the foundation of the subsequent Realm.

In this Realm, the higher the three attributes of Strength, Agility, and Constitution are raised, the stronger the foundation is.

Only in this way can we go further on the road of evolution in the future.

Heavenly Dao also said that the limit of the first order is the three attributes of strength, agility, and constitution, all reaching 10,000 points!

At that time, Jiang Bai saw that he had not yet broken through 2000 points of four-dimensional attributes, so he decisively chose to give up promotion to the second level.

The gap between 10,000 points and less than 2,000 points is really big!

What Jiang Bai pursues is his own strength, so he naturally does not allow himself to be weaker than others!

What's more, his Innate Daoyin technique hasn't even been refined to Returned to Origin in the Skin Refining Chapter!

Close the profile page.

Jiang Bai opened the activity interface of Tribal Rise again to view the current tribal leaderboard.

Only the top 1,000 are included in the list.

But so far, there are only 55 tribes on the list!

And the tribe that ranked first was the Yanhuang tribe.

Today is the first Nine Heavens of the event, and there are so few tribes on the list, it can only explain one problem——

Most of the Heaven Designated haven't gotten their tribal order yet!

Jiang Bai opened the storage space, looked at the ten tribal orders inside, and fell into deep thought.

This time he was really sure that his ability to issue the tribal order was definitely related to the 12,000 points of luck!

Because these ten tribal orders were all obtained from black iron treasure chests!


"I don't want to build a tribe, why do you keep giving me this stuff?"

Jiang Bai said it was very painful.

After knowing that Spirit Stones are the hard currency, he is not interested in auctioning tribal orders.

After all, no matter how many evolution coins there are, you can't buy really good things!

At this stage, Heaven Designated can't produce Spirit Stones...

Besides, Jiang Bai itself has more than 20 billion evolution coins that are useless!

So he was also very troubled, not knowing how to deal with the ten tribal orders.

After all, this thing will depreciate sooner or later, and it can't be saved forever!

Suddenly, Jiang Bai thought of a way and immediately sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: Lao Cao, are you free? I'm looking for you for a little thing!

Soon, Cao Wu wrote back.

Cao Wu: Damn old Cao!

Cao Wu: What the hell is your name? I strongly suggest changing it!

Jiang Bai: Oh, we are so familiar, don't care about these details!

Cao Wu: No, it must be changed!

Cao Wu: Don't think I don't know what you're talking about! I'm not a Cao thief!

Jiang Bai frowned, took out ten tribal tokens, took a photo and sent it.

Cao Wu: Fuck, where did you get the tribal order? Or as much as ten yuan? !

Jiang Bai: It came out of the treasure chest.

Jiang Bai: Originally, I wanted to give you a few yuan, so that you could take it to the auction house to exchange for some evolution coins...

Jiang Bai: But now... I suddenly became in a bad mood, so I decided not to give it away!

Cao Wu: ...

Cao Wu: Wait, the little thing you mentioned at the this! ?

Jiang Bai: Guess~

After an interval of five seconds.

Cao Wu: Brother Jiang... No, Lord Jiang! From now on, please be sure to call me Lao Cao! If you don't call it that, I'm in a hurry with you!


"Ha ha……"

Seeing Cao Wu's private letter, Jiang Bai burst out laughing.

After laughing, Jiang Bai mailed the five tribal orders.

Cao Wu: Received, thank you, Master Jiang!

Jiang Bai: I can't bear this title, you should still call me Brother Jiang!

Cao Wu: No, you definitely deserve it. From now on, I will call you Lord Jiang!

Jiang Bai: emmmmm, as long as you are happy!

Jiang Bai: By the way, did officials from other regions contact you?

The chat channel has not yet unblocked the communication between regions, but the trading platform is not restricted!

Cao Wu: Yes, what's the matter?

Jiang Bai: Is there any reliable candidate? I want to send out another three yuan with the tribal order in my hand.

Cao Wu: ...

Cao Wu: Are you showing off your wealth? Must be! (leave tears of poverty.jpg)

You know, the value of the current tribal order is not falling but increasing!

At the beginning of the activity, the two tribal orders could fetch a sky-high price of more than 20 billion.

If you take out a tribal token and put it up for auction now, the transaction price will only be higher!

Jiang Bai: I don't want to build a tribe, so it's useless to have so many tribe orders! (a series of helpless expressions)

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, please say goodbye to Versailles! (God, please accept Supernatural Power!.jpg)

Jiang Bai was speechless, he really wasn't Versailles!

Jiang Bai: Don't make trouble, I'm serious!

Jiang Bai: Maybe I can issue more tribal orders in the future. Anyway, it’s useless for me to hold them. It’s better to give them to the country, which is a little bit of my heart.

This time, after an interval of about ten seconds, Cao Wu replied.

Cao Wu: As expected of Lord Jiang, the pattern is big!

Cao Wu: Leave this matter to me. I will try my best to see if I can contact you Elders!

Jiang Bai: Cheng, I am waiting for your good news!

Cao Wu: By the way, there is a question I've been wanting to ask, is it convenient?

Jiang Bai: You want to ask, why can I issue so many tribal orders?

Cao Wu: Yes.

Cao Wu: But if it involves your secret, it goes without saying.

Jiang Bai: It's no secret either...

Jiang Bai: Do you still remember the luck rewarded to you by Heavenly Dao?

Cao Wu: You don't mean to say that it has something to do with luck?

Jiang Bai: According to my speculation and should be!

Jiang Bai: The higher the luck value, the better the luck, and the easier it is to get good things!

Cao Wu: I see!

Cao Wu: But I also have 1000 points of luck, but let alone tribal orders, I only issued a few blueprints, and they are all basic level!

Jiang Bai: I have 12,000 luck points...

Cao Wu: ...

Cao Wu: Hello boss, goodbye boss!

After the exchange, Jiang Bai also started a day of hunting.

Although he can't improve his strength now, he has activated the hidden mechanism of converting evolution points into potential points again!

According to Heavenly Dao, this hidden mechanism is set in every Realm.

It's just that the higher the Realm, the more evolution points are needed to convert it into 1 potential point.

For example, the current Jiang Bai needs 5000 evolution points to convert into 1 potential point.

At level 10, only 1000 evolution points can be converted into 1 potential point.

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