All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 25 The Regional Survival Battle Begins!

the next day.

Today is the fifteenth day of Heaven Designated and the tenth day of the Rise of the Horde event.

As usual, Jiang Bai is ready to start a day of hunting after finishing his morning exercise.

At this time, Heavenly Dao's voice sounded.

[Announcement: At present, more than half of the Heaven Designated have entered the ranks of Extraordinary, and the barriers between the various novice villages have been officially lifted, and the various novice villages in the same area can communicate with each other from now on. 】

The announcement was broadcast three times in a row.

Immediately afterwards, another announcement sounded.

[Announcement: Natural selection, survival of the fittest! No matter when and where, survival is always an eternal topic! Starting today, the regional survival battle officially begins! 】

[Explanation 1: The regional survival battle is divided into three stages: military disasters, animal disasters, and natural disasters. It is currently the first stage: military disasters. 】

[Explanation 2: During the military disaster phase, Heaven Designated will use its own novice village as its camp, and can vote for the village chief of its own novice village—that is, the head of the camp. 】

[Explanation 3: The aborigines in each region will all return, and use their own tribe as their camp to participate in the regional survival battle. 】

[Explanation 4: Heaven Designated can obtain corresponding survival points for beheading any target of other camps (including aboriginal camps). 】

[Note 5: Survival Points can be exchanged for Cultivation Technique, techniques, equipment and other items in the Survival Store. 】

[Note 6: The survival leaderboard has been opened, and the ranking is based on survival points. By the end of the current stage, anyone who is on the list will be rewarded with Heavenly Dao. 】

[Explanation 7: The duration of the military disaster phase is not fixed. Only when Heaven Designated successfully finds and eliminates the real source of the military disaster, the regional survival war will enter the second phase. 】

After Jiang Bai read the announcement, there was only one thought in his mind——

The killing begins!

Judging from the seventh note, Heavenly Dao is obviously going to let Heaven Designated fight each other!

Not only that, Heaven Designated is also facing the threat of aborigines!

At this time, two reminders sounded in Jiang Bai's ears.

[Reminder: The No. 6 novice village you are in has started voting for the election of the village head. You can enter the No. 6 chat room to vote. 】

[Reminder: Congratulations, you have become one of the candidates for the village head of No. 6 Novice Village. 】

Jiang Bai:? ? ?

Candidate for mayor?

Who the hell pushed him up? !

Jiang Bai quickly opened the chat channel and clicked into the No. 6 chat room.

He subconsciously glanced at the upper left corner of the chat room: No. 6 novice village, current number: 5105.

"More than five thousand people?"

Jiang Bai couldn't help but let out a sigh, you know there were 10,000 people in the beginning!

It's only been fifteen days, and that's nearly half of it!

And in the next regional survival battle, I don't know how many people will die...

"Forget it, let's take care of myself first!"

Jiang Bai laughed at himself and looked at the votes in the chat room.

Looking at it, he almost fell to the ground!

On the voting interface, he was the one with the most votes!

Not only that, but his number of votes was twice that of Cao Wu who was ranked second!

"What's going on?"

"Except for the fact that I showed up and made a move when the Yanhuang tribe started the defense battle, I have never appeared in front of other people since then!"

"How can so many people vote for me now?"

Jiang Bai couldn't understand it, and then decisively sent a private message to ask Cao Wu.

Soon, Cao Wu wrote back.

Cao Wu: During the previous defense battle, many people broadcasted the live broadcast. At that time, almost all the people in Novice Village on the 6th were watching.

Cao Wu: Moreover, many people also recorded your battle scenes and spread them widely in the No. 6 chat room and regional channels.

Cao Wu: You are already famous in No. 6 novice village and the regional channel in District 168, don’t you know?


Jiang Bai was stunned.

Why didn't he hear any news about such a big event? !

At this time, Cao Wu sent another private message.

Cao Wu: Oh, yes!

Cao Wu: I forgot, you don't pay much attention to chat rooms and regional channels, no wonder you don't know!

So, blame myself?

Jiang Bai couldn't complain anymore.

Immediately, he remembered the business and quickly sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: I don't want to be a village chief, what can you do?

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, I can't help it! (wry smile expression)

Cao Wu: Voting is a personal choice, I have no right to interfere with others!

Cao Wu: Besides, once a ballot is cast, it cannot be canceled or changed.


Jiang Bai slapped his forehead.

Well, it seems that the village head, he is sure!

As if to prove it, the reminder sounded again.

[Reminder: Congratulations on your success as the head of No. 6 novice village. The relevant permissions have been activated for you. Please go to the evolution panel to check it yourself. 】

Jiang Bai accepted his fate, closed the chat channel, and opened the evolution panel.

There is a new option above: village head authority.

Jiang Bai clicked on the village chief's authority page and began to understand.

A few minutes later.

After Jiang Bai understood, he was relieved immediately.

Fortunately, the village head of Laoshizi doesn't have to shoulder the responsibilities of guarding the village and defending against enemies.

There are a few more convenient permissions.

For example, you can check the basic information of the novice village in District 168—such as the real-time number of people in the village, what is the highest strength, which country it belongs to, and so on.

Another example is that you can 'downgrade' the relationship between your own camp and other camps.

According to the explanation given by Heavenly Dao, the relationship between the camps is divided by strangeness.

Upwards, there are two grades of friendliness and allies, which cannot be adjusted by themselves.

Next, there are two levels of hostility and blood feud, which can be adjusted actively.

Among them, once the blood feud relationship is confirmed, it will not be changed until death.

In addition, the village head has two extremely important powers——

Surrender and ally.

But these two permissions can only be used between novice villages, not for aboriginals.

Such as surrender.

A novice village can surrender to another novice village, but not to a native tribe.


Chat Room 6.

[Village Announcement: The village chief 'Jiang Bai' appointed 'Cao Wu' as the deputy village chief to be in charge of all aspects of No. 6 novice village. 】

As soon as this announcement came out, the chat room was instantly quiet.

At this time, Jiang Bai sent a sentence to the chat room:

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't like to be in charge, and I don't like to chat, so I don't pay much attention to chat rooms and regional channels on weekdays. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask Cao Wu directly."

As soon as these words came out, the chat room boiled instantly.

"Damn it, the boss Jiang Bai has appeared!"

"What's the big guy, this is the village chief!"

"Master Village Chief, is there a pendant on your leg?"

"Master Village Chief, is there a shortage of warm beds? They are light and soft and easy to knock down, and they can change their voice!"

"Everyone, let our village chief take a look at the table! I'll come first and welcome the village chief to the chat room!"

"Welcome the village chief to the chat room!"


Jiang Bai hastily exited the chat room.

He obviously didn't do anything, yet he was treated like this.

It really made him a little ashamed!

"Now that the barriers between the villages have been lifted, let's explore today!"

"It can also be regarded as exploring the way for No. 6 novice village!"

Jiang Bai muttered to himself and looked towards the mountain road not far away.

Before that, he was on the other side of that mountain road and touched an invisible barrier.

I don't know if it is lifted now?

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