All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 26 Encountering Aboriginal People

The end of the mountain road.

Jiang Bai stretched out his hand tentatively, but he didn't encounter any obstacles.

"It seems that the outside of the mountain road is not other areas, but the boundaries of other novice villages!"

Knowing this, Jiang Bai immediately walked out of the mountain path.

In front of the mountain road is a deep dense forest.

As he got closer, Jiang Bai could even smell the decaying smell coming from the forest.

This is the smell of rotting dead branches and leaves!

Suddenly, a record popped up.

[Record: Because you explored the 'Dark Forest', all the maps of District 168 have been unlocked. 】

Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, and then opened the real-time map.

On the real-time map, a large area was lit up.

This area is Area 168.

The places outside the area are still in darkness.

Jiang Bai checked and found that only the topography of the whole area can be seen on the regional map.

The location of other novice villages, or the location of the tribes of the aborigines, etc., are not marked.

However, the places Jiang Bai has been to are marked in detail.

For example, the location of No. 6 novice village and the location of Yanhuang Tribe.

Jiang Bai saw that No. 6 novice village is located on the edge of District 168.

In front of the village is a dense forest, and further ahead is the Grand Canyon.

Going forward, you will find the Mirkwood, which covers the largest area in the map of Area 168.

It can be said that the entire District 168 is centered around Mirkwood.

Turn off Live Maps.

Jiang Bai turned around and walked towards Wang Dong. He didn't enter the dark forest, but walked along the edge of the forest.

He guessed that other novice villages were probably located outside Mirkwood as well!

Why such a guess?

Because the dark and dense Lin Ming is obviously a higher-level map, there must be a large number of powerful beasts living inside.

Since it is a novice village, it is impossible to place it in other Advanced maps as soon as it comes up.

In addition, Area 168 is centered on Mirkwood.

Therefore, the location of each novice village should be in the outer area of ​​the Mirk Forest.


after an hour.

Jiang Bai was hiding on a giant tree, looking at a small tribe a hundred meters ahead.

In that tribe, there lived a group of humanoid creatures.

They have green skin, short stature, pointed ears and long ears, and the overall appearance is ugly.

"This is... Goblin?"

Jiang Bai was surprised.

The images of the group of humanoid creatures are exactly the same as the common goblins in online games!

"These goblins should be natives, right?"

"Looking at their clothing, housing, tools, etc., it seems that their civilization level is not high, and Life is a bit difficult!"

"Or is it true for all aborigines?"

Jiang Bai squeezed his chin with one hand, analyzing to himself.

"It is rumored that goblins will treat the human race as food. I wonder if it is true?"

If it is true, then Jiang Bai doesn't mind exterminating this goblin tribe.

Anyway, in his perception, there is no Extraordinary in this tribe.

For him, such a tribe can be easily destroyed.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers.

Jiang Bai followed the prestige to look, and his eyes fixed immediately.

They saw more than a dozen goblins wearing animal skins and holding weapons, carrying some prey into the tribe.

It's not hard to see that the dozen or so goblins should be the tribe's hunters.

It's just that among their prey, there are actually two tied up human children!

"It seems that the rumors are true!"

Jiang Bai's face was ice-cold, and killing intent surged in his eyes.

He took out the iron and wood bow in one hand, stood on the giant tree like this, and attacked the tribe from a hundred meters away.

With four arrows in a row, the four goblins carrying the human children were shot and killed almost simultaneously.

Jiang Bai also saw the record brush out.

[Record: Kill Goblin Warrior (Level 8) x4, Survival Points +320. 】

At the same time, sudden changes also caused chaos in the entire Goblin tribe.

Jiang Bai didn't stop, and once again used the rapid-fire arrow to kill those goblins at an extremely fast speed.

Every arrow shot out will definitely pierce the head of a goblin, no matter men, women or children!

These green-skinned creatures actually treat human children as food!

So in Jiang Bai's heart, they... No, it's 'they', no difference from those ferocious beasts!

A few minutes later.

Goblin corpses were everywhere in the tribe, and bright red blood flowed on the ground.

Holding an iron and wooden bow, Jiang Bai walked lightly into the tribe.

With a spiritual attribute as high as 2285 points, his perception is enough to cover the entire tribe.

He stood at the gate of the tribe, locked the remaining goblins in the tribe with his perception, and shot them to death one by one.

It's useless even if they hide in thatched huts!

Because of the +4 iron wood arrows, even stone walls can easily penetrate!

After clearing all goblins.

As soon as Jiang Bai came in front of the two human children, the reminder sounded.

[Reminder: As the first Heaven Designated to destroy the aboriginal tribe, you have triggered the Heavenly Dao notification, do you want to hide basic information? 】


Jiang Bai made a choice without even thinking about it.

[Heavenly Dao announcement: Terran Heaven Designated ‘xxx’, the first to destroy an aboriginal tribe, special reward: small teleportation array blueprint (special) x1, Luck +10000, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】

As usual, three times.

Jiang Bai didn't bother to pay attention to the reactions of the other Heaven Designated, and went straight to check the two children.

To breathe and to be alive.

But in a coma.

Jiang Bai untied the hemp ropes on the two of them, took one in each hand, and left quickly.

Not long after he left, the smell of blood in the tribe attracted many beasts...


By a small river.

Jiang Bai woke up the two children by splashing water on them.

"Big brother, did you save us?"

The little girl among them was not afraid at all, she looked at Jiang Bai with big eyes and asked.

The little boy had a timid expression on his face, and kept hiding behind the little girl.

Jiang Bai smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's me. Do you remember which direction home is? I'll take you home!"

The evolution panel has a translation function, which can automatically perform two-way translation, so you don't have to worry about communication problems.

"The direction..."

The little girl glanced around and shook her head in distress, "Big brother, I've never been here before, so I can't recognize the direction."

After a pause, she added, "But Dad said, if I get lost outside, I should walk in the direction of the rising sun, so that I can go home!"


Jiang Bai understood, and then he picked up a child in one hand and walked towards the east.

It went like this for more than ten minutes.

Suddenly, Jiang Bai stopped and looked ahead vigilantly.

He sensed a first-order aura, and more than a dozen Half step Extraordinary auras, approaching him.

At this time, a shout came from the front.

When the little girl heard it, she was pleasantly surprised: "It's Dad's voice!"

Jiang Bai's heart moved, he quickly hugged the two children and ran towards the direction of the sound.

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