All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 3 Upgrade And Leveling Points

"What kind of broken novice village is this, doesn't it even have an NPC?"

Jiang Bai, who just walked around the village, couldn't help but complain.

He originally thought that he could take on a quest or learn a Cultivation Technique, technique or something.

As a result, after turning around, I didn't even see the shadow of the fucking NPC!

"Forget it, let's hurry up and improve our strength!"

Jiang Bai understands that the three-day protection period given by Heavenly Dao is actually a time for Heaven Designated to adapt and develop.

After three days, this 'game' can be regarded as the real start!

At the entrance of the village.

When Jiang Bai came here, he saw many people gathered here.

This is teaming up.

Facing an unfamiliar environment, group travel is undoubtedly a good choice.

Jiang Bai rejected the invitations of several people in a row, and walked out of the village quickly.

There is a dense forest right in front of the village entrance, and many teams have already entered the dense forest.

As the sole practitioner, Jiang Bai followed those teams into the dense forest for safety reasons.

He doesn't want to do this either, but in order to avoid exposing the Talent system and his own Talent, he can only choose to go alone.

Besides, his four-dimensional attribute has reached 18 points under the influence of Balanced Growth Talent.

Plus Swift Talent and +2 Cross Blade.

Be careful, escape should be fine.

Suddenly, a scream came.

Jiang Bai paused and followed the prestige.

Then he saw four people running towards his direction.

Behind the four of them, there was another rabbit chasing after them.

If that two-meter-high thing is still a rabbit...

【Finger Rabbit

Category: Beasts

Strength: Level 1

Bloodline: Common

Talent: None]

As the giant rabbit approached, Jiang Bai also saw its basic information.

Level 1 beast?

Jiang Bai summoned up his courage, clenched the horizontal knife in his hand, and rushed towards the Fangtooth Rabbit.

The four people who were running away were all stunned when they saw this.


"What is he doing?"

"My brain is so funny, I can't tell the direction?"

"Is this...delivering to your door?"

At this time, Jiang Bai had already focused all his attention on the Fangtooth Rabbit.

When rushing to the sharp tooth rabbit, Jiang Bai immediately activated the swift Talent.

His Agility attribute soared from 18 points to 90 points in an instant, a full five-fold increase!


Here comes the most amazing part!

The Agility attribute is temporarily boosted by the Swift Talent.

Therefore, under the influence of the Balanced Growth Talent, the three attributes of Strength, Constitution, and Spirit were also temporarily raised to 90 points!

In other words, Jiang Bai's current four-dimensional attributes are all 90 points!

At this moment, an unprecedented powerful feeling rose in Jiang Bai's heart.

Even the movements of the Fangtooth Rabbit slowed down in his eyes.

With a light leap, he came to the same height as the head of the sharp-toothed rabbit.

With a wave of the horizontal knife in his hand, it instantly cut across Fang Rabbit's neck.

[Record: Killing the Fanged Rabbit (Level 1) x1, evolution point +10. 】

[Record: Your strength has been raised to level 1, rewards: attribute points +5, potential points +10. 】

[Record: Your Strength, Agility, Constitution, and Spirit all increase by 10 points. 】

As the three records came out, the heads of Jiang Bai and Bittertooth fell to the ground at the same time.

"Fuck!" x4

Seeing this scene, the escaped group of four popped their eyeballs and were stunned in place.

In the eyes of the four of them, only a flash of cold light was seen, and then the Fangtooth Rabbit was given the head.

From the beginning to the end, the four of them didn't see clearly how Jiang Bai chopped off the rabbit's head!

At this moment, Jiang Bai looked at the Fangtooth Rabbit lying on the ground, and his confidence increased greatly.

As the saying goes: Everything is difficult at the beginning.

With the first time, the second time is much easier.

Jiang Bai put the body and head of the sharp-toothed rabbit into his backpack, and left quickly——

Once the Swift Talent is activated, it cannot be interrupted unless the duration expires.

No, when the fleeing group of four came back to their senses, Jiang Bai had already disappeared from their sight.

But the scene of Jiang Bai beheading the Fangtooth Rabbit just now has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the four of them.

the other side.

Once the time is up, the Swift Talent's enhancement effect will disappear immediately.

Jiang Bai also felt himself weakening rapidly.

This is an attribute he temporarily raised, and it has fallen back to normal levels.

He felt it, and found that the energy consumed to activate the swift Talent was not much.

But within the next hour, Swift Talent cannot be used again.

"This cooldown is really long!"

Jiang Bai complained, then clenched the horizontal knife in his hand, and scanned his surroundings vigilantly.

Next, be careful.

Subsequently, Jiang Bai opened the personal information interface to check the changes above.

[Strength: Level 1 (Evolution Point: 0/100.)]

[Attributes: Strength: 28; Agility: 28; Constitution: 28; Spirit: 28. 】

[attribute points: 5]

[Potential points: 10]

He glanced at the attribute points, and added all 5 attributes to strength.

Strength: 28 → 33.

After the strength attribute is increased, the Balanced Growth Talent will take effect immediately, raising the three attributes of Agility, Constitution, and Spirit to 33 points!

Jiang Bai immediately felt that the feeling of weakness dissipated a lot.

He was so determined that he looked forward to encountering a beast.


Three hours later.

[Record: Kill the Megalodon (Level 1) x1, evolution point +5. 】

[Record: Your strength has been upgraded to level 2, rewards: attribute points +5, potential points +10. 】

[Record: Your Strength, Agility, Constitution, and Spirit all increase by 10 points. 】

Finally reached level 2!

Jiang Bai almost burst into tears.

For some unknown reason, there are very few ferocious beasts in the dense forest.

No, after searching for three hours, Jiang Bai killed the twentieth beast!

He put the megalodon into his backpack, and then opened the personal information page to check the changes.

[Strength: Level 2 (Evolution Point: 0/200.)]

[Attributes: Strength: 43; Agility: 43; Constitution: 43; Spirit: 43]

[attribute points: 5]

[Potential points: 10]

As usual, Jiang Bai puts all his attribute points on his strength.

Strength: 43 → 48.

Under the effect of the Balanced Growth Talent, the three attributes of Agility, Constitution, and Spirit are all raised to 48 points.

At this moment, Jiang Bai finally felt that he had the power to protect himself.

After adapting to the power of the skyrocketing.

Jiang Bai moved on.

Soon, he walked out of the dense forest and stood under a towering giant mountain.

This is really a giant mountain!

The height does not see the top, the size does not see the edge.

Perhaps due to environmental factors, the vegetation in this world is larger and more lush than that on Blue Star.

Now even the mountains are bigger than those on the Blue Mountains!

"Have I come this far?"

Jiang Bai opened the real-time map and looked at it, only to find that the straight-line distance between himself and the novice village was already more than twenty miles.

Turning off the real-time map, Jiang Bai looked at the long and narrow mountain road ahead, hesitated for a moment, and walked in.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Bai passed through the narrow and long mountain road, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

There is a large flat grassland ahead!

A meandering river flows from far away, dividing the grassland in two.

Most importantly, the grasslands are home to many beasts!

Jiang Bai was dumbfounded.

After he came back to his senses, he became excited.

This is an excellent leveling point!

for a while.

Jiang Bai calmed down and marked this place on the real-time map.

Only then did he walk into the canyon with the horizontal knife in his hand and start the journey of upgrading.

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