All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 4 Purchasing Cultivation Technique And Techniques (Part 1)

Time flies, and it is evening.

The hungry Jiang Bai finally returned to the novice village.

He went all the way back to his own stone house, sat cross-legged on the edge of the stone bed, and opened his personal information page.

【Jiang Bai】

[Race: Human Race]

【Realm: Level 3 (Evolution Point: 15/300.)】

[Attributes: Strength: 63; Agility: 63; Constitution: 63; Spirit: 63. 】

[Talent: Unlimited Enhancement (SSS level), Balanced Growth (SSS level), Swiftness (E level)]

【Cultivation Technique: None】

[Technique: None]

[Evolution Coin: 0]

[attribute points: 0]

【Potential points: 40】

Looking at his own strength and attributes, Jiang Bai sighed.

It stands to reason that he can find an excellent leveling point.

The harvest of a day is definitely more than this.

But the key point is that as the strength continues to increase, the evolution points provided by low-level beasts are also gradually decreasing.

For example, Jiang Bai at level 3 can only gain 1 evolution point after hunting a level 1 beast.


Hunting higher level beasts?

Jiang Bai thought too, but his strength didn't allow it!

He tried to hunt level 2 and level 3 beasts, but every time he was chased by a group of beasts and ran away!

He didn't stop until he fled into the narrow and long mountain road!

Yes, most of the ferocious beasts on the grass appear in groups.

Of course, it's not impossible to deal with the herd.

"Long range attack ability!"

"With my current Agility attribute, if I have the ability to attack from a distance, I can use kite tactics to gradually eat away at the herd!"

Jiang Bai has already understood where his own shortcomings lie, and has also figured out how to deal with them.

He opened the backpack and sold the beasts hunted inside to the evolution store through the recycling function.

According to the recovery price in the evolution store, a level 1 beast can get 100 evolution coins.

In this wave of recycling, Jiang Bai directly credited 13,600 evolution coins.

With money, it is natural to fill the stomach first and then talk about other things!

The growth of the four-dimensional attribute caused Jiang Bai's appetite to increase greatly.

He ate five fast meals in a row before he finally felt full.

Afterwards, he drank the fat house happy water and clicked on the Cultivation Technique page of the evolution store.

As you can see, the Cultivation Technique page is full of basic-level Cultivation Techniques.

And these basic Cultivation Techniques are all kinds of piles.

Jiang Bai took a closer look and found that different piles have different emphases.

For example, the wild bear pile that focuses on strength and defense, the flying bird pile that focuses on speed and flexibility, and so on.

Looking at the dazzling array of skills, Jiang Bai had a bold idea.

He spent 1,000 evolution coins to buy a copy of "Savage Bear Pile".

Click Learn.

[Record: Cultivation Technique has been obtained: Wild Bear Pile (not Initiation). 】

The next step is to upgrade the level of the barbarian pile.

[Record: Potential point -1, barbaric bear pile increased to 'Initiation'. 】

Jiang Bai checks the information of the wild bear pile.

[Savage Bear Pile (Enhancement available)

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: Basic

Level: Initiation (0/2)

Effect: Strength +5, Constitution+5, Agility+3. 】

Sure enough, Cultivation Technique can also Enhancement!

Jiang Bai understood, took a look at the effect of the wild bear pile, and then continued to improve.

[Record: Potential point -2, barbarian pile is upgraded to 'proficient'. 】

[Record: Potential point -3, barbaric bear pile upgraded to 'Mastery'. 】

[Record: Potential point -4, barbarian pile increased to 'small achievement'. 】

[Record: Potential point -5, wild bear pile increased to 'Great Completion'. 】

[Record: Potential point -6, barbarian pile increased to 'Returned to Origin'. 】

Check out the information on the bear pile again.

[Savage Bear Pile (Enhancement available)

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: Basic

Level: Returned to Origin

Effect: Strength +30, Constitution +30, Agility +18. 】

Under the influence of Balanced Growth Talent, Jiang Bai's four-dimensional attributes increased to——

[Attributes: Strength: 93; Agility: 93; Constitution: 93; Spirit: 93. 】

The four-dimensional attributes skyrocketed, and Jiang Bai also clearly felt the physical changes——

The five senses become sharp, the mind becomes clear, and the thinking becomes active...

In addition, there is an additional kind of perception ability that is vaguely present.

After adapting to the physical changes.

Jiang Bai brought his attention back to Cultivation Technique.

He once again spent 1,000 evolution coins to buy a copy of "Flying Bird Stakes", and then clicked to learn.

[Record: You have obtained Cultivation Technique: Flying Bird Stake (not Initiation). 】

Jiang Bai looked at the potential points and there were 19 points left.

Then start to raise the level of the bird pile.

[Record: Potential point -1, bird stake raised to 'Initiation'. 】

View bird stake information.

【Flying bird pile (Enhancement available)

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: Basic

Level: Initiation (0/2)

Effect: Agility+3, Constitution+1. 】

Jiang Bai skipped ahead, and his eyes fell directly on the effect column.

"Is there such a small increase?"

"Is it because my four-dimensional attribute is too high?"

Jiang Bai frowned, thoughtful.

He originally planned to use the characteristics of the Balanced Growth Talent to brush up the four-dimensional attributes by learning different skills.

Who knows...

"Forget it, it can be improved a little bit!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai used the remaining potential points to raise the bird pile to 'Great Completion' in one go.

And the effect of the flying bird pile has also become——

Agility+15, Constitution+5.

Under the influence of Balanced Growth Talent, Jiang Bai's four-dimensional attribute has been improved again——

[Attributes: Strength: 108; Agility: 108; Constitution: 108; Spirit: 108. 】

Jiang Bai took a look, and there were 4 potential points left.

He thought for a while, and spent 1,000 evolution coins again to buy a "Gui Yuan Pile".

This practice focuses on endurance and recovery.

[Record: You have obtained Cultivation Technique: Returning Yuan Stakes (not Initiation). 】

[Record: Potential point -1, Guiyuan pile is upgraded to 'Initiation'. 】


【Return to Yuan Pile (Enhancement available)

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: Basic

Level: Initiation (0/2)

Effect: Constitution+1]

Well, the desire to use the basic Cultivation Technique to brush attributes has failed!

Jiang Bai understood it when he saw the effect bar.

However, he glanced at the current four-dimensional attribute value and immediately laughed.

The four-dimensional attribute has reached 109 points, definitely far exceeding all current Heaven Designated!

"There are 3 potential points left..."

"Then buy two techniques!"

Jiang Bai opened the technique interface and found that, like the Cultivation Technique interface, the technique is only at the basic level.

After some selection.

Jiang Bai spent 2,000 evolution coins to purchase one "Basic Knife Technique" and one "Basic Archery".

[Record: You have acquired techniques: basic knife skills (not Initiation), basic archery (not Initiation). 】

[Record: Potential point -1, basic knife skills increased to 'Initiation'. 】

[Record: Potential point -1, basic archery increased to 'Initiation'. 】

So far, there is only 1 potential point left.

Check out the techniques.

【Basic knife skills

Category: Techniques

Grade: Basic

Level: Initiation (0/2)

Effect: The power of sword technique +5%, attack speed +5%. 】

【Basic Archery

Category: Techniques

Grade: Basic

Level: Initiation (0/2)

Effect: Archery hit +5%, fire rate +5%. 】

Hey, can't the basic technique be Enhancement?

Jiang Bai threw this question to the Talent system.

"Ding, the basic technique has reached its limit, so naturally it cannot continue Enhancement."

Jiang Bai asked: "Then why can the basic Cultivation Technique be Enhancement?"

"Ding, on top of the basic Cultivation Technique, there is a more Advanced Cultivation Technique that is matched with it, so it has not reached its limit, so it can naturally be Enhanced."

"Ding, Talent is the same way."

Suddenly, Jiang Bai also understood that this should be the limit of the infinite Enhancement Talent.

Although this Talent claims to be able to Enhance everything, there are bound to be certain restrictions.

For example, it is limited by the upper limit of the target itself, or the target level exceeds the Enhancement range of the infinite Enhancement Talent, etc.

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