All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter Thirty-Five Opening Of Career Mechanism

At this time, the Heavenly Dao announcement sounded.

[Announcement: Because Heaven Designated has successfully obtained a career, the career mechanism is now officially open! 】

[Explanation 1: Every Heaven Designated has their own hobbies and specialties, and the existence of the career mechanism is to give Heaven Designated more choices. 】

[Explanation 2: Division of labor and cooperation, each performing its duties, can make a tribe develop faster and better. Therefore, the residents summoned from the tribe are also eligible to obtain the own occupation. 】

[Explanation 3: Heaven Designated can use potential points to quickly upgrade their career level, but tribal residents cannot. 】

[Explanation 4: Different professions have different potentials—for example, 'pharmacist' can advance to 'pill refiner' in the future, but 'lumberjack' has no potential to advance. 】

[Explanation 5: Whether you are a Heaven Designated or a tribal resident, you need to meet two basic conditions if you want to obtain a certain occupation: 1. Have certain knowledge or experience of the occupation—for example, the knowledge of Medicinal herbs for the 'pharmacist' occupation,' Logging experience in the Lumberjack' profession. 2. Independently produce the same finished product related to this occupation, or complete the work related to this occupation - for example, the occupation of 'pharmacist' needs to independently and successfully produce a medicine or liquid medicine (including poison and venom), The 'lumberjack' occupation requires you to cut down a certain number of trees yourself. 】

Seeing the fifth explanation, Jiang Bai finally understood how he activated his profession!

Because he had obtained the knowledge of the Medicinal Herbs Encyclopedia before, so after making a few mixed poisons this time.

It just happened to meet the conditions by mistake!

"It seems that professional knowledge and experience are the key!"

Jiang Bai soon realized that the key to activating his career was the key.


Why in the tribe of Heaven Designated, those summoned residents work every day, but fail to activate their occupations?

Don't worry, the career mechanism is mainly for Heaven Designated.

Before Heaven Designated activated the occupation mechanism, how could those tribal residents obtain occupations first?

Then, here comes the problem.

How does Heaven Designated get professional knowledge or experience?

There is no explanation given in the Heavenly Dao announcement, which is obviously to let Heaven Designated figure it out on its own.

"For occupations such as lumberjacks, it's good to say that they only need to repeat work to continuously accumulate professional experience, and sooner or later they will be able to activate related occupations."

"It can be similar to a profession like a pharmacist, but it requires relevant professional knowledge..."

Jiang Bai pondered for a moment, opened the evolution store and searched, but couldn't find any professional-related knowledge books.

Then, he opened the Survival Store.

But also failed to find occupation-related knowledge books.

At this time, a flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Bai's mind, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Could it be the aborigines?"

Where does knowledge come from?

Isn't it just what the predecessors have accumulated and extracted from the experience after accumulating a lot of experience in practice?

The aborigines have lived in this world for so long, so they must have a lot of professional knowledge.

In addition, there is another way to gain professional knowledge, which should be opening treasure chests.

After Jiang Bai sorted it out, he sent his speculation to Cao Wu in a private message.

Soon, Cao Wu wrote back.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang is Lord Jiang, and he analyzed the dry goods so quickly!

Jiang Bai: I just have a little more contact with things than you, so I can easily guess it.

Cao Wu: That's also Master Jiang's ability!

Jiang Bai: Okay, stop flattering me, remember to release the information just now, and let other Heaven Designated in the village know.

Cao Wu: OK!

Jiang Bai: By the way, the blueprint of the small teleportation array I gave you cannot be made?

Cao Wu: How do you know?

Jiang Bai: I didn't know it before, but after the career mechanism was activated, I guessed it...

Jiang Bai: I guess, that thing should require a corresponding profession to make it, such as a mage, a craftsman, and the like.

Cao Wu: Understood, I will pay more attention to talents in this area.

Jiang Bai: OK, let's not talk for now, I have something else to do.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai opened the personal information page, and saw that there was a new column on it——

【Occupation: Pharmacist (Novice)】

View information.

【Pharmacist (Enhancement available)

Category: Occupation

Level: Novice (0/100)

Explanation: This is a profession that can identify Medicinal herbs, be familiar with medicinal properties, pharmacology, and master medical skills. It is expected to advance to a pill refining doctor in the future. 】

"Professions can also be Enhancement?"

Jiang Bai was stunned, and immediately became interested.

He opens the infinite Enhancement Talent to enhance the pharmacist profession.

[Record: Your profession——Pharmacist (Novice), has been successfully promoted to profession——Pharmacy (Primary). 】

In an instant, a large amount of knowledge and experience of a pharmacist poured directly into Jiang Bai's mind.

After he received it, he not only understood the role of the pharmacist profession, but also raised his professional level to Primary.

But most importantly——

Successfully saved 100 potential points!

Jiang Bai was delighted.

He glanced at the Primary pharmacist, and found that the Enhancement can still be continued, so naturally he must continue!

[Record: Your profession—Primary, has been successfully promoted to a profession—Intermediate. 】

[Record: Your profession - Intermediate, has been successfully upgraded to a profession - Advanced. 】

[Record: Your profession - pharmacist (Advanced), successfully promoted to profession - pharmacist (top level). 】

[Reminder: You are not strong enough to continue Enhancement. 】

For a long time.

Only then did Jiang Bai digest the knowledge and experience poured into his mind, and he let out a sigh of relief.

This wave of indoctrination is too large, if his spiritual attribute is not high enough, he will probably be knocked out by the shock.

However, the results are gratifying!

Without spending any potential points, he successfully promoted the pharmacist profession to the top level.

This makes Jiang Bai very satisfied!

Afterwards, he looked at the glass bottle containing the mixed venom in his hand, and silently opened the evolution store.

I didn't feel it before, but now I have gained the knowledge and experience of a top pharmacist.

Jiang Bai immediately felt that the preparation of this mixed venom was too rough!

And this mixed venom looks terrible, but in fact, the toxicity is really not bad.

Therefore, Jiang Bai will purify and refine the poison!

Let its toxicity be completely released, and take it to the next level!

This point, the previous Jiang Bai definitely couldn't do it.

But now it's easy.

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