All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 36 No. 4 Novice Village Is Destroyed!

In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

Jiang Bai was also woken up by the alarm clock - the alarm clock was bought from the evolution store.

After sleeping all afternoon, he is now full of energy.

Put away the alarm clock and come to the edge of the cliff.

Jiang Bai turned on the super vision Talent and looked into the mountain depression.

It was getting dark.

The Heaven Designated in No. 4 novice village have worked hard all day, and are preparing to call it a day and go back to the village to rest.

Jiang Bai turned off the Supervision Talent, waited until it was completely dark, and then jumped off the cliff.

With his current four-dimensional attributes, he could already see things in the dark.

It wasn't until he was ten meters away from the ground that he activated the Blink Talent, and instantly moved to the ground.

He also breathed a sigh of relief when he landed safely.

Then he let go of his senses and quietly moved towards No. 4 novice village.

The journey was safe and sound.

Jiang Bai soon arrived outside No. 4 novice village.

He hid in a big tree, using the lush canopy to cover his figure, watching and waiting quietly.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Jiang Bai is like the most patient hunter, always hiding in the big tree motionless.

It was not until the dead of night that he quietly came down from the tree and floated into No. 4 novice village like a ghost.

Go all the way to the spring pool in the center of the village.

Jiang Bai took out the purified and refined poison, carefully put it into the spring water, and then floated away.

The whole process takes less than two minutes!

After coming out of No. 4 novice village.

Jiang Bai came to the edge of the mountain depression, found a suitable big tree to climb up, lay down on a thick branch, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Next, just wait for dawn.

The poison was treated by Jiang Bai in a special way, and it took about seven or eight hours to dissolve into the spring water.

By then, the Heaven Designated of the No. 4 novice village should have woken up and washed——

Even if they don't get up, Jiang Bai has a way to get them up!

And that spring pool is the only water source in the col!

Therefore, as long as the Heaven Designated in No. 4 novice village use water, they will definitely be poisoned!

And Jiang Bai tried it himself, after Heaven Designated is poisoned, he will not be reminded by the evolution panel!

Just like after an injury, the evolution panel will not remind Heaven Designated!


the next day.

Today is the seventeenth day of Heaven Designated.

The twelfth day of the Rise of the Tribes event, and the third day of the Regional Survival Battle.

Just after dawn, Jiang Bai on the tree opened his eyes.

In fact, he didn't sleep all night, just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After counting the time, he opened the evolution panel and entered the village chief's permission page.

Then adjust the relationship of No. 4 novice village to blood feud!

The village announcement rang in the ears of the Heaven Designated in the No. 6 novice village and No. 4 novice village at the same time.

Two Heaven Designated from the novice village woke up from their sleep.

Except for Cao Wu who vaguely guessed what was going on, everyone else was stunned.

At this time, Jiang Bai had already come to a big tree outside No. 4 novice village.

After waiting for a while, he saw the Heaven Designated in the No. 4 novice village, cursing and walking out of the house, gathering towards the spring pool.

Watching those Heaven Designated, batch after batch with water.

Jiang Bai laughed silently.

However, if nothing else—

It happened by accident!


"Water is poisonous, don't use it!"

A shout rang out, even Jiang Bai outside the village heard it.

And with the automatic translation function of the evolution panel, he understood it!

He frowned, and looked at the Heaven Designated who was shouting a warning.


She is actually a level 0 woman?

Jiang Bai was a little surprised, but his eyes turned cold.

He has been watching and counting, and he has the authority of the village head to check the real-time number of people in No. 4 novice village.

So he can be sure that 99% of No. 4 novice village is Heaven Designated.

They have all been poisoned by water, but the toxicity has not yet occurred.

The remaining Heaven Designated who have not had time to use water are at most dozens of people.

The big deal is to kill it yourself!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai also quietly took out the Wind Snake Bow, ready to strike at any time.

At this time, in No. 4 novice village.

Those Heaven Designated looked at her in astonishment after hearing the woman's words.

At this time, a majestic middle-aged man stood up.

He stared at the woman and asked seriously, "Yazi, are you sure the water is poisonous?"


Yazi nodded quickly and explained, "Mr. Matsushita, my awakened Talent can tell whether a certain target is poisonous, including food, water, etc., and it also includes people!"

Speaking of this, her tone became more serious, "I can see that everyone who used the water just now has been poisoned!"

Hearing this, not only the middle-aged man named Matsushita changed his face greatly.

The same goes for the other Heaven Designated around.

But soon, Heaven Designated questioned: "If we have been poisoned, why didn't the evolution panel remind us?"

"The evolution panel won't alert this!"

Yazi shook his head and gave an example, "It's like the evolution panel won't remind us after we are injured!"


The questioning Heaven Designated wanted to say something, but couldn't find a reason to refute it.

But the other Heaven Designated who had used water were completely flustered at the moment.

"Yazi, since you can see that we are poisoned, can you detoxify us?"

"Yes, Yazi, please help us!"

"Yazi, help us!"

Hearing the pleas from all around, Yazi was flustered: "I, although I can see that you are poisoned, but I don't know how to detoxify it!"

But those Heaven Designated obviously didn't believe it and kept asking.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a man lying on the ground with a purple face, twitching all over his body, foaming from his mouth.

In just three seconds, the man remained silent.

Seeing this scene, the other Heaven Designated immediately understood what was going on!

Hula, he (she) gathered around Yazi, begging anxiously.

"Yazi, help me, I don't want to die!"

"Help me, Yazi! Please!"

Some short-tempered Heaven Designated even began to curse and threaten.

At this moment, another Heaven Designated screamed and fell to the ground.

And this seemed to be the same as the beginning, and the surrounding Heaven Designated began to scream and fall to the ground one after another.

The small portion of Heaven Designated who still had time to wash up was so frightened that they turned to the spring water immediately.

At the same time, Jiang Bai's evolution panel also kept showing kill records.

Almost three minutes later.

Jiang Bai's kill record just stopped popping up.

at this time.

There are only dozens of Heaven Designated still alive in No. 4 novice village.

Jiang Bai, who was hiding in the big tree, looked at the surviving Heaven Designated, and silently raised the Wind Snake Bow in his hand.

Shoot arrows fast!

Full fire rate!


A bunch of +4 ironwood arrows shot out, accurately piercing through each living Heaven Designated.

In the blink of an eye, half of dozens of people fell down.

The remaining half reacted and found a cover in time to avoid it.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai jumped down from the big tree, and used the Movement Technique of Youlong to rush towards the village.

He locked on the remaining half of the survivors with his perception, and kept pulling the bowstring with his right hand, killing them one by one.

Not long after, all survivors fell to the ground.

[Reminder: As the first Heaven Designated to destroy a novice village, you have triggered the Heavenly Dao notification, do you want to hide basic information? 】


[Heavenly Dao announcement: Human race Heaven Designated ‘xxx’, the first to destroy a novice village, special rewards: “Pure Heart Curse” x1, Luck +50000, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】

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