All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 44 Damn, Can You Still Play Like This? !

"Never mind him, it's a good thing anyway!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: Lao Cao, is there anything in the Yanhuang Tribe that, once destroyed, will destroy the entire tribe?

Soon, Cao Wu wrote back.

Cao Wu: Yes, the core of the tribe!

Cao Wu: The tribal core looks like a diamond-shaped spar, half a meter high, and it is the control center of the tribe. Summoning residents, placing buildings, etc., all need to be completed through the tribal core.

Jiang Bai: Where is this stuff usually hidden?

Cao Wu: In the residence of the tribal leader.

Cao Wu: In addition, the core of the tribe has a defense value. If you want to destroy it, you must first destroy its defense value.

Cao Wu: The defense value is directly linked to the prosperity of the tribe. The higher the prosperity, the higher the defense value.

Cao Wu: Why, someone established a tribe in Novice Village on the 7th?

Jiang Bai: Yes, and there are two.

Cao Wu: Oh? How is it going? Do you want to send someone to help you?

Jiang Bai: No, the construction of these two tribes is very simple, even the walls are still fences, the houses are all thatched huts, and there are no defensive buildings such as arrow towers.

Cao Wu: That's it, then it's all right.

Cao Wu: Just pay attention to your own safety. If you need help, please feel free to contact me.

Jiang Bai: Understood.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai turned his head to check the terrain of the entire valley.

It is different from the Grand Canyon in No. 6 novice village.

The mountains around this valley are not unattainable.

In this way, it is also convenient for Jiang Bai.

He doesn't need to enter the plain, but he can also use the super vision Talent to check the situation of the beasts in the entire plain.

In this way, the chances of him being exposed will be greatly reduced.

As for why you want to investigate the situation of beasts?

That is naturally to borrow beasts to kill people!

The situation here is different from No. 4 novice village.

No. 4 novice village is located in a Jedi, and there are not many beasts living in it.

This not only made it impossible to kill with beasts, but also made it impossible for the Heaven Designated in No. 4 novice village to earn evolution coins by hunting beasts.

Without evolution coins, there is no money to buy water in the evolution store.

Therefore, the Heaven Designated in No. 4 novice village can only go to the only water source in the village for daily washing.

In this way, Jiang Bai was given the opportunity to poison.

The situation in No. 7 novice village is different.

Heaven Designated in this village is not short of money, and there is not only one source of water.

So poisoning won't work here.



Jiang Bai came to a mountain, sat cross-legged on a boulder, and observed Fang Ping through Supervision Talent while having lunch.

After a morning of observation, he found that the distribution of beasts in the valley plain was similar to the Grand Canyon in No. 6 Novice Village.

The strength of beasts is strongest in the central area, and then gradually decreases towards the surrounding area in a circular shape.

At this moment, Jiang Bai's position is facing the center of the valley plain.

Unlike the grand canyon in No. 6 novice village, the center of the valley plain is a wasteland where not a single blade of grass grows.

Not only that, but there are potholes of different sizes all over this wasteland.

If a patient with intensive phobia is here, it is estimated that he will be sent away at a glance!

It's just that Jiang Bai has been observing for a long time.

I didn't see it in a daze, but there were beasts in that wasteland!

This is very strange.

"Could it be a nocturnal beast?"

Jiang Bai guessed in his heart, and he also turned off Super Vision Talent by the way.

This thing is always on, and it will continue to consume energy.

After lunch.

Jiang Bai turned to the backside of the hill, practicing the exercises while waiting for the dark.

He has already investigated the situation of beasts in other places in the valley and plain.

Now that's all that's left of the heartland.

When the situation is confirmed at night, we can make a battle plan tomorrow.

that's all.

Before I knew it, the sky darkened.

Jiang Bai returned to the big rock, turned on his Hypervision Talent while eating dinner, and looked towards the center of the valley plain.

When the sky was completely dark, there was movement in the many potholes in the wasteland in the central area.

I saw black spiders of different sizes crawling out of various potholes and scattered in all directions.

"A spider hiding in the ground?"

Jiang Bai looked surprised and observed carefully.

Through super vision Talent, he found that those black spiders have something in common.

It's just that there is a ghost face on the back, which looks a bit creepy.

Moreover, the larger the spider, the more complete and weird the ghost face on its back, and the more scary it is.

Observed for a long time.

Jiang Bai found a problem.

No Black spider crawled out of the biggest pothole on the wasteland.

And after other spiders capture food, they will throw part of the food into the largest pit.

It seems to be feeding, or offering something.

"Could it be the Spider King?"

This weird scene reminded Jiang Bai of the snake king in the center of the Grand Canyon.

Although he didn't count them carefully, judging from the scale just now.

The number of those Black spiders is probably no less than yesterday's snake group!

In the center of the second leveling point of the two novice villages, there are surprisingly large herds of beasts hidden.

Is this too coincidental?

Jiang Bai couldn't help but fell into deep thought, quickly flipping through the past memories in his mind.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of a possibility——

The second stage of the regional survival battle - beast disaster!

"This possibility is extremely high!"

The more Jiang Bai thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, so he quickly sent a private message to Cao Wu.

Cao Wu replied almost instantly.

Cao Wu: What? Beast? you sure? !

Jiang Bai: Although this is just my guess, my intuition tells me that there is a 90% possibility!

Cao Wu: No, you have slaughtered all the snakes in our village!

Cao Wu: If the snakes were a disaster of beasts, wouldn't they be too weak?

Jiang Bai: Are you sure the snakes are weak?

Cao Wu: ...

Cao Wu: Well, I admit, the snake herd is weak to you, but it is indeed a disaster to us!

Cao Wu: But in this way, all the snakes are slaughtered by you, so when the beast disaster comes, don't we have to go through it?

Jiang Bai: This is what I want to tell you, the beast disaster may be weakened or eliminated in advance!

Cao Wu: Damn, can you still play like this?

Cao Wu: Is this a bug? Will Heavenly Dao not intervene?

Jiang Bai: Probably not, otherwise I wouldn't have encountered snakes yesterday, and the Heaven Designated you sent to investigate probably wouldn't have reached the lake either.

Jiang Bai: Besides, Heavenly Dao didn't say that the disaster cannot be ended early!

Jiang Bai: Just like a military disaster, if a certain novice village is strong enough, it can take the initiative to attack and sweep other novice villages, end the military disaster in a short time, and advance the regional survival war to the second stage.

Cao Wu: The amount of information in your words is a bit large, let me go slowly...

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