All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 45: Raid By The Aboriginals

After a while, Cao Wu sent another private message.

Cao Wu: I have made it clear and understand.

Cao Wu: Don't worry, I will report this matter to all Elders, and I request all Elders to inform all novice villages in Dragon Kingdom of this matter as much as possible.

Jiang Bai: Cheng, as long as you understand what I mean.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, although you don't want to hear it, I still want to say: Thank you for everything you have done for Dragon Kingdom!

'Because the Dragon Kingdom is so similar to the kingdom in my previous life! '

'How can I really stay out of it? '

Jiang Bai sighed secretly in his heart, but closed the private message instead of replying.

After dinner.

Jiang Bai looked at the busy black spiders on the wasteland, and frowned.

According to his guess just now, if these spiders are really used as a disaster for beasts, can they stay away from the central area now?

If not, then the plan to borrow beasts to kill people would have to be readjusted.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai turned his head subconsciously, and looked in the direction where the two tribes in No. 7 novice village were located.

"Huh? Firelight?"

"Two tribes caught fire at the same time?"

Jiang Bai felt something was wrong, he quickly adjusted the focus of his vision.

As the distant scene drew closer, he finally saw clearly.

"That's... a goblin?"

"How did they attack the two tribes in Novice Village on the 7th?"

Jiang Bai was puzzled for a moment, and immediately reacted.


"This is the action of the aborigines!"

Jiang Bai's expression changed, he jumped up from the boulder, and rushed there at top speed.

At the same time, he immediately informed Cao Wu of the news through a private message, and asked Cao Wu to notify everyone to be alert.

Hurry all the way.

When Jiang Bai arrived nearby, he saw that the two tribes in No. 7 novice village were already in a mess.

The Goblin Warriors have already broken through the gates of the two tribes and entered the interior of the two tribes.

At this moment, Heaven Designated in No. 7 novice village is fighting with Goblin Warriors.

"Wearing iron armor, holding iron weapons!"

"This group of goblins are so well equipped?!"

Jiang Bai looked solemn, feeling that this group of Goblin Warriors was a bit unusual.

Then, he thought of something.

Quickly enter the No. 6 chat room and start the live broadcast.

Jiang Bai noticed that the camera in the live broadcast room is his eyes.

As long as he can see the scene, it can be truthfully shown in the live broadcast room.

In this way, there is no need to worry about not being able to see clearly at night.

So Jiang Bai looked at the two tribes, and presented the fighting scene in the live broadcast room through his eyes.

No matter how many words there are, it is not as shocking as seeing it with your own eyes!

Only by letting the Heaven Designated of No. 6 novice village see it with their own eyes, can they understand the power and danger of the aborigines!

Jiang Bai glanced at the interface of the live broadcast room projected in his field of vision.

He saw that in just a short while, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room had soared to more than 5,000 people.

This number of people shows that the Heaven Designated from No. 6 novice village has all come.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai also said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, besides beasts and other novice villages, our enemies also have aborigines!"

"Compared to beasts and other novice villages, we know very little about the aborigines!"

"We don't know their number, their level of strength, let alone their tribal location!"

"And Cao Wu should have told you before that the aborigines who killed our Heaven Designated can also get rewards from Heavenly Dao!"

"This is the same as the reward of survival points when we kill the targets of other camps!"

"So in terms of danger, the aborigines definitely rank first!"

Listening to Jiang Bai's words, watching the pictures presented in the live broadcast room.

The speeches that scrolled rapidly in the speech area of ​​the live broadcast room stopped instantly.

At this moment, Heaven Designated in No. 6 novice village was silent.

The bloody facts were right in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it.

This is, Jiang Bai's deep voice sounded again:

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest!"

"This is a world where The Weak are Prey to the Strong, where the weak will be oppressed, plundered, and slaughtered!"

"Only with strong strength can you be qualified to survive!"

"Only the strong are worthy of having everything and can ignore everything!"

"Everyone, there are more dangers waiting for us in the future!"

"Those who want to go down, don't stop the pace of becoming stronger..."

Having said that, Jiang Bai also fell silent, quietly watching the fight in the distance.


Of course it's impossible!

Jiang Bai was originally here to destroy the village.

At most, for the sake of being a Blue Star human being, he exterminated this group of goblins and the tribe behind them afterwards, which can be regarded as revenge for the No. 7 novice village.


In about an hour.

Occupying the superiority in numbers, the goblins, who were also sneak attacking, won the final victory.

[Regional notice: No. 7 novice village has been wiped out by the aborigines, please be vigilant in all Heaven Designated villages! 】

The announcement three times in a row was like a bolt from the blue.

All the existing novice villages in District 168 except No. 6 novice village were stunned.

Subsequently, the regional channel of District 168 was fried.

But these have nothing to do with Jiang Bai.

The goblin wins, so it's up to him to make the move.

The Wind Snake Bow and Wind Feather Arrows are supplemented by the rain of arrows that shoot arrows quickly.

The remnants of goblins who had just assembled and were about to evacuate with their spoils.

Except for the leading goblin, who was deliberately left alive by Jiang Bai.

The rest of the goblins were taken away by a round of arrows.

The +5 wind feather arrow not only has a sharpness of up to 400.

There are also three characteristics: armor-piercing (easier to break through defenses), lightness (after being shot, the flying speed is faster), and silent (after shooting, the sound made during flight is smaller).

The Wind Snake Bow also has lightness (the bow becomes lighter and less effort when used), elasticity (the elasticity of the bow string is enhanced, and the same strength, the arrow shoots faster and stronger.), firmness (the bow can withstand enhanced) three features.

The combined power of the two.

Not to mention the rough iron armor on the goblins.

Even the snake scales of level 1 and level 10 snake beasts can be easily pierced by wind feather arrows!

Jiang Bai fired two arrows, piercing the leading goblin's legs.

Only then did he put on the Qinghong Saber and walked towards the battlefield.

After successfully recovering the Wind Feather Arrow.

Jiang Bai came to the leading goblin and said calmly:

"Tell me, which direction are you coming from, and how far is your tribe from here?"

"Bah, don't think about it!" The leading goblin was very stubborn.

Jiang Bai swung his knife with a calm face, and chopped off one ear of the leader goblin.

Then, he pointed the point of the knife at the lead goblin's other ear.

He didn't continue to ask, but just waited for three seconds.

Seeing that the leading goblin just screamed, but refused to give in, he swung his knife again.

Another ear was chopped off, and the leader Goblin was in such pain that he couldn't even scream.

But Jiang Bai pointed the tip of the knife again at the left arm of the leading goblin.

Three seconds later, Jiang Bai raised his knife for the third time.

The lead goblin suddenly shouted in horror:


"I said, I said!"

"We came from the south, our tribe is fifty miles away from here!"

Jiang Bai paused, then swung his knife suddenly, beheading the leader goblin.

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