All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 46: Together With The Enemy!

two hours later.

In a valley fifty miles to the south, Jiang Bai found a Goblin tribe built against a mountain.

From housing, defense facilities, equipment and other aspects.

This goblin tribe should be what Jiang Bai is looking for.

And the strength of this goblin tribe seems to be far stronger than that goblin tribe in the valley before!

Fortunately, Jiang Bai is no longer what it used to be.

He didn't rush to do it, but found a place to hide.

"I will do it in the middle of the night, if you want to see it, you can wait."

After Jiang Bai said something to the live broadcast room, he took out an alarm clock to set the time.

Then sit in the Lotus Position and begin to practice the Qingxin Jue with eyes closed.

Qingxin Jue is a special Cultivation Technique, and it is one of the rewards announced by Heavenly Dao when Jiang Bai destroyed No. 4 novice village.

This Cultivation Technique can improve the state of mind and is divided into nine levels: Meditation, Meditation, Constant Consistency, Constancy, Concentration, Selflessness, Forgetfulness, Sincerity, and Deva Unity.

Currently, Jiang Bai has trained the first layer to Returned to Origin.

Let him meditate anytime, anywhere, and keep himself calm and rational.

When practicing meditation, Qingxin Jue also has the effect of restoring the spirit and relieving mental fatigue.


In a blink of an eye.

The time came to midnight.

Jiang Bai was also woken up by the alarm clock on time.

He exited the practice state, put the alarm clock into the storage space, and walked out of the hiding place.

Through Supervision Talent's inspection, he found that the Goblin tribe in the valley had fallen into silence.

Even the Goblin Warrior on duty on the defensive wall stood there precariously.

Apparently fast asleep!

Jiang Bai took out the wind snake bow and glanced at the live broadcast room.

As he opened his eyes, the studio lit up again.

What surprised him was that there were still many people at this spot!

Look at the speech area.

"I'm going, it's finally here!"

"It's started! I'm so nervous!"

"Upstairs, why are you so nervous! Master Jiang did it, not you!"

"Reminder: Audiences, the show is about to start, please bring melon seeds, fruits and other snacks."

"Welcome everyone to watch, the blockbuster action movie starring Master Jiang - Killing Goblins Alone!"

"By the way, if you kill the target of the blood feud camp, the survival points you get will be doubled!"

"Hey, that's right! I remember, our village has a blood feud with Gob Lin Yi, right?"

"Obviously, Lord Jiang wants to make a lot of money this time!"

"Don't be envious of the three upstairs, if you have the strength of Master Jiang, you can do it!"

"Don't think about it, even if you are given the same strength as Lord Jiang, it is impossible not to do it!"

"That's right! No one can do it just because of Lord Jiang's amazing archery skills!"

"Master Jiang's hand speed is invincible in the world!"

Seeing the hand-speed speech, Jiang Bai's face twitched, and he looked away from the live broadcast room.

Next, the action begins!

Jiang Bai performed the Glittering Step, and his whole body was like a ghost in the dark, drifting silently but extremely swiftly into the valley.

After entering the range.

Jiang Bai didn't stop walking, but quickly set up an arrow and drew a bow in his hand, quickly killing the goblins on duty on the defensive wall.

When approaching the defensive wall, he immediately accelerated his sprint.

After arriving under the defensive wall.

Jiang Bai jumped up suddenly, and jumped ten meters high!

Watching this scene, the Heaven Designated in the live broadcast room called it shit.

But in fact, this height is far from the limit of Jiang Bai.

The reason why he only jumped ten meters high was because the defensive wall was only about ten meters high.


Why not flash Talent?

Don't worry, it's still live!

How can you easily expose your Talent?

When falling, Jiang Bai used his inner strength to dissipate the force of the fall, allowing him to land on the defensive wall silently.

This is a method that can only be used when the inner strength has been cultivated to a certain level.

The initial internal strength is called Mingjin.

As the inner energy continues to be condensed, strengthened and transformed, the bright energy will go through the levels of dark energy, transformation energy, Dan energy, and strong energy one by one.

Among them, reaching the Danjin level, the inner strength can be injected into the object, even the living body through contact.

Destroy the target from within!

In addition to destroying, the inner strength at the Danjin level can also increase the power of techniques, or be used to assist in the performance of techniques.

For example, the Thousand Killing Saber Technique requires inner strength at the Danjin level in order to fully display the power of the technique.

Another example is the arc arrows, shock arrows, armor-piercing arrows, Mingdi arrows, and Mother-Child arrows among the six arrows that break the enemy.

If it reaches the level of gang strength, then the inner strength can be released to injure the enemy and defend.

But at most it can only be placed within three feet of the whole body.

As for Jiang Bai's inner strength, it has reached the Danjin level and is transforming into the Gangjin level.


Closer to home.

After Jiang Bai successfully boarded the defensive wall, he inspected the goblin tribe with his super vision Talent.

"Is the defense so lax?"

To Jiang Bai's surprise, there were no patrols inside the goblin tribe.

But it's also convenient for him.

He walked along the defensive wall, and first cleared away the Goblin Yi who was guarding the defensive wall one by one.

Then he sneaked into the goblin tribe.

With the lessons learned from the past, he did not rush to act, but started to investigate in the goblin tribe.

After looking around.

Jiang Bai did not find any human beings imprisoned.

But behind the goblin tribe, near the foot of the mountain, he saw potholes filled with human bones!

Why can he recognize human bones?

Because of the bones in those potholes, the skulls of the human race are the most!

Among them are the human heads that have not yet decayed!

What is even more shocking is that one of the pits was completely filled with the skulls of children!

There are even several uncorrupted children's heads!

This scene.

Not only silenced Jiang Bai, but also the Heaven Designated in the live broadcast room.

Before, when Jiang Bai listed the Goblin Yi clan as the target of blood feud.

On behalf of Jiang Bai, Cao Wu once told the Heaven Designated in No. 6 novice village about the brutal style of goblins.

But that's what you heard.

But at this moment, it is equivalent to seeing it with my own eyes!

"Now I finally understand why Lord Jiang listed the Gobu Lin Yi clan as the target of blood feud..."

"Bastard! This is a child!"

"Damn, damn, damn! Goblins should die!!!"

"Master Jiang, can you announce the coordinates? I want to go and kill all those bastards who are not as good as animals!!!"

"I, Cao Wu, made a blood oath here today. From now on, no matter when and where, as long as I meet the Goblin Yi clan, I will kill them!!!"

"I, Lin Guodong, swear here..."

"I am Luo Feng..."

"I, Tang Ling..."

"I, Yang Jiaojiao..."

Under the leadership of Cao Wu and five people, the speech area continued to display swear words.

Jiang Bai took a look and said nothing.

He silently replaced the Wind Snake Bow with Qinghong Dao, then turned and returned to the goblin tribe.

In the next time.

Incarnate as the god of death in the night, Jiang Bai sneaked into houses and reaped the lives of sleeping goblins...

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