All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 47: The Source Of The Military Disaster!

Three hours later.

Jiang Bai beheaded both the leader and the priest of the Goblin tribe.

So far, the Goblin tribe has been completely wiped out!

And the strong smell of blood has permeated every corner of the tribe.

Jiang Bai shook off the blood on Qinghong's knife, turned around and walked towards the potholes at the foot of the mountain.


Suddenly there was a thunder explosion in the sky, and a thunder light pierced the night sky.

Then, there was a sudden strong wind.

After a while, there was the sound of pattering rain.

It was already past midnight, and it was already a new day in terms of time.

In other words, on the thirty-fourth day when Heaven Designated came to this world.

Finally ushered in the first rain!

At this time, Jiang Bai had already come to those potholes.

And the Qinghong knife in his hand has been replaced by an engineer shovel, silently burying potholes one by one.

After burying.

Jiang Bai found a piece of wood and buried it in front of those potholes, which can be regarded as a wordless monument for many of his fellow clansmen who were murdered.

"My fellow clansmen, I have helped you kill your enemies, rest in peace!"

Jiang Bai's slightly hoarse voice sounded, which also made the words "May all of you of the same family rest in peace" be uniformly painted in the speaking area.

After standing there for a while, he turned and left.

"Everyone, this live broadcast ends here."

"Finally, if you want to survive, do everything you can to become stronger!"

After the words fell, the live broadcast room disappeared.


A heavy rain did not stop until dawn.

The rising sun pierced through the dark clouds, and the sun fell on Jiang Bai who had already started his morning exercise.

After some morning exercise.

Jiang Bai was exhausted, even the wet clothes on his body were dried by his scorching blood.

After washing.

Jiang Bai was eating breakfast when he received a private message from Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, are you awake?

Jiang Bai: Come on, let’s talk about something.

Cao Wu: I'm afraid you have to come back. An aborigine who called himself Lin Daniu said he had something important to see you.

The leader of the Jinghong Tribe——Lin Daniu?

Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

How does this guy know the location of the Yanhuang Tribe?

And how do you know that you can find yourself in the Yanhuang Tribe?

Jiang Bai didn't reveal this at the beginning!

Then there is only one possibility——

"It seems that the Jinghong tribe has already discovered the existence of the Yanhuang tribe, and even the No. 6 novice village!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai immediately wrote back to Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai: I see, I'm leaving now to rush back.

Jiang Bai: By the way, Lin Daniu is the leader of the Jinghong tribe, don't neglect him.

Cao Wu: Understood, I will treat you well.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai immediately got up and rushed back.

two hours later.

Jiang Bai, who was rushing all the way, finally returned to the Yanhuang Tribe.

As soon as he entered the tribe, he went straight to Cao Wu's residence.

Here, he also saw Lin Daniu.

"Lin Dage, long time no see, how are you doing lately!"

Jiang Bai greeted warmly and sat down beside Cao Wu.

Seeing Jiang Bai, Lin Daniu jumped directly from his seat.

Then with a plop, he knelt down to Jiang Bai.

"Brother Jiang, please save the Jinghong tribe!"

Lin Daniu kowtowed while pleading.

This scene directly stunned Jiang Bai and Cao Wu.

Jiang Bai reacted first and quickly helped Lin Daniu up.

"Lin Dage, don't do this, I can't stand it!"

Jiang Bai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and helped Lin Daniu back to his seat.

Then he asked: "Lin Dage, what happened to the Jinghong Tribe that you came here to ask me for help?"


Lin Daniu sighed heavily, and then he talked about the reason of the matter.

It turned out that the aborigines were not in a state of peaceful coexistence.

On the contrary, due to different races, conflicts often broke out among the aborigines.

Fortunately, among the aborigines, there is a large tribe that has been passed down for many years—the Fengyue tribe.

The Wind and Rain tribe is one of the five most powerful tribes in District 168.

Therefore, other human tribes in Area 168 were able to have a relatively stable living environment.

The other human tribes in District 168 have always been headed by the Fengyue tribe.

And pay tribute to the Fengyue tribe every year in exchange for the protection of the Fengyue tribe.

The way of protection is that the Fengyue tribe assigns strong men to station in various areas where there are human tribes all the year round.

But ten days ago, things suddenly changed.

The strong Fengyue tribe who was originally stationed in the area where the Jinghong tribe was located was suddenly called back by the Fengyue tribe.

The reason was that the other three alien tribes among the five major tribes joined forces to raid the Fengyue tribe!

Although in the end, the Fengyue tribe successfully repelled the three alien tribes.

But the Fengyue tribe also paid a heavy price, and even the strongest in the tribe was seriously injured and dying.

Therefore, in order to guard against another raid by the three major alien tribes.

The Fengyue tribe can only recall the strong tribes stationed outside to carry out shrinking defense.

But in this way, the human tribes in various regions have no strong people to sit in charge.

As a result, alien races in various regions began to move around.

Among them, the Goblin family is the most!

"...Five days ago, the Zhankuang tribe belonging to the human race was suddenly attacked by the Goblin Yi tribe."

"By the time I led the tribe Warrior to support, the Zhanku tribe had already been slaughtered!"

"Three days ago, two more human tribes were murdered!"

"Now, only the Jinghong tribe is left in this area..."

Speaking of this, Lin Daniu's face was faintly sad.

Although he didn't finish his sentence, Jiang Bai already understood.

I'm afraid it will be the Jinghong tribe's turn next!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai looked towards Cao Wu, and found that Cao Wu was also looking over.

Cao Wudang first sent a private message to Jiang Bai.

Cao Wu: You also thought of the source of the military disaster?

Jiang Bai: Yes.

Jiang Bai: I think the change among the aborigines is most likely the source of the military disaster!

Cao Wu: I also feel this way, so what shall we do next?

Jiang Bai: Let me take the Golden Eagle to the Jinghong Tribe, and you stay and take charge of the Yanhuang Tribe.

Jiang Bai: If you have anything to do here, just contact me directly, and I can come back in time by taking the golden eagle.

Cao Wu: OK.

Jiang Bai: By the way, the Elders should be notified of this news in time.

Cao Wu: Don't worry, I know.

End the secret communication.

Jiang Bai stood up and said to Lin Daniu:

"Lin Dage, I understand what you mean."

"Don't worry, the old priest has given me some advice, I won't just sit back and watch the Jinghong tribe be robbed!"

"You wait for me here for a while, I'll go get ready, and then I'll go back to the Jinghong Tribe with you!"

Hearing this, Lin Daniu nodded vigorously.

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