All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 6 What A Coincidence, So Are We!

After filling the stomach.

Jiang Bai put the remaining half of the tree pig into his backpack, intending to save it for dinner at night.

He got up and looked into the depths of the grass for a long time, finally took out the iron and wooden bow and walked into the depths of the grass.

There is only one and a half days left before the novice protection period ends.

There is no time to hesitate!

Proceed cautiously all the way.

After half an hour.

Jiang Bai stood on a hill, looking ahead in amazement.

He was wrong.

This is not a meadow, but a vast prairie!

And this is a grassland in a huge canyon!

Looking from a distance, you can see that the grassland is surrounded by huge rolling mountains.

Of course, Jiang Bai was amazed by far more than that.

Looking far away, you can vaguely see a large lake in the center of the grassland.

Sparkling rivers extend around the lake, dividing the entire prairie into irregular shapes.

Such a favorable environment naturally attracts many beasts to thrive here.

Looking around, there are beasts on the grassland that are more than ten meters high, tens of meters high, or even hundreds of meters high!

Even in the sky, there are huge birds flying past from time to time!

"No wonder the danger is perceived!"

"The place where my feelings were before was completely the periphery of the periphery!"

Jiang Bai let out a long breath, and his expression became excited.

What are beasts?

The evolution point of walking!


Hunting time, open!


Just as Jiang Bai was immersed in hunting, a Heaven Designated team came to the narrow and long mountain path.

This is a team of five, consisting of three men and two women.

Unfortunately, the team is being hunted by wolves.

The wolves of the wolf pack are not Common, but a kind of gray wolf-shaped beast.

This ferocious beast is cunning and ferocious, and has a strong sense of territory.

As the overlords in the dense forest, they naturally sensed the arrival of the Heaven Designated.

Originally, they didn't want to pay attention to the Heaven Designated, but in the past two days, the beasts in the dense forest were hunted and killed in large numbers.

As a result, their food is constantly shrinking, which makes them unable to bear it!

No, under the leadership of the gray wolf king, the wolves began to attack Heaven Designated frantically.

Many Heaven Designated fled back to the novice village because of this.

And this Heaven Designated team, like Jiang Bai, didn't pay much attention to the No. 6 chat room, so they didn't get the news at the first time.

As a result, this team was unlucky to be hit by a pack of gray wolves.

After fleeing all the way, the team came to the narrow and long mountain road without knowing it.

Looking at the mountain road in front of them, this team hesitated just like Jiang Bai at that time.

After all, the five of them don't know what's going on at the end of the mountain road.

What if you encounter a more powerful beast?

This is not alarmist talk, but a very possible thing!

"The gray wolves are coming!"

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Facing the inquiries from his teammates, Cao Wu, as the captain, quickly weighed in his mind, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Anyway, staying here is death!"


When the words fell, he ran to the mountain path first.

The other four looked at each other and quickly followed.

Not long after the five of them left, a group of gray giant wolves followed and stopped in front of the mountain path.

At this time, the wolves separated a passage.

A larger, gray and white giant wolf came forward from behind.

It is the king of this group of gray wolves—the gray wolf king!

It can be seen from its agile eyes that this gray wolf king is not low in wisdom.

It looked at the mountain road, and after sniffing the smell around it, it raised its head and let out a howling wolf.

Wolves are extremely vengeful beasts!

Under the order of the Gray Wolf King, the wolves lined up and rushed towards the mountain road.

Because the mountain road is narrow, only one gray wolf can move forward at the same time.


the other side.

While fleeing, Jiang Bai turned his head and shot the reckless cattle behind him.

He also can't help it.

There are too many ferocious beasts deep in the grassland, and there are countless ones stronger than him.

Once they are alarmed, it is no different from courting death.

So Jiang Bai planned to use bows and arrows to first lure out a group of beasts with the same strength as himself, and then use kite tactics to gradually nibble away.

No, he aimed at a group of beasts named Mang Niu——

Yes, the ox armor on his body is made of the skin of this beast.

With the iron and wood bow, the herd of bulls can be easily attracted.

But what Jiang Bai didn't expect was that there was a bull king in this group of bulls!

[The Reckless Bull King (Black Iron BOSS)

Category: Beasts

Strength: Level 6

Bloodline: None

Talent: None]

So Jiang Bai, who was only level 5, was hunted down by the Mang Niu King with a group of Common Mang Bulls...

The good news is that his Agility is higher than both Common Bull and Bull King.

In addition, the area of ​​grassland in the peripheral area is large enough, and there is enough space for kite tactics.

So Jiang Bai fled and shot the Common bull with his iron and wood bow.

He intends to clean up those Common bulls first.

Afterwards, the Swift Talent was activated, and the Bull King was beheaded at close quarters with a horizontal knife.

The plan is good, but there is no surprise!

Because Jiang Bai met the five-member team...

There are herds of bulls in front and packs of gray wolves in the back.

Jiang Bai and those five people were caught in the middle, staring at each other——

What about being hunted down?

What a coincidence, so are we!

Fortunately, the wild cows and the gray wolves also spotted each other and stopped suddenly.

One is the hunter and the other is the prey.

Naturally, it is impossible for the two parties to meet in harmony.

It's just that the strength of the hunter's side is not as good as that of the prey——

Gray wolves are not as numerous as reckless cattle!

For a while, the two sides were deadlocked.

At this time, Jiang Bai came to his senses first.

He motioned to the five people, then stepped back lightly, while staring closely at the herd of bulls and gray wolves.

Seeing this, the five people also understood, and followed Jiang Bai in a similar manner.

As soon as the six people moved, Mang Niu Wang and Gray Wolf Wang immediately turned their heads to look.

The other reckless bulls and gray wolves also turned their heads in unison.

Immediately, the six of them froze in place and did not dare to move.

But the reckless cows and the gray wolves just watched and didn't make any moves.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai boldly continued to retreat.

The five people saw it and hurriedly followed.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of the bulls and gray wolves, the six retreated a certain distance, then turned around and ran away.

After rushing all the way to a hill in the distance.

Only then did Jiang Bai stop, looking back at the wild bulls and gray wolves.

The two parties were still confronting each other and did not catch up.

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