All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 7 Heavenly Dao Announcement


Cao Wu heaved a sigh of relief, sat down on the grass, and grinned.

The same goes for the other four.

Perhaps because of the experience just now, Jiang Bai had a little sense of identification with the five of them.

He asked curiously, "Where did you come from, and why were you hunted down by wolves?"

"Did you not pay attention to the news in the No. 6 chat room?"

Cao Wu answered and looked at Jiang Bai in surprise.

Jiang Bai spread his hands: "I've been upgrading, and I don't have time to watch it. Besides, those speeches in the chat room are either complaining or moaning about nothing. What's there to watch?"

"No wonder..."

Cao Wu was stunned, and then quickly explained the matter.

After speaking.

Cao Wu also asked curiously: "What about you? How could you be hunted down by the herd of cattle?"


Jiang Bai pouted his head and told the whole story in embarrassment.

After listening.

Cao Wu gave a thumbs up: "Dare to hunt herds of animals alone? Brother, you are really brave!"

The other four also had expressions of shock and admiration.

Because of their birth, the five of them already had extraordinary skills, but they didn't dare to hunt the herd alone.

But Jiang Bai, who was born in Common, dared to!

This courage is really admirable!

"I just want to improve my strength quickly..."

Jiang Bai smiled shyly and changed the subject, "By the way, my name is Jiang Bai, what do you call me?"

"Cao Wu."

"Lin Guodong."

"Luo Feng."

"Tang Ling."

"Yang Jiaojiao."

In this way, the six people can be regarded as acquaintances.

At this moment, the howling of wolves and the howling of bulls came at the same time.

The faces of the six people changed, and they all looked at the wild cattle and gray wolves in the distance.

The bulls and wolves seem to have heard the order and backed away at the same time.

Clearly, neither side wants to go to war.

This scene also made the six of them heave a sigh of relief.

But at The next moment, the expressions of the six people changed again.

I saw the pack of gray wolves that had retreated, turned around and ran towards the place where the six people were.

Seeing this, Cao Wu smiled wryly: "It seems that the wolves don't intend to let us go!"

"Naturally, wolves are vengeful beasts!" Lin Guodong spread his hands helplessly.

At this time, Cao Wu turned his head to look at Jiang Bai.

"Brother Jiang, hurry up and go!"

"This is our business, we cannot implicate you!"

Hearing this, the other four also nodded to Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai was a little surprised, then he waved his hand indifferently:

"No problem!"

"I checked just now, the strongest among this group of gray wolves is the wolf king, but it's only level 5!"

"And my strength has reached level 6!"

The Common bulls in the mang ox herd have reached level 4 or 5 in strength.

Shooting any one at random is 4 or 50 evolution points.

Jiang Bai has been shooting and killing the Common Mang Niu before, so his strength has naturally increased to the first-level.

"You are already level 6?!"

Cao Wu's eyes widened, and he looked at Jiang Bai in shock.

The same goes for the other four.

Among the five of them, Cao Wu, who is the most powerful, has just reached level 3!

The remaining four are only level 2!

Otherwise, he (she) would not be hunted down by the wolves all the way!

Jiang Bai explained: "This grassland is a place where fierce beasts gather. I have been leveling here since the first day, so my strength improves relatively quickly."

The five of them came to a sudden, no wonder!

If there are enough low-level beasts, the five of them are confident that they can raise their strength to level 5 or above today.

"Let's not talk about it, get ready to deal with the wolves!"

Jiang Bai took out his horizontal knife and looked at the approaching wolves, "Protect yourselves, I'll kill the wolf king!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed down the hill at the head of the horse.

With his strength reaching level 6, his four-dimensional attributes have been raised to 154 points.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed into the pack of wolves.

The horizontal sword that has been enhanced to +4, plus the basic sword technique that has just been promoted to 'Xiaocheng'.

Jiang Bai is like a tiger in a herd of sheep, unstoppable.

The two-meter-tall giant wolf, in front of him, was just like the little Karla Mi, and fell to the ground casually.

In this way, Jiang Bai went all the way to the wolf king behind the pack.


The wolf king looked up to the sky and let out a long howl.

The gray wolves who had rushed towards Cao Wu and five people immediately turned around and besieged Jiang Bai when they heard the sound.

Obviously, the wolf king also realized Jiang Bai's strength!

Seeing this, Jiang Bai immediately speeded up to kill the wolf king.

Relying on the four-dimensional attribute of the crushing level, he killed the wolf king in just a few minutes.

[Grey Wolf King (Black Iron BOSS)

Category: Beasts

Strength: Level 5

Bloodline: None

Talent: None]

Jiang Bai had checked the wolf king's information before, so he dared to kill him alone.

Without waiting for the wolf king to attack, he immediately exploded with all his strength and rushed in front of the wolf king in an instant.

Squat down, raise the blade, aim at the jaw, and stab!


The +4 horizontal knife was extremely sharp, and its blade instantly pierced the wolf king's head from the lower jaw.

[Record: Kill Gray Wolf King (Black Iron BOSS) x1, evolution point +200, black iron treasure chest x1. 】

[Reminder: As the first Heaven Designated to kill the black iron-level boss, you have triggered the Heavenly Dao notification, do you want to hide basic information? 】


Based on the principle of low-key development, Jiang Bai made a choice without even thinking about it.

[Heavenly Dao Announcement: Congratulations to Terran Heaven Designated ‘XXX’, the first to kill the Black Iron BOSS, special rewards: evolution coins +10,000, luck +1000, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】

【Heavenly Dao Announcement: Congratulations...】

【Heavenly Dao Announcement:...】

Three consecutive Heavenly Dao announcements sounded in the ears of all Heaven Designated.

For a time, I was stunned by countless Heaven Designated!

Among the wolves.

Jiang Bai pulled out the horizontal knife and looked around with sharp eyes.

Wherever he looked, the gray wolves took a step back.

At the next moment, the wolves scattered in all directions and fled towards the mountain road.

The crisis is over!

Jiang Bai shook off the wolf blood on the horizontal knife, and waved the wolf king into his backpack.

Then he turned around and walked towards Cao Wu and the others, while picking up the gray wolf that died on the way.

These are all evolution coins!

Go back to the hills.

Cao Wu and the five of them gave Jiang Bai a thumbs up in unison, with a unified expression of admiration on their faces.

One person, one sword, kill through the pack of wolves, instantly kill the wolf king!

The strength that Jiang Bai showed just now is definitely the NO.1 of No. 6 novice village!

"What are your plans for the future?"

"Going back to the village?"

Jiang Bai glanced at Cao Wu and the five of them, and asked a casual question.

The five looked at each other.

Cao Wu took a step forward and asked, "Brother Jiang, can we stay here to practice?"

"Of course, this place is not mine."

Jiang Bai never thought of occupying this grassland, and he didn't have the strength to do so.

"However, the beasts on the outskirts of the grassland have either been hunted by me, or have fled to the depths of the grassland."

"If you want to hunt, you can only go to the depths of the grassland."

"As for the strength of the beasts deep in the grassland, they all start at level 4, and most of them appear in groups."

"So when you hunt, you'd better do what you can."

Cao Wu said gratefully: "Thank you for reminding me!"

Then he suggested: "Brother Jiang, shall we add a friend?"


Jiang Bai didn't refuse, and he added five friends of Cao Wu.

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