All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 68 Inventory And Harvest

[Record: Kill the Snake King (Silver Boss) x1, get: Evolution Point +22000, Survival Points +2200, Silver Treasure Chest x1. 】

After nearly half an hour of fierce fighting, the Snake King finally fell to Jiang Bai's knife.

To Jiang Bai's surprise, the Silver Boss contributed an unexpectedly large amount of evolution points and survival points!

As soon as the Snake King died, the wind and rain dissipated immediately.

The dark clouds in the sky also quickly dispersed, and the sun shone down again.

Jiang Bai put the Snow Song Knife back into the Qi Sea space for storage, then put the Snake King into the storage space, and then walked towards where Cao Wu and the others were.

come near.

Everyone greeted Jiang Bai one after another.

After Jiang Bai smiled and nodded one by one, he looked at Cao Wu: "Why are you here?"

"You make such a big noise, can I not come?"

Cao Wu rolled his eyes and asked, "That giant snake just now is the snake king in the lake, right?"

He was a little far from the battlefield, so he couldn't see the information panel of the Snake King.

"It is indeed the Snake King."

Jiang Bai nodded, and changed his tone, "Okay, let's talk about other things when we go back! I'm completely soaked, so I have to go back and change."

As he spoke, he waved to the golden eagle in the air.

The golden eagle immediately fell from the sky.

Jiang Bai flew onto the back of the golden eagle, and under the envious eyes of everyone, he was carried by the golden eagle soaring into the sky and flew towards the Yanhuang tribe.


Yanhuang tribe, in the residence of Jiang Bai.

in the living room.

Jiang Bai, who had changed into dry clothes, sat opposite Cao Wu.

"Demonized ferocious beast?"

Cao Wu was thoughtful, and guessed, "Could it be that the snake king has been affected by the mysterious power?"

Jiang Bai nodded: "I think so too. I guess, the unreasonable upgraded mentioned in the announcement notes is likely to refer to demonization."

"If this is the case, then the animal disaster may be more difficult than we imagined!"

Cao Wu frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

After all, the word "demonization" has always represented bad things.

Jiang Bai shook his head: "The current situation is unknown, let's remind everyone to be careful, and strengthen the defense of the Yanhuang tribe by the way!"

"That's the only way!" Cao Wu nodded, getting up and preparing to leave.

Suddenly, Jiang Bai thought of something and reminded him: "By the way, I would like to remind everyone that it is best not to eat the meat of demonized beasts to avoid any problems."


After watching Cao Wu leave.

Jiang Bai also got up and went back to the bedroom upstairs, and began to sort out the harvest.

The first is treasure chests and optional packages.

[Record: Open the Survival Treasure Chest (Gold Level) x1, get: Survival Points + 100,000, Ben Lei Sword (Golden Ultimate) x1, "Thirteen Ben Lei Swords" x1. 】

[Record: Open the Silver Treasure Chest x1, get: Evolution Coin + 1 million, "Basic Encyclopedia of Talisman Making" x1, Relocation Order x1. 】

[Record: Open the equipment optional package (gold level) x1, get: Flood Dragon Leather Armor (gold top grade) x1. 】

Jiang Bai took out the Ben Lei Sword and "Thirteen Ben Lei Swords", with a strange expression on his face.

He didn't expect that he could even order matching items.

However, do you want to learn swordsmanship?

After all, archery is a bit partial, and it may be difficult to obtain more powerful archery techniques in the future.

In this way, Jiang Bai will lose a means of fighting against the enemy in the future.

Swordsmanship is different, the path is extremely wide and the future is bright.

And maybe in the future, he might be able to obtain techniques such as Yujianshu.


"Anyway, I have to learn boxing in the future!"

With a decision, Jiang Bai enhanced the Ben Lei Sword nine times in a row, raising its grade to the best platinum level, becoming a Spiritual Qi like the Snow Song Knife.

He stored the Ben Lei sword in the Qi Sea space, and planned to learn "Thirteen Ben Lei Swords".

[Reminder: You have not yet learned basic swordsmanship, so you cannot learn "Thirteen Swords of Ben Lei". 】

Jiang Bai was speechless, so he had no choice but to open the evolution store and buy a copy of "Basic Swordsmanship" and a copy of "Basic Boxing".

After learning the two basic techniques, he took a look at his potential.

Yep, not enough promotion!

Jiang Bai reluctantly threw "Thirteen Swords of Ben Lei" back into the storage space, and then took out "Basic Encyclopedia of Talisman Making" after changing hands.

Talisman, he knows.

And it can also be expected that the spell will definitely have a bright (money) future in the future.

So Jiang Bai threw the "Basic Encyclopedia of Talisman Making" back into the storage space, and put it together with the "Encyclopedia of Formation Basics".

His top priority now is to improve his strength, not to get a job.

Afterwards, he took out the dragon leather armor and used the infinite Enhancement Talent to enhance nine times in a row.

[Dragon Leather Armor +9

Category: Artifact

Host: Jiang Bai

Grade: inferior

Spirituality: 100

Special effects: Longwei (activated by Spirit Power, it can burst out the dragon's might to frighten the beasts.), human-machine integration (omitted).

Features: Bixie (Because there is a ray of dragon soul living in the spiritual weapon, ordinary evil spirits cannot approach it.), Dragon Soul (Once the spiritual weapon is hit beyond its own limit, the ray of dragon soul hidden in the spiritual weapon will automatically Resuscitate, and bless it on the spirit weapon, so that the protective ability of the spirit weapon will temporarily increase.), self-repair (when suffering damage, it can automatically absorb Spirit Power or Spiritual Qi for repair.), protect the master (omitted), Yunling (omit ).

Remarks: The stronger the spirituality of the spirit weapon, the stronger the power. 】


Jiang Bai frowned, could there be evil spirits in this world?

think carefully.

Since there are cultivators in this world, it seems reasonable to have evil spirits, right?

"It seems that everything Heaven Designated has seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg!"

Jiang Bai sighed, and stored the dragon leather armor in the Qi Sea space.

When he needs it, he can wear it automatically when he calls it out, which is very convenient.

The treasure chest is finished, and the next step is survival points.

Jiang Bai opened the survival store and found that his own survival points had reached more than 2.6 million!

After he recalled the harvest, he immediately felt normal.

First, Heavenly Dao announced a reward of 500,000.

Then came the settlement of the survival leaderboard, and another 500,000 was rewarded.

Then there was the previous decisive battle. Because Jiang Bai blessed everyone with the battle song Talent, when everyone killed the alien Warrior, he also received survival points rewards.

Because of the BUFF that doubled the points, nearly 980,000 survival points were recorded for this point alone.

Previously, Jiang Bai blocked the beast horde, and also sneaked into the blockade of alien races, adding up to more than 500,000 survival points.

And these two things also have the BUFF blessing of doubling the points.

I just opened the survival treasure chest and got another 100,000.

Plus the remaining Survival Points from before.

After adding everything up, there are more than 2.6 million!


"Now I don't lack Cultivation Technique, I don't lack techniques, and I have all the equipment!"

"How to use so many survival points!"

Jiang Bai was a little distressed.

Fortunately, there are no other Heaven Designated here, otherwise Jiang Bai will be beaten to death if other Heaven Designated hear Jiang Bai's words!

They are worrying about not enough survival points!

"Forget it, keep it for now!"

"Wait until you need something later!"

After closing the Survival Store, Jiang Bai began to practice Wuliang Jue.

Perhaps it was because his foundation was solid enough that he practiced Wuliang Jue very quickly.

No, the first level of Wuliang Jue has almost been cultivated by him to the Returned to Origin level.

By then, he will be able to fully understand the second Twelve Classics.

In this way, one only needs to accumulate enough evolution points to raise one's strength to level 2 or level 2.

Yes, after entering the second stage.

If you want to improve your strength, you not only need evolution points, but you also need to meet two conditions——

First, completely get through a certain "two" Meridians in the Twelve Classics.

Second, the total amount of Spirit Power reaches the corresponding standard.

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