All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 69 No. 8 Novice Village Was Robbed

Time came to night in a blink of an eye.

But the courtyard of Jiang Bai's manor was full of flames at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a fire.

It was Jiang Bai who suddenly came to nature, so he set up several bonfires in the yard and planned to hold a bonfire banquet at night.

For this reason, he also sent Cao Wu five people.

Also during the period of penance, the five people I knew, Su Xingyu, Zhang Guilong, Qin Yan, Lin Muqing, and Li Yuejiao, were all invited over for a drink.

And these ten people are the only ten friends in Jiang Bai's friend list.

Plus the golden eagle, Yuejiao, and the servants in the manor.

So tonight's manor is particularly lively.

No, the lively atmosphere also attracted other Heaven Designated.

Jiang Bai never refused to anyone who came, not only opened the gate of the courtyard, but also shouted in the No. 6 chat room.

Therefore, basically as long as they are in the Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang tribe, they all flock to Jiang Bai's manor to participate in the bonfire banquet.

Everyone has no shortage of evolution coins now, and they can buy what they want to drink directly in the evolution store.

Grill your own meat if you want it, it's totally a real buffet.

Some Heaven Designated who came to the interest spontaneously started to perform, such as singing, dancing and so on.

There are even wonderful shows such as performing handstands and drinking!

Almost didn't laugh Jiang Bai to death.

But at the moment of laughter and laughter, the low-pitched horn sounded suddenly.

The noisy scene immediately fell silent.

Cao Wu immediately stood up and explained: "In order to deal with the beast disaster, I specially made this kind of horn after imitating the Fengyue tribe. As long as this horn sounds, it means that a herd of beasts is attacking the Yanhuang tribe!"

"The herd?" Jiang Bai asked with a strange face, "Why, they knew we were having a banquet, so they took the initiative to deliver the goods?"


Everyone just burst out laughing, what the hell is it delivered to your door!

Seeing this, Jiang Bai smiled and said:

"Everyone, since those beasts are so active, we can't remain indifferent."

"To show respect, let's go and pick out the ingredients together, and come back and drink!"

Everyone responded with a bang.

So a group of people went straight to the gate of the tribe.

The defensive wall at the Horde's main entrance.

Jiang Bai stood side by side with Cao Wu, looking at the pair of blood-red animal pupils in the darkness outside the tribe.

At this time, Cao Wu said:

"Jiangye, these beasts are common ferocious or ferocious beasts in the Grand Canyon."

"But their situation at this time seems to be a bit wrong!"

Jiang Bai sighed softly: "Be confident, remove the word 'seems', they are really wrong! I guess, it should be related to the animal disaster!"

"You mean... demonization?" Cao Wu quickly guessed what Jiang Bai was referring to.

Jiang Bai nodded: "If you feel it carefully, you will find that there is a disgusting evil aura on those beasts."

During the day, he had sensed it from the Snake King.

There are also these beasts in front of you!

After Cao Wu sensed it, he frowned and said, "Sure enough, there is a disgusting evil aura!"

"Old Cao, send more people out to investigate the situation tomorrow, and talk to other villages by the way."

"I have a hunch that the animal disaster will become more troublesome as it progresses, and we must get through it quickly."

After Jiang Bai reminded, he turned around and jumped off the defensive wall, and went straight back.

Those beasts outside are not strong, so there is no need for him to take action.

as expected.

In less than half an hour, the herd of beasts were all eliminated, and everyone returned to the manor to continue the banquet.

It's just that everyone didn't bring back the animal meat.

Because Cao Wu told everyone that those beasts have been affected by mysterious forces, and it is not certain whether their meat is safe.

So it's best not to eat it for now.

It was not until late at night that the banquet finally dispersed.

It was a rare opportunity to relax and everyone enjoyed themselves.


the next day.

Jiang Bai woke up early in the morning and resumed his morning exercise routine.

It's just the time to practice Innate Daoyin, and change it to practice Wuliang Jue and Golden Light Curse.

As for the fire control technique and the Hundred Forging Body Refining formula?

The former is not in a hurry, and the latter can be improved with potential points.

The rest of the time is still used to practice techniques.

Just when Jiang Bai had just finished his morning exercises, Cao Wu came in a hurry.

"Master Jiang, something serious happened!"

"I just saw from the regional channel that in the early hours of last night, Novice Village No. 8 was raided by a group of ferocious beasts. Only a few Heaven Designated managed to escape!"

Hearing Cao Wu's words, Jiang Bai was stunned for several seconds before he could react.

"How can this be!"

"The current Heaven Designated per capita is level two, what kind of beasts can slaughter a village of Heaven Designated overnight?!"

Jiang Bai had a look of disbelief.

"According to several survivors in Village No. 8, they are a group of black spiders with ghost faces on their backs!"

"These Black spiders not only possess mental attacks, but the silk they spray out is also poisonous!"

"As long as the skin comes into contact with the spider silk, it will be poisoned, and it will paralyze the body in a moment, making it impossible to move!"

"Among the few survivors, one of them's Talent can cure all poisons, so those few people were able to escape by chance!"

With a solemn face, Cao Wu quickly spoke out the information he knew.

"Ghostface? Black spider?"

Jiang Bai couldn't help being taken aback.

Why does this thing sound familiar?

Suddenly, Jiang Bai thought of something, and his pupils shrank.

He remembered!

On the border of No. 7 novice village, in the barren area in the center of the valley plain, there is a group of Black ghost-faced spiders hiding underground!

At that time, Jiang Bai saw the group of spiders, so he associated the group of snakes in No. 6 novice village with the animal disaster!

"Master Jiang, Lord Jiang?"


"What's wrong with you, why did your face suddenly become so ugly?"

"I thought just now that I saw those black spiders with ghost faces on their backs in the No. 7 novice village before!"

"Number 7 novice village?" Cao Wu was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically.

"You mean, the group of Black spiders can leave the novice village at will?!"

"should be!"

"This is bad!"

Cao Wu's complexion also became ugly.

Since the group of black spiders can go to No. 8 novice village, they must also be able to come to No. 6 novice village!

Facing the group of black spiders, No. 8 novice village was almost slaughtered.

The No. 6 novice village is probably not much better!

Jiang Bai took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He patted Cao Wu on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry too much, I observed before that the group of black spiders are nocturnal beasts, and they should not come out to move during the day."

"Really?" Cao Wu's eyes lit up, and his mind immediately became active.

"Master Jiang, you should still remember where the group of spiders are?"

"Then can we..."

Jiang Bai nodded: "I'm just planning to do this. You gather a few experts, and I'll lead the team to try and see if I can destroy the group of spiders!"

"Okay!" Cao Wu responded, turned around and was about to leave.

Jiang Bai quickly stopped him: "According to my speculation, there should be a group of huge herds of the same kind of beasts in the center of the current leveling points of each village. It is very likely that this is the first wave of catastrophe!"

"It's the same as our snake group and the spider group in Village No. 7?" Cao Wu thought of it as soon as he heard it.

Jiang Bai nodded: "Whether you want to inform the villages of this news, you can decide for yourself!"

After speaking, he turned and went back to the house.

After Cao Wu remained silent for a moment, he also turned and left.

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