All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 77: The Rainy Season Begins

Yanhuang tribe.

After Jiang Bai came back, he went straight to Cao Wu's residence with Lin Guodong and Luo Feng.

There, Cao Wu, Tang Ling, and Yang Jiaojiao were already waiting.

After the six people got together, they sat down separately.

First, Jiang Bai shared some information obtained during this trip.

Such as various clans, elf empires, extraterrestrial demons and so on.

After listening.

Cao Wu pondered: "Even the empire and the clans exist, so it seems that the No. 666 Dongtian world is far more complicated than we expected!"

Jiang Bai was not surprised by this, and said casually:

"Normal, we seem to have walked out of the novice village, but we have been trapped in area 168, what does this mean?"

"It means that we are not qualified yet, because we have been exposed to real Waisi!"

"Or, we don't have the power to protect ourselves in the face of the aborigines outside!"

Tang Ling interjected: "I said, the demons outside the sky are the key point, right? That thing is just a beast whose heart has been obliterated by the tree of life for ten thousand years, and it can demonize the entire 168 area without knowing it." ! One can imagine how powerful the extraterrestrial demons are!"

"Since you know the power of the demons outside the sky, do you think it is useful to pay more attention to us with our current strength?"

Lin Guodong's rhetorical question left Tang Ling speechless.

Cao Wu answered: "In the future, maybe we will encounter evil spirits from outside the sky, but for now, we don't need to pay too much attention, let's discuss the upcoming Wuqiu first!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Jiang Bai: "Master Jiang, what do you think?"

"What I can think of, you can basically think of, so I won't talk nonsense."

Jiang Bai waved his hand and asked, "Do you have any questions? If not, I'll go back and rest.

The five shook their heads at the same time.

"Okay, that's it, I'll go back first."

While talking, Jiang Bai got up and walked out.

As soon as he walked to the door, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and said:

"By the way, Lao Cao."

"If you have no place to store survival supplies, remember to come to me."

Jiang Bai has a storage space with unlimited capacity, and it can hold more materials.

three days later.

early morning.

With a thunderclap in the air, the prelude to the rainy season officially kicked off.

Standing at the gate of the villa, Jiang Bai looked at the thick dark clouds that seemed to fall at any time, his brows slightly raised.

Judging from this posture, it is estimated that there will be heavy rain soon.

Under heavy rain, natural disasters such as mudslides and floods are most likely to occur.

Jiang Bai speculates that the ordeal of the rainy season is probably similar to these natural disasters.

And what he can think of, Cao Wu can naturally think of it.

Therefore, the light yellow tribe has already done the relevant defense work.

Soon, bean-sized raindrops fell.

But in an instant, the raindrops became denser and turned into a heavy rain.

Jiang Bai stood at the door for a while, then turned and went back to practice in the quiet room.

Idle and idle on rainy days, just to improve my strength.

In this way, it rained for three days and three nights.

Do you think the rain will start to lighten up on the fourth day?

No, the heavy rain directly escalated into a torrential rain!

The sound of the clattering rain, just listening to it makes people wonder if it is a leak from the sky!

Not only that, there was a strong wind blowing outside, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

If you think that’s all it is, then you underestimate the words “existence of nature and natural disasters”.

Children know that when it thunders, as long as they hide in the house, they don't have to worry about thunder and lightning.

But what about thunder?

Can you imagine the scene of lightning falling one after another, continuously falling from the sky?

Jiang Bai saw with his own eyes that even if a gigantic boulder is struck, it will be instantly exploded into countless tiny gravels.

Facing this kind of natural power, even he can feel what it means to be weak again!

However, there are always unbelievers in this world.

On regional channels, most Heaven Designated are lamenting the power of nature.

But there is a Heaven Designated from the eagle sauce country who sings the opposite.

As a result, after being teased by everyone for a while, he wanted to broadcast live to catch the thunder.

Because the field of view of the live broadcast room is connected to the line of sight of Heaven Designated, this Heaven Designated also specially recruited a good friend to help with the live broadcast.

It was opened in one second, and people will be chopped into scum in the next second!

At that moment, the regional channels were all quiet...

In the blink of an eye, another six days passed.

Today is the tenth day of the rainy season.

The torrential rain continued day and night.

The stupefaction has continued until now.

As a result, the Fengyue tribe's residence began to flood...

No, it's not just the residence of the Fengyue tribe.

Instead, the entire Mirkwood is flooding!

And the water level rises very fast.

Jiang Bai didn't know what happened to other places in Mirkwood, but in Fengyue Tribe's camp, the water level had already risen to ten meters in just one morning!

No, Jiang Bai moved to the top of the mountain early in the morning.

He used the new Talent he had drawn before -the mountain moved the mountain, and built a large stone house for himself on the top of the mountain.

The Earth Shakes the Mountain Talent, Grade A [can manipulate the earth, mountain temples, etc.

Of course.

Jiang Bai is not the only one who has moved, everyone in the Fengyue tribe's camp has now moved to the mountains.

To this end, Jiang Bai used the Earth Shaking Talent to turn the hilltops into platforms, and built a large number of simple stone houses for everyone to rest.

This also causes his Spirit Power to be depleted.

By the time Spirit Power fully recovered, it was already afternoon.

Jiang Bai went out and saw that the water level at the bottom of the mountain had risen to 50 meters!

To be honest, everyone was dumbfounded.

In his two lives, he has never heard that the water level of a flood can rise to fifty meters!

But as time went by, he realized that he was ignorant too early.

When it gets dark, the water level of Zhao Zhao's flood easily exceeds 100 meters!

And at this time, troubles also began to appear.

Under the cover of the 100-meter-high flood, it can be said that all living beings are equal.

This caused all kinds of beasts to flee to high places one after another.

Other beasts are fine.

Those things like snakes, insects, rats and ants make people's scalp tingle!

They reproduce fast, have a large number, and live in groups.

This escape, it really rushed up the mountain like a tide!

So, the Heaven Designated who have been idle for a long time are excited.

With all kinds of means out, those beasts that fled up the mountain were blocked in the middle of the mountain, and they couldn't move an inch!

Of course, those high-level second-order beasts were shot and killed by Jiang Bai.

And those third-tier beasts were also killed by the third-tier masters of the Fengyue tribe.

But do you think that's all the trouble?

No, this is just the beginning!.

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