In a blink of an eye, it came to the twentieth day of the rainy season.

On this day, Jiang Bai was planning to practice when Yuejiao's voice sounded outside the door.

"Master Jiang, it seems that Chief Cao is looking for you on an urgent matter."

"Got it, here we come.

Jiang Bai responded, got up and walked out of the quiet room.

Come to the outhouse.

Jiang Bai saw Cao Wu in coir raincoat, walking back and forth anxiously.

He couldn't help asking: "Old Cao, what happened?"

"Master Jiang, you are finally out!"

"Put on the coir raincoat and follow me, or it will be too late!"

As Cao Wu said, he picked up the coir raincoat by the door and quickly helped Jiang Ri put it on.

Then, he dragged Jiang Bai into the rain.

Today, the rain outside has lightened a lot, and the lightning and thunder are gone.

But don't worry about being struck by lightning when you go out.

Soon, Cao Wu brought Jiang Bai outside a stone house.

Jiang Bai noticed that there were actually two third-tier masters wearing masks and holding weapons stationed outside the stone house.

This is the Warrior of the Fengyue Tribe.

"Master Jiang, wear this."

Cao Wu took out two masks, handed one of them to Jiang Bai, and put the other on himself. 913

Jiang Bai silently took it and put it on, he vaguely guessed what it was.

Sure enough, after entering the house.

Jiang Bai saw a group of people lying on the wooden boards and howling continuously.

Among them are Aboriginal people and Heaven Designated.

What surprised Jiang Bai the most was that even Feng Tianxing was among them!

At this moment, Feng Tianxing is surrounded by an old man and a young man, who are treating him.

In addition, there is a woman with a veil on her face, holding a wooden staff depicting the totem of the Fengyue tribe.

While dancing the Great God, he walked around Feng Tianxing, still muttering words.

Jiang Bai judged at a glance that this woman should be a priest of the Fengyue tribe.

Because she danced the Nuo (nuo, third tone) dance, which is an extremely ancient sacrificial technique.

It is usually used during sacrifices, and is generally used to sacrifice totems, comfort ancestors, or communicate with ghosts and gods, Heavenly Dao.

But it can also be used to drive away plagues and avoid epidemics at ordinary times.

If it is placed on Blue Star, it will definitely be useless.

But in this practice world, Nuo dance is a mysterious technique with real effects.

As for the old man and the young man, Jiang Bai estimated that they should be the pharmacists of the Fengyue tribe.

Judging from this situation, Feng Tianxing's situation should be very difficult.

Otherwise, the pharmacist and the priest would not have shot together.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai looked at the others.

He crouched down and began to check up for the others.

About ten minutes later.

Jiang Bai returned to Cao Wu, took off his mask and said:

"Don't worry, they are not sick, let alone plague, and they are not contagious.

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, Cao Wu heaved a sigh of relief.

Just as Cao Wu wanted to ask those people what was going on, a voice said first: "You are talking nonsense! My Master has confirmed that these people are infected with a plague that I have never seen before! Are you stronger than my Master?"

Jiang Bai followed his reputation, but he was the young pharmacist among the two pharmacists.

The young pharmacist had a proud posture, with a look of displeasure on his face.

And although the old pharmacist didn't speak, his face was also not good-looking.

"Fengluo, don't be rude to Elder Jiang!"

Feng Xingyu on the side scolded the young pharmacist, and quickly apologized to Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai took a look at Feng Luo, and then waved to Feng Xingyu, expressing that he was fine.

"You wait here, I'll go back and dispense the medicine."

After Jiang Bai said something to Cao Wu, he put on his coir raincoat and left.

A pharmacist can not only identify Medicinal herbs and understand the properties of medicines, but also has a whole body of medical skills, so it is no problem to cure diseases and save lives.

What's more, Jiang Bai is a top pharmacist.

The medical skills he knows not only include those ancient and modern Chinese and foreign medical skills on the blue star, but also include various medical skills in the practice world!

Just like the Nuo dance performed by the priestess, Jiang Bai can do the same!


In about an hour.

Jiang Bai came back again.

(cfaf) He distributed the prepared medicine to Cao Wu and told him how to use it.

So, the two gave medicine to the aborigines and Heaven Designated respectively.

At this time, some people couldn't stand it anymore.


"Are you trying to kill them by using medicines indiscriminately without knowing the symptoms?!"

It was none other than that Fengluo just now.

Even Fengluo's Master couldn't help but uttered: "At a young age, I thought I knew some Medicinal herbs and knew some medical skills, so I dared to treat others carelessly. Didn't your Master teach you that life is at stake?"

Hey, I'm grumpy!

As soon as Jiang Bai put the medicine on the ground, he was ready to roll up his sleeves.

He has always disliked beep beep, because it is more relieved to do it directly!

at this time.

Feng Xingyu slapped his hands twice, and sent the two of them flying away.

Then he pointed at those two and said angrily: "You master and apprentice are usually arrogant in the tribe, but who gave you the courage to call Liu Jiang Elder rude again?

You know, if it wasn't for Jiang Elder's great help, let alone the two of you, even the Fengyue tribe would have been wiped out twice! Even the stone house you live in now was built by Jiang Elder!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Bai had no choice but to suppress his anger and take back his right foot.

He picked up the medicine again, and said to Cao Wu: "Old Cao, the medicine doesn't need to be given to the aborigines. Since those two guys think they are good at medicine, let them treat it!"

"Good job, Master Jiang!"

Cao Wu naturally had no objection, because he was also very upset.

Seeing this, Feng Xingyu opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

So, he had no choice but to stare at Fengluo master and apprentice, and said coldly: "If anyone can't be cured, I will kill you!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Fengluo master and apprentice stood up tremblingly, but they looked at Jiang Bai with resentment.

Such obvious malice, with Jiang Bai's current strength, he naturally felt it.

But he doesn't care.

The first two times, he could bear it for Feng Xingyu's sake.

But if he dares to provoke him again, even if he wants to tear himself apart with the Fengyue tribe, he will kill them!

Soon, all Heaven Designated were drugged.

But in a moment, those Heaven Designated stopped howling, but fell asleep with soothing faces.

This scene changed Feng Luo's master and apprentice's complexion greatly, and also made Feng Xingyu's complexion sink.

Even the priestess couldn't help but glance at Jiang Bai.

"Old Cao, tell someone to send all these Heaven Designated back, they will recover after a night of sleep."

"okay, I get it."

Afterwards, Jiang Bai put on his coir raincoat and walked out of the house.

He was not in a hurry to go back, but began to search for the source of the poisoning of those Heaven Designated.

Yes, those Heaven Designated and Aboriginals are all poisoned.

And it contained a relatively powerful Gu poison.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Tianxing, a master of level 3 and level 10, is lying on the wooden board and crying continuously.

Jiang Bai is now going to find the source of the Gu poison, and then clean it up to prevent more people from being poisoned. .

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