All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 79 Jiang Bai: You Kneel Before I Make A Move?

After some searching.

The family of Jiang Bai found the source of the poison in the latrine

A group of tiny flying insects.

Although these flying insects are small, the information panel shows that their type~belongs to 'bad insect larvae'!

Fierce beasts, ferocious birds, and ferocious insects all belong to super-mortal creatures.

Jiang Bai used spiritual fire to clear away the flying insects, then turned around and went to other places.

This flying insect can only exist in the toilet.

Not long after, Jiang Bai came to a large stone house where meat ingredients were stored.

The stone house was built by him, so he naturally knew the location.

Let the guards of the Fengyue Tribe open the door, and Jiang Bai entered the stone house, and he saw more flying insects there.

After twenty days of continuous rain, the moisture in the air was astonishingly high.

Even in the large stone house where the meat is stored, Jiang Bai has paid great attention to moisture-proof issues, but the house is still damp.

Plus the temperature is not low now.

No, even the smoked jerky has already begun to deteriorate.

In this way, these flying insects will naturally be attracted.

Coupled with the current flood water level, it has been kept at about 500 meters.

These flying insects will naturally come here in search of food sources.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai immediately notified Cao Wu via private message, asking Cao Wu to come over.

Not long.

Cao Wu walked quickly into the stone house.

After entering the room, he looked at the swarms of flying insects flying on the meat ingredients, and his face couldn't help but change.

He couldn't help looking at Jiang Bai: "Master Jiang, what's going on?!"

"As you can see, the air is so humid that these meaty ingredients have spoiled."

Jiang Bai shrugged, pointed at the flying insects and said, "And these flying insects are the source of poisoning those Heaven Designated, so you have to notify the Heaven Designated in each village, so that they will immediately kill them as soon as they see these flying insects." Get rid of it to prevent more people from having accidents!"

"Poisoned?" Cao Wu looked at Jiang Bai in confusion.

Jiang Bai explained: "As I said before, those people are not sick, let alone suffering from the plague, they have been poisoned by a relatively powerful Gu poison, and this Gu poison can't even survive the wind and sky work of level 3 and level 10." .”

"So it is!" Cao Wu suddenly realized.

He said, with Feng Tianxing's strength of level 3 and level 10, how could he be infected with the plague so easily.

Emotions are poisonous!

Afterwards, Jiang Bai gave some more instructions and then left.

As for whether to inform Feng Xingyu?

That was Cao Wu's business, Jiang Bai didn't bother to care about it.

No, after watching Jiang Bai leave, Cao Wu immediately asked a guard to call Feng Xingyu over.

Naturally, we cannot conceal or delay the major events in Beijing.

the other side.

After Jiang Bai returned to his own stone house, he came to Jiao.

"For the next few days, I'm going to Closed Door Training breakthrough."

"Before I leave the customs, no matter who comes to look for me, they all disappear."

"You don't need to ask me to eat these days."

"Yes, Master Jiang." Yuejiao replied respectfully, not surprised.

Because it was the same when Jiang Bai broke through before.

Afterwards, Jiang Bai came to the quiet room to start Closed Door Training.

He didn't close Door Training to thank the guests on purpose because of Fengluo's master and apprentice, but he was really about to break through.

Second-level practitioners mainly focus on the Twelve Classics and Eight Extraordinary Meridians that penetrate the human body.

Long ago, Jiang Bai had already mastered all the twelve classics, leaving only the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

After this period of hard work, he has connected seven of the eight meridians, and now only the governor meridian is left.

As long as the Governor Vessel is connected, he can formally form a complete Spirit Power circuit in his body—

This is also called a small universe loop.

After that is to understand the world, seize that ray of opportunity to cross the bridge of Tongtian Earth, and then you can officially enter the ranks of the third rank.

Of course, Heaven Designated doesn't have to be so troublesome.

As long as you meet the promotion requirements, you can directly advance with evolution points.

five days later.

Today is the twenty-fifth day of the rainy season.

There are five days left until the end of the rainy season.

At this moment, in front of Jiang Bai's stone house.

In the heavy rain, an old man and a young man were kneeling in front of the door.

These two people are none other than Fengluo master and apprentice.

They were already drenched, as if drowned.

And his eyes were dull, as if he had suffered some kind of major blow in his heart.


Feng Xingyu and Feng Tianxing were walking back and forth in the outer room anxiously.

Cao Wu was negotiating with Yuejiao.

"Yuejiao, just help me out and call Master Jiang!"

"This is a matter of life and death!"

However, Yuejiao shook her head resolutely: "No, Master Jiang told me before that he will not see anyone before he leaves the customs!"

……… Ask for flowers

Cao Wu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

He has already told Yuejiao the cause and effect.

He also made it clear to Yuejiao about the stakes

But Yuejiao just refused to let go.

Cao Wu is really out of control.

So Cao Wu, who became more and more angry with his thoughts, turned his head and rushed out of the house, punching and kicking Fengluo master and apprentice.

While beating him, he also cursed:

"Ganniang, it's your fault, you two trash!"

"Don't you think your medical skills are superb? Don't you look down on Master Jiang?"

"But you guys can't cure the Gu poison, not to mention, even the antidote prepared by Master Jiang is placed in front of you, and you can't copy it!"

Fuck! What's the use of you?!"

Feng Luo's master and apprentice were beaten up and screamed again and again, which also attracted Feng Xingyu and Hefeng Tianxing's attention.


It's just that instead of stopping Cao Wu, the two father and son joined the fat beating ranks together.

Three days ago, because of these two self-esteemed bastards, Feng Tianxing almost died.

These two bastards fiddled with each other for two days, not only failed to cure Feng Tianxing, but also made Feng Tianxing's condition worse.

Fortunately, Cao Wu still has a lot of antidote that Jiang Bai prepared before.

Only in this way did Feng Tianxing detoxify Gu poison and save his life.

Even the remaining aborigines were saved with the antidote in Cao Wu's hands.

But the two bastards still refused to accept it, and even argued that Jiang Bai was just lucky.

Then, the slap in the face came.

Despite Jiang Bai's reminder, Cao Wu, Hefeng Xingyu also tried their best to prevent and clean up those flying insects.

However, in the past two days, the aborigines and Heaven Designated have been poisoned one after another, and the number is still increasing rapidly.

Cao Wu naturally came to Jiang Bai immediately, but learned that Jiang Bai was in Closed Door Training.

In desperation, Cao Wu had no choice but to consult Feng Xingyu.

As soon as the two got together, they immediately summoned the pharmacists of various aboriginal tribes to see if they could replicate Jiang Bai's antidote.

For this reason, Cao Wu also took out the last bit of antidote in his hands.


Not to mention the pharmacists of other tribes.

Even Fengluo master and apprentice couldn't tell which medicinal herbs were used in the antidote and how they were formulated!

what to do?

I can only find Jiang Bai.

So, Cao Wu, Feng Tianxing, and Feng Xingyu came to Jiang Bai's stone house hand in hand, and also brought the master and apprentice from the Internet.


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