All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 80: The End Of The Rainy Season

Suddenly, a startled voice sounded:

"Old Cao, Feng senior, Feng leader, who are you beating up so hard?"

Hearing the sound, the three of Cao Wu quickly turned their heads and saw Jiang Bai at the door.

The three were overjoyed immediately.

"Jiang Ye (Jiang Elder), you are finally out!"

"Damn it, don't come here!"

Jiang Bai stopped the three rushing people with a look of horror.

Good guy, the muddy water on his body is so drenching that it makes one's scalp tingle!

The three of them reacted immediately, and after looking at themselves, they immediately stood there in embarrassment.

Jiang Bai hurriedly said: "Yuejiao said that you have something urgent to do with me, what exactly is it?"

Hearing this, Feng Xing and his son turned their heads to look at Cao Wu in unison.

What can Cao Wu do?

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said the matter quickly.

After listening.

Jiang Bai frowned: "Didn't I tell you that you must pay attention to guard against and clean up the flying insects at the "660 Office"? Why are so many people poisoned? Are you lazy?

"How dare I, Jiang!" Wu, Qu.

He really didn't be lazy, and tried his best to follow Jiang Bai's orders.

As for why so many people are still poisoned?

He is also confused!

After thinking for a while, Jiang Bai asked Yuejiao to bring a coir raincoat to put on, and then he came before Cao Wu and the three of them:

"Come on, take me to see those who have been hit by lightning first."

"Let me make sure first, whether they are the same kind of Gu poison."

Speaking of this, he looked at the two clay figurines not far away, and asked curiously, "Who are those two? Why did you beat them just now?"

Feng Xingyu, Hefeng Tianxing once again looked at Cao Wu in unison.

The meaning is obvious.

Cao Wu smiled bitterly and said: "Master Jiang, those are Fengluo and his Master, I will take out the antidote you prepared, and I want these two guys to copy Calabash according to the painting, who knows that these two guys are too useless,

For two whole days, you couldn't even identify which Medicinal herbs you used for your antidote, let alone how to prepare it! No, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, I couldn't help but beat them up. Later, the wind leader Hefeng senior also joined. "

"That should be beaten!"

Jiang Bai nodded with a look of relief.

Don't you look down on me?

But now, you don't even understand the antidote I prepared at will!

The more Jiang Bai thought about it, he waved his hand and said: "Okay, throw these two garbage far away, and don't put them in front of my house to pollute the air! Lao Cao, lead the way, let's go and see those poisoned people!"

"Good job, Master Jiang! Go this way!"

Cao Wu responded, and gave Feng Xingyu a look before leaving.

Feng Xingyu nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

After Jiang Bai and Cao Wu left.

Feng Xingyu immediately ordered to the guards: "Go to two people, drag those two guys down and chop them up, remember to throw the corpse away!"

"Yes, chief!"

the other side.

After Cao Wu took Jiang Bai to the concentration point of the poisoned people, he went back to change his clothes.

Jiang Bai quickly checked the condition of several people, and found that they were indeed poisoned, and it was the same poison as before!

It's just that the poison in these people is more powerful than the poison in Feng Tianxing and others.

"Did those flying insects evolve?"

Jiang Bai pinched his chin with one hand, lost in thought.

Suddenly, think about something.

Immediately, the few people just now were checked again.

Soon, Jiang Bai found marks similar to being bitten by mosquitoes from those people, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Then he put on his coir raincoat and left quickly.

Not long after he left, Cao Wu, Feng Xingyu and Hefeng Tianxing, who had already changed their clothes, came to the concentration point one after the other.

After the three asked the guards at the concentration point, they knew that Jiang Bai had left.

Just when the three guessed, it was time for Jiang Bai to go back and prepare the antidote.

Jiang Bai came back with a face full of excitement.

And in his hand, there was an extra glass bottle for liquor.

Seeing this, Cao Wu couldn't help asking: "Master Jiang, didn't you go to prepare the antidote?"

"The antidote is not in a hurry." Jiang Bai replied casually, but kept his eyes on the glass bottle.

To be exact, it was a black flying insect in a glass bottle!

Feng Tianxing noticed it and couldn't help asking: "Jiang Elder, where did you get the flying insects?"

"I caught it!" Jiang Bai said happily: "I tell you, don't underestimate this flying insect, it is the king of insects, and it can become a big killer with a little training!"

Bug King?

The three of Feng Tianxing were taken aback for a moment.

Cao Wu asked weakly: "Master Jiang, the king of insects you are talking about is the king of flying insects?"

"Yeah, otherwise what do you think?"

A rhetorical question from Jiang Bai instantly changed the faces of Feng Tianxing and the three of them, and they took a step back in unison.

The Gu poison of Common flying insects is so powerful, isn't the Gu poison of this insect king even more terrifying?!

Noticing the reaction of the three of them, Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly comforted him:

"Don't worry, the insect king can't fly out.

"Aren't you wondering why these poisoned people are poisoned?"

"Here, this insect king is the culprit!"

"Those who were poisoned were all bitten by the insect king, that's why they were poisoned!"

The three of them suddenly realized...

Jiang Bai looked at Feng Xingyu: "Boss Feng, there are too many poisoners here, and I may not be able to prepare the antidote by myself. Please call the pharmacists from all tribes, and I will teach them how to prepare the antidote."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Feng Xingyu turned his head and left quickly.

In less than ten minutes, Feng Xingyu returned with a group of pharmacists.

Then Jiang Bai asked Feng Xingyu to find the medicinal herbs needed to prepare the antidote, and taught those pharmacists to prepare the antidote.

that's all.

After more than an hour, all poisoned people took the antidote.

After finishing, Jiang Bai couldn't wait to take the insect king back to his stone house.

He can detoxify Gu, so naturally he also knows how to raise and tame Gu.

Because in some medical skills in the practice world, there are Gu specially used to treat diseases and injuries.

After the insect king was captured.

In the last five days of the rainy season, no one was poisoned anymore.

And in the past five days, the flood below the mountain has receded rapidly.

Until the last day passed, the flood completely receded, and the long-lost sunshine once again filled the earth.

After the rainy season, there is a buffer period of three days.

And the surviving Heaven Designated will get 3 million survival points.

This is something that makes Heaven Designated happy.

But looking at the ubiquitous mud below the mountain, they couldn't be happier...

Including Jiang Bai!

Because although his tall manor was not destroyed by the flood, most of it was buried by 3.0 mud.

The five-storey villa was directly buried with more than half of it!

Just think how thick the silt is!

But what can I do?

Still have to clean it up!

Fortunately, Jiang Bai has an earth-shattering Talent.

As soon as he turned on Talent, he cleared the mud of the entire Yanhuang tribe out of the tribe in less than ten minutes.

Then he took out a bottle of mineral water, and opened another Talent—Raging Sea!

Raging Seas, Class A, can manipulate water.

With the help of the Talent's ability, Jiang Bai spawned several water dragons, which washed the entire Yanhuang tribe inside and out several times.

In this way, the Yanhuang tribe is finally clean.

Of course, other Heaven Designated tribes also have capable people.

They also relied on the Talent ability to quickly clean up the mud of their respective tribes.

Not so with Aboriginal tribes.

Especially Fengyue City.

In the end, Gang Xingyu had no choice but to ask Jiang Bai for help. .

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