All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 87: Comprehending Sword Qi

Soon, Jiang Bai heard the private message prompt beeping.

He opened it and saw that it was Cao Wu's private letter.

Cao Wu:!!!

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, I sincerely kneel down to you!

Cao Wu: By the way, where did you get this kind of thing?

Jiang Bai: Opened from the Heavenly Dao treasure chest.

Cao Wu: Uh, I really can't envy you...

Cao Wu: But then again, your luck is really good, right?

Cao Wu: There is no reason why something beyond the current game version can be released!

Jiang Bai: I will tell you, my luck is almost 700,000?

Cao Wu:...Master Jiang, if you talk like this, you will easily lose me as a friend!

Jiang Bai: All right, let's stop making trouble. Remember, the lord's order is kept secret for the time being!

Cao Wu: Don't worry, I understand.

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai got up and walked out of the cave.

He left the cave all the way and came outside.

At this moment, the outside is already a vast expanse of whiteness, and the temperature is estimated to have reached more than ten degrees below zero.

But Jiang Bai just stimulated his qi and blood a little, and he felt warm all over his body.

He suddenly became interested, turned around and stepped into the air, his body like lightning, and shot towards the top of the mountain.

In a breath, he reached the top of the mountain and landed on a flat ground.

He reached out and took out the Snow Song Knife, and practiced the technique of Thousand Pile Snow in the dense goose feather snow.

The light of the knife is cold, and the chill is piercing.

Like a stormy sea, the momentum is astonishing, venting out towards the surroundings.

In such an environment, practicing Qianduixue's knife technique gave Jiang Bai a certain understanding of Han Bing's true meaning.

He felt that his understanding of Han Bing's true meaning was constantly increasing.

The sword light, which was already astonishing, became even more frightening.

I saw snowflakes flying all over the sky, leaving thin and deep knife marks on the ice and snow on the ground.

This is sword spirit!

Sword practitioners can comprehend and master Sword Qi when they have practiced their sword skills to a certain Realm.

Sword practitioners can also comprehend and master the sword spirit!

After Jiang Bai comprehended the true meaning of the ice, he had already met the conditions for comprehending sword energy.

Now it is a matter of course and logical.

And Qianduixue with the blessing of saber energy can be regarded as displaying its true power.

[Record: Your ice true meaning has been raised to '10%'. 】

[Record: Congratulations on your successful comprehension of the 'Knife Qi']

After Jiang Bai finished the drill, he saw two records pop up.


Jiang Bai lowered his head and looked around the ground, looking at the knife marks on the ground, he seemed to realize something.

He casually swung his knife towards the mountain wall in front of him, and a bone-chilling invisible force rushed out from the Snow Song Knife, instantly slashing on the mountain wall, leaving a deep knife mark.

"Is this... the power of the ice's true meaning?"

Jiang Bai understood it at a glance, but he felt miraculous in his heart.

He didn't expect that the power of Han Bing's true intentions would manifest into reality in the form of sword energy!

However, the lethality of the sword qi is extremely astonishing, far exceeding the ordinary sword light.

And that's just the beginning.

When the invisible sword qi condenses to the point where it can be seen by the naked eye, it is probably the most terrifying time for the sword qi!

Afterwards, Jiang Bai continued to practice Qianduixue.

He wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about Han Bing's true meaning.

In a flash, ten days passed.

The goose feather snow finally stopped today, but the temperature outside is getting lower and lower.

Jiang Bai saw with his own eyes that a huge boulder was frozen and cracked.

Because of these ten days, he has been staying on the top of the mountain.

With the body protection of the true meaning of ice, he does not feel cold in this icy and snowy environment, but has a kind of comfort and ease like a fish in water.

There is also the Snow Song Knife.

As a middle-grade spirit tool, it actually began to absorb the surrounding chill to improve itself in this environment.

So in these ten days, Jiang Bai has been comprehending the true meaning of ice.

No, he has realized 90% of the true meaning of the ice.

Only 10% of the difference can reach 100%.

Suddenly, there was a bang, waking Jiang Bai up from his comprehension.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that lumps of ice had started to fall from the sky!

What a lump of ice!

There are big and small, the small ones are like table tennis balls, and the big ones are like stone mills.

Just like the lump that is hitting Jiang Bai, it is as big as a stone mill.

"Well, it seems that I can't wait!"

Jiang Bai sighed, made a knife with his hand, and slashed towards the falling ice lump in the air.

I saw a white knife like a horizontal knife flying out, instantly cutting the ice lump into ice chips all over the sky.

Jiang Bai stood up, slamming the sheep through the cavity.

The Snow Song Knife automatically flew back to his hand and was collected into the Qi Sea space.

Then he turned around and flew down the mountain.

Soon, he came to the foot of the mountain and found that the thickness of the snow had already covered the entrance of the cave.

Fortunately, someone cleaned it up, otherwise the people in the cave would have been smothered to death.

All the way back to own cave.

Jiang Bai saw that Jin Diao and Yuejiao were having fun.

He greeted each person and eagle, and planned to continue to understand the true meaning of Han Bing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down cross-legged, he received a private message from Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, are you back yet? Ice lumps are starting to fall outside!

Jiang Bai: I just went back to the cave.

Cao Wu: That's good, since you're back, come over here!

Jiang Bai: ...I know that you have nothing to do to be courteous, and there must be nothing good to do!

Cao Wu: Hey, Master Jiang, those who can do more work, who made you so capable!

Jiang Bai: Don't flatter me! I'm at a critical moment in my practice, if it's not a matter of life or death, don't bother me!

Cao Wu: It's the request for help from the Elders.

Jiang said: ...

Jiang Bai: Then come over here, I am too lazy to leave!

Cao Wu: Alright, I'll be there right away!

In less than ten minutes, Cao Wu appeared in front of Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai opened his eyes and looked at him for a while, then closed his eyes again, while continuing to comprehend Han Bing's true meaning:

"..." Tell me, what's going on?"

Feeling the chill emanating from Jiang Bai's body, Cao Wu lowered his voice and said: "Before, I organized the process of our regional survival war and sent it to all the Elders as a strategy (excellent), and now the progress of the Elders,

It has advanced to the middle stage of the rainy season, and there has also been a voodoo poisoning incident, but the prescription you used before can't cure the voodoo poison, so the Elders asked me to ask you to see if you have a way to cure the poison. "

After a moment of silence, Jiang Bai said: "I can't see the patient, and I don't dare to promise that I can detoxify it. Should I have told you the patient's detailed symptoms of poisoning? Tell me first, and don't miss anything."

"Okay." Cao Wu nodded, and explained the poisoning symptoms of the Elder's transfer technique.

After listening, Jiang Bai fell silent.

Just as Cao Wu was waiting anxiously, he suddenly heard a private message notification beeping.

He opened it and found that it was from Jiang Bai.

There are two private messages, one is a prescription, and the other is an order.

Cao Wu was overjoyed, and immediately suppressed it.

He silently raised his hand to Jiang Bai in salute, then turned around and left lightly. .

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