All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 88: Spirit Power Transforms Into Silk, Manipulating Everything!

three days later.

[Record: Your ice true meaning has been raised to 'ten percent'. 】

It finally worked!

Jiang Bai opened his eyes with joy.

After spending three days and three nights, he finally broke through the barrier at the last moment and successfully comprehended the true meaning of Han Bing to the Returned to Origin level.

In this way, the last mystery is missing.

Jiang Bai was not in a hurry to comprehend the profound meaning, but told Jin Diao and Yuejiao before falling asleep.

After waking up from sleep.

Jiang Bai opened the evolution panel and took a look, only to find out that it was already the next day.

He slept almost a day and a night.

Take a shower and put on clean clothes.

After Jiang Bai filled his stomach, he wandered around with the golden eagle.

In practice, you have to stretch and relax, right?

But along the way, Jiang Bai found that most of the Heaven Designated were practicing in the Closed Door Training.

He asked curiously, only to find out that it was Own.

Because with the strength of the third level, he returned to the first place in the regional strength list of the 168 district, which stimulated the other Heaven Designated quite a lot.

The Heaven Designated from other villages learned a lot about Jiang Bai from the Heaven Designated from Village No. 6.

For example, when Heaven Designated fully entered the second-order era, Jiang Bai entered the second-order era more than a month later.

But now, Jiang Bai came from behind and became the first Heaven Designated with a third-order breakthrough.

This really pissed off the other Heaven Designated.

737 Then "the other openers also began to roll up.

For this phenomenon, Jiang Bai is happy to see it happen.

He speculated that after the regional survival war ended, the regional barrier should be lifted accordingly.

At that time, the aborigines that Heaven Designated faced were no longer forces of the size of the Fengyue tribe.

And it is very likely to be giants such as empires, holy lands, ancient families, and so on.

So every time you increase your strength now, you will be able to protect yourself in the future.

Jiang Bai didn't bother those Heaven Designated either, and went to find Feng Xingyu Hefeng Tianxing instead.


"You, have you broken through the third level?!"

Feng Xingyu's eyeballs popped, and she looked at Jiang Bai in disbelief.

Feng Tianxing was also shocked and asked: "How did you do it? It took less than five months to improve your strength from the second level to the third level?!"

"I should be very slow, right? After all, it took nearly five months!"

Jiang Bai pouted his head, not understanding where the father and son were shocked.

Because he really felt that this cultivation speed was a bit slow!

But he didn't know that after hearing his words, Feng Xingyu and his son really wanted to find a hole on the ground and get in!

In less than five months, it has been promoted from the second level to the third level.

If this is considered slow, then their father and son have only reached the third level after decades of cultivation, shouldn't they commit suicide?!

a long time.

Feng Xingyu sighed: "As expected of the Heaven Designated who is favored by Heavenly Dao, the cultivation aptitude is really terrifying!"

Feng Tianxing didn't speak, just nodded and smiled wryly.

'We're actually hanging out!'

Jiang Bai silently said something in his heart, then changed the subject and invited the two of them to discuss with him.

The two became interested as soon as they heard it, so they agreed.

So the three of them made a carving, and went straight out of the cave and went outside.

It was cooler outside.

In the dense goose feather snow, ice cubes of different sizes are sandwiched, pouring down like a waterfall.

The howling cold wind was like a knife, making the second-level Warrior tremble.

However, the three of Jiang Bai are all of the third-order strength, and they only need to release the Spirit Power to form a Spirit Power shield to isolate low temperature, cold wind and ice lumps.

"Golden Eagle, hold on tight!"

Jiang Bai put the golden eagle on top of his head and let the golden eagle hold his own hair.

He originally wanted to take out the Snow Song Knife, but after thinking about it, the Snow Song Knife is a top-grade spiritual weapon, which is a bit bullying.

So he took out the Qinghong knife he had used before from the storage space.

"Boss Feng, Feng senior, how about you come together?"

With a knife in his hand, Jiang Bai was full of pride.

He actually started to take the initiative to invite the battle, and it was still two third-orders whose strength surpassed his own.

After Feng Xingyu and his son looked at each other, they smiled at the same time, and then rushed towards Jiang Bai from left to right.

Obviously, the two father and son wanted to teach Jiang Bai a lesson.

Jiang Bai was not afraid at all, he took the initiative to meet him with a slash of the long knife in his hand.

He didn't use Qianduixue, but first tested it with the Thousand Killing Saber Technique.

The same is true for Feng Xingyu and his son, who were also tentative at first.

After both sides have a bottom line, the battle will officially begin.

Jiang Bai held a knife in his right hand and performed a thousand piles of snow knife technique, while he was walking freely and empty steps under his feet.

Both Feng Xingyu and his son were unarmed, displaying some kind of boxing technique.

The three (cfai) people come and go, and the fight is very lively.

While the Spirit Power was stirring, it shattered the lumps of ice pouring down one after another.

The strength of the fist and the raging light of the knife caused the ice layers formed under the ultra-low temperature to burst one after another, turning into countless pieces of ice and scattered in all directions.

at the same time.

I don't know who spread the news of Jiang Bai's three-person fight, and now every cave is crowded with spectators War Practitioner.

Of course, those who can still go to the entrance of the cave to watch the battle have at least second-level strength.

So most War Practitioners are Heaven Designated.

Even though they were shivering from the cold, they still couldn't help but marvel.

"That's Master Jiang from No. 6 Village, right? He really deserves to be number one on the strength list, and he can actually fight against Feng and his son!"

"Master Jiang is just entering the third rank, so he can fight back and forth with those two high-level third ranks?!"

"Could it be that you have some misunderstandings about 'coming back and forth'? This scene is obviously done by Master Jiang suppressing the Feng family and his son!"

"Feng's father and son obviously didn't use their real strength. They can suppress their own strength to the same level as Master Jiang!"

"Even so, it shows that Master Jiang is invincible at the same level!"

"Jiang Ye Niubi!!!" (Broken sound)

"Come on, come on, the market is open! Master Jiang pays 10 to 1 for a win, and 2 to 1 for a tie. Bet at least 5,000 evolution coins!"

"No, why is there no odds for Feng's father and son to win?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Master Jiang is awesome, but it's impossible to go through so many levels and defeat Feng's father and son teaming up?"

Just when a group of Heaven Designated started the game noisy, the battle between the three of Jiang Bai also changed.

"You two, don't suppress your strength, let's fight with your hands and feet!"

Jiang Bai took the initiative to ask, his real combat power is far beyond the 3rd level and 1st level.

Hearing this, Feng Xingyu and Hefeng Tianxing looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

The two also discovered that at the same level, they were no match for Jiang Bai at all.

After a word of reminder, the two immediately let go of the suppression of their own strength.


The powerful Spirit Power wave erupted, causing the goose feather snow to roll upwards, and also caused the ice cubes to burst one after another.

Jiang Bai also felt a pressure coming.

This is Reiatsu!

"Two, be careful!!"

After Jiang Bai reminded, the Qinghong knife in his hand suddenly shot out.

If you look carefully, you can find an almost transparent silk thread wrapped around the handle of the Qinghong knife.

This is a thousand silk secret technique!

Spirit Power turns silk, manipulates objects!

However, after Jiang Bai's experiment, he found that the Spirit Power wire itself is extremely sharp.

So not only can it be used to manipulate items, but it can also be used to fight and kill enemies.

No, Jiang Bai used the Spirit Power silk thread in his right hand to remotely control the Qinghong Dao, and performed the Qiandui Xue Dao Technique to fight against Feng Tianxing.

However, hundreds of Spirit Power threads extended out of his left hand, attacking Feng Xingyu from all directions.

Such dual-purpose is not only because of Jiang Bai's powerful Mental Energy, but also because of Qiansi Secret Art!

After the Mystery of Thousand Threads is upgraded to Returned to Origin, one thousand Spirit Power threads can be manipulated at the same time!

This is equivalent to a thousand uses!

But Jiang Bai discovered that one thousand Spirit Power threads is not the limit of the thousand-wire secret technique at all.

As long as the Mental Energy is strong enough, the number of Spirit Power threads that can be manipulated can breakthrough the limit of a thousand.

So the fighting style Jiang Bai is using at the moment is very easy for him.

No, even if Feng Xingyu and his son burst out with real strength, they will not be able to get close to Jiang Bai for a while. .

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