All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 89: Regional Survival Battle Ends

"Can you use two different techniques at the same time to fight against the enemy? Does anyone know what kind of technique this is?"

"Isn't this a left and right fighting technique?"

"I f*ck, all the martial arts in Master Jiang's martial arts novels are out?"

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Fuck off, this coach still wants to learn~!"

"Master Jiang, is he planning to become a human?"

"I can't bear the spiritual pressure from Feng's father and son alone. Master Jiang can still press them to fight?!"

"Jiangye, take it easy! We are both Heaven Designated, you will make us seem like good-for-nothings!"

"Compared with Master Jiang, who is not a waste?"

"I just want to ask, are we playing the same 'game'? This f*ck is clearly on the hook!"

"Speak as if you didn't hang up..."

Jiang Bai's way of fighting the enemy has attracted a lot of shouts from Heaven Designated.

Even Feng Xingyu and his son were shocked enough.

They have never seen such a weird fighting method before!

However, Feng Xingyu and his son soon discovered that Jiang Bai had been standing still.

The two father and son quickly made eye contact, and immediately took it to heart.

Afterwards, the two father and son joined together.

Feng Tianxing suddenly started to erupt, holding Qinghong Dao and those Spirit Power threads with his own strength.

And Feng Xingyu immediately attacked Jiang Bai at top speed.

Jiang Bai saw it in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared, covering Jiang Bai's whole body.

This is the Golden Light Curse!

The golden light condensed and turned into a giant gold palm, and it slapped Feng Xingyu incomparably swiftly.


Feng Xingyu collided head-on with Gold's giant palm, and a circle of aftermath visible to the naked eye erupted loudly, directly shattering the heavy snow, ice lumps and ice layers within a hundred meters of Fang Yuan.

After taking several steps back, Feng Xingyu stabilized his figure.

He looked at Jiang Bai in horror.

Just now, although he didn't use all his strength, he still used nine percent of his strength!

But when he collided head-on with Jiang Bai, he retreated several steps, but Jiang Bai remained motionless!

Obviously he lost it!

"Boss Feng, don't hold back!"

Jiang Bai kindly reminded that his Spirit Power is the highest form, and its own power is the top stack.

Now there is a vision of heaven and earth - the Nine Rainbow Bridge, which blesses Spirit Power.

To be honest, now even Jiang Bai himself can't figure out how strong his Spirit Power is.

"Then be careful!"

Feng Xingyu reminded, and rushed to Jiang Bai again, this time he didn't dare to hold back any more.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai pulled his left hand, and the Spirit Power thread rewinded back, attacking Feng Xingyu from behind at top speed.

The attack of the Spirit Power thread naturally couldn't hide from Feng Xingyu's perception.

He slapped his palm without looking back, not only temporarily blocking the Spirit Power silk thread, but also using it to attack Jiang Bai at a faster speed.

"Qiansi, come out!"

Jiang Bai made a soft drink on purpose, he was reminding Feng Xingyu.

I saw Spirit Power threads wrapped in golden light shooting out from Jiang Bai's body.

These Spirit Power threads are wrapped in golden light, which is extremely conspicuous in the ice and snow.

But it's faster, and it's harder and sharper itself!

No, Feng Xingyu's forward momentum was immediately blocked, and it was even dangerous for a while!

And that's why Jiang Bai made a special reminder.

This was originally a killer move he had prepared, specially used to kill enemies who were attacking from close quarters.

"Stop, I admit defeat!"

In just over ten seconds, Feng Xingyu immediately surrendered loudly.

He looked at the golden thread close in front of his eyes, and couldn't help swallowing.

If he was slower, he would probably be sieved by these golden rays!

"I admit defeat too!"

Feng Tianxing followed closely behind.

He tried his best, but he couldn't break through the blocking of Qinghong Dao at all, and he couldn't even rescue Feng Xingyu.

What else can I do if I don't admit defeat?

If you keep fighting, you will lose sooner or later!

Hearing this, Jiang Bai dissipated the golden light, and took back the Spirit Power silk thread and Qinghong saber.

He embraced the cupped fist towards Feng Xingyu and his son: "Boss Feng, Feng senior, I admit it!"

"Don't!" Feng Tianxing hurriedly waved his hands and smiled wryly.

"Don't call me senior anymore!"

"With your cultivation speed, I'm afraid it won't be long [strength] will surpass me. 17

"How can I have the face to be your senior?"

"Why don't you call me brother, and I'll ask you to call you brother."

Hearing this, the corner of Feng Xingyu's mouth twitched.

Father, have you forgotten me?

If you are like this, then don’t I want to call Jiang Bai an uncle?

Jiang Bai obviously thought of this question too.

He smiled at Feng Tianxing: "After all, you are an elder, I'd better call you Uncle Feng, as for Chief Feng..."

"Brother Jiang, if you don't mind, just call me brother!" Feng Xingyu quickly answered.


Thus, the new address among the three was decided like this.

……ask for flowers…‥

In a blink of an eye, fifteen days passed.

The cold season is also ending today.

Jiang Bai woke up early in the morning and was waiting.

Not only him, but other Heaven Designated as well.

Suddenly, Heavenly Dao's voice sounded.

[Heavenly Dao notice: District 168 of Dongtian World No. 666 is the first to pass the natural disaster stage, and all Heaven Designated in District 168 will be rewarded: Survival points + 1 million, Cultivation Technique optional package (Golden Ultimate) x1. 】x3

[Heavenly Dao announcement: District 168 of No. 666 Dongtian World is the first to end the regional survival battle, and all Heaven Designated in District 168 will be rewarded: survival points + 5 million, low-grade Spirit Stones x 10,000, and Heavenly Dao treasure chest x 1. 】x3

"What a generous reward!"

Jiang Bai was surprised.

Of course, the richness in his mouth only refers to other Heaven Designated.

To him, the rewards of these two Heavenly Dao announcements are really not enough.

As the sound of the Heavenly Dao announcement fell, the sound of the regional announcement sounded.

[Regional Announcement: The regional survival battle in District 168 has ended. Starting today, the regional barrier of District 168 will be lifted and officially connected to the outside world. 】

[Note 1: The Survival Store will continue to be open for one month. Please use the Survival Points as soon as possible. Once the time is up, the Survival Store will be closed and all Heaven Designated Survival Points will be cleared. 】

[Explanation 2: The natural environment destroyed in the natural disaster will gradually recover in the next three days. 】

[Explanation 3: The removal of the regional barrier means that Heaven Designated has officially passed the novice test, so all restrictions will be lifted and all mechanisms will be opened. When Heaven Designated comes into contact with the details, the evolution panel will give a timely reminder. 】


Seeing the third note, Jiang Bai's face showed a clear look.

As soon as the regional announcement came down, the reminder from the evolution panel came.

[Reminder: You are no longer a novice, so the evolution store will be permanently closed in one month. 】

[Reminder: All channels in the chat channel have been unrestricted, please check for details. 】

[Reminder: The world list has been opened.....]

After Jiang Bai carefully read all the information, he organized it in his mind and made sure there were no omissions before opening the Survival Store.

His current survival points have accumulated to more than 25 million!

Plus the previously rewarded permanent 20% off card.

You should be able to exchange for a lot of good things this time!.

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