a month later.

Twenty days ago, the seasons in this world had changed from autumn to winter.

Most of the leaves in the forest are withered and yellow, and when the cold wind blows, they will fall in pieces.

At this time, on the top of a big mountain.

In the howling cold wind, a huge golden eagle stood on the boulder, with its wings on its hips like a human being, laughing up to the sky.

"Haha, I finally broke through Tier 3!"

Jiang Bai at the side looked at the golden eagle, but his face was messed up.

Because the voice of the golden eagle is actually a female!

After getting along for so long, Jiang Bai didn't know that the golden eagle is actually a female until now!

He always thought that the golden eagle was male, and he always treated it like a brother.

never thought...

"No wonder every time I take this guy to take a shower, this guy will struggle to escape!"

Jiang Bai covered his face with his hands, feeling like he was dying.

After a while, the golden eagle finally laughed enough.

It shrunk its body, flew onto Jiang Bai's shoulder, and kept rubbing against Jiang Bai's cheek.

"Jiang Bai, thank you!"

"If it wasn't for you, I would have died a long time ago, and I wouldn't have entered Tier 3 so quickly!"

The golden eagle has seen the horrors of natural disasters, and naturally understands that if it hadn't followed Jiang Bai, it would have died in natural disasters.

"We don't need to say thank you!"

25 Jiang Bai caressed the golden eagle's head and replied with a smile.

"Hmm!" The golden eagle nodded and changed the subject, "What are we going to do next? Continue to hunt ferocious beasts, or continue to exterminate alien tribes?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Bai said: "Calculating the time, we have been out for a month, so let's go back first!"


The golden eagle immediately flapped its wings and flew up, its body quickly returned to its original size, and landed on the ground.

Jiang Bai jumped up and landed lightly on the golden eagle's back.

With a shake of its wings, the golden eagle soared into the sky with Jiang Bai on its back, and flew towards area 168.

After entering the third level, the flying speed of the golden eagle has obviously been greatly improved.

It took only one hour to reach the deepest part of the dark forest.

Later, under the guidance of Jiang Bai, the golden eagle flew to the new home of the Yanhuang tribe instead of going to the base of the Fengyue tribe.

With the start of the reconstruction work, all the Heaven Designated tribes that had temporarily settled in the Fengyue tribe's resident have also moved away.

After all, it's someone else's territory, so you can't keep occupying it, right?

Besides, the deepest part of the Mirkwood is so big, there are plenty of places to live.

As for other human tribes?

They didn't go back either, but chose to join the Fengyue tribe.

Soon, the golden eagle arrived at the new home of the Yanhuang tribe with Jiang Bai on its back.

This place was originally one of the three major alien tribes, the land of the Goblin tribe.

It is now occupied by the Yanhuang tribe.

"Is this to build a city?"

Jiang Bai looked at the city wall being built below with a look of surprise.

Judging from the scope, this city will be much larger than the previous Fengyue City after it is completed in the future!

It seems that Cao Wu has already started to make plans for the future.

Under the signal of Jiang Bai, the golden eagle landed at the gate of the city that had been built.

He got off the back of the golden eagle and looked up at the top of the city gate.

There are three big characters engraved in Longguo characters: Yanhuang City.

The golden eagle narrowed its body, flew to Jiang Bai's shoulder, and asked curiously: "Jiang Bai, Lao Cao wants to build a city like the Fengyue tribe?"

"This is inevitable." Jiang Bai nodded and walked towards the city gate.

When the guards at the city gate saw Jiang Bai, they all saluted and said hello respectfully.

While Jiang Bai nodded in response, he also found that these guards were all summoned tribesmen.

But now, the vitality of these residents is obviously much stronger than before.

This is obviously already on the road of cultivation.

It seems that after the regional barrier is lifted, these summoned tribesmen can finally practice.

This means that Heaven Designated tribes can form their own army.

After passing through the city gate.

Jiang Bai saw a straight and flat road paved with thick stone slabs.

Walking along the avenue, Jiang Bai came to a square.

Here, the totem that belongs to the Yanhuang Tribe——Dragon Pillar stands here.

With Totem Square as the center, four straight avenues lead directly to the Sifang City Gate.

Jiang Bai looked around and saw that most of the city was still empty.

It is estimated that it is due to the lack of drawings.

Although each tribe can also directly build various buildings, the buildings built from the blueprints have corresponding additional attributes, which are special buildings.

Not to be confused with Common buildings.

At this time, the golden eagle reminded: "By the way, where is our residence?"

"I don't know, let me ask Lao Cao!"

Jiang Bai shook his head, and was just about to call out the evolution panel when he heard Yuejiao's shout.

"Master Jiang!"

He followed the prestige and saw Yuejiao galloping towards her.

When Yuejiao came close, he smiled and asked, "How do you know I'm back?"

"Yes, Chief Cao sent someone to inform me!"

Yuejiao answered while panting heavily, the joy in her eyes could not be concealed.

"You take a break first, catch your breath and talk again."

Jiang Bai shook his head and wiped the sweat from her forehead with his sleeve.

He also thought in his heart that it was time to teach Yuejiao how to practice.

At this time, the golden eagle asked curiously: "Sister Yuejiao, why are you blushing?"


Yuejiao was startled at first, but then she reacted and looked at the golden eagle in astonishment, "You can talk now? No, why is your voice female?"

"I'm a female, so naturally it's a female voice!" The golden eagle looked as if it was a matter of course.

Yuejiao suddenly realized.

Seeing that the situation was not looking good, Jiang Bai at the side hurriedly interrupted this dangerous topic:

"If you have anything to say, go back to your residence and talk!"

"Yuejiao, lead the way!"

Under the leadership of Yuejiao, Jiang Bai came to own new residence.

This time it is not a courtyard, nor is 620 a manor.

It is a luxurious mansion!

Above the gate of the mansion, there is also a plaque of Jiang Mansion.


"So, this mansion is just an empty shell right now?"

After Jiang Bai entered the mansion, he found that except for the gate and the wall, the interior had not been started at all.

The buildings are just a few stone houses temporarily used for shelter.

Moreover, this stone house looks like a drawing building, as long as there are enough materials, it can be built in an instant.

Yuejiao explained: "Captain Cao said that the priority is to build the city wall at the moment, so the land for the mansion is only temporarily planned and will be built later."

"Forget it, I'll do it myself!"

Jiang Bai thought about the Talents he had drawn, with them, wouldn't it be easy to build a mansion?

And even materials can be saved.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai looked at Yuejiao: "Is there anyone else in the mansion now?"

"No more." Yuejiao shook her head.

Jiang Bai nodded, and then started to shake Talent, lifting up a piece of land under his feet.

Being so condescending, the entire mansion can be brought into view.

After Jiang Bai observed the size of the mansion, he controlled the soil through Earthquake Talent to create a 3D model of the mansion.

He intends to use the 3D model to determine the specific structure inside the mansion before building it.

During the period, he also asked Jin and Mujiao for their opinions.

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