All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 92: The Second Stage Of Tribal Activities

In about an hour.

Jiang Bai finally finalized the model of the mansion, and the next step is to build it.

He stood on the high platform, stretched out his hand and pointed at the stone houses.

Immediately, those stone houses quickly disintegrated into stones, which were automatically piled up and piled aside.

Then Jiang Bai pointed at the ground again, and saw that the ground of the whole mansion was undulating like water.

In the fluctuation, the ground also quickly became flat.

With Jiang Bai's talent ability, even ordinary level 3 and level 1 masters would not be able to blast cracks in this ground.

Then, a series of stone roads emerged, dividing the entire mansion into vacant areas of different sizes.

This is in the planning area.

After the planning is completed, it is the construction of each area.

Starting from the gate of the mansion, Jiang Bai built one of them according to the 3D model that was finalized just now.

If you need soil and stones, use the earth to shake the talent.

If you need wood and plants, use the Myriad of Things Talent.

Everything, A-level Talent, can manipulate woodwork and all plants.

As long as there is an introduction, Jiang Bai can shape wood, soil, stone, etc. into what he wants.

And after his Talent ability Enhancement, it is no problem for these buildings to withstand the full bombardment of 3 level 1 masters!

Yuejiao and Jindiao on the side had long been stunned by this miraculous scene.

As the time goes.

Buildings rose one by one, and a luxurious mansion full of the ancient style of the Dragon Kingdom gradually took shape.

The whole mansion is roughly divided into three parts: the front yard, the middle yard and the back yard.

The front yard welcomes people and entertains guests, and meals on weekdays are also in the hall of the front yard.

The central courtyard is the residence of Jiang Bai and his servants, and many independent courtyards are built.

The backyard occupies the widest area and is divided into left and right parts.

The left side is used to grow vegetables, fruit trees, Medicinal herbs, etc., and also raise some animals that can be used as meat. In addition, the septic tank is also placed here.

On the right are martial arts arena, stables, gardens, lawns, ponds and so on.

In order to facilitate water, Jiang Bai also built several underground wells and a large reservoir in the backyard.

After the main building is built, the next step is to refine it.

This consumes more Spirit Power than the previous construction, and also requires powerful Mental Energy to control.

Fortunately, after a month of training, Jiang Bai's strength has been raised to level 3 and level 5, and the total amount of Spirit Power has skyrocketed.

Moreover, he has upgraded the Hundred Forging Body Refining formula to Returned to Origin, making his physical strength reach Tier 3 and Tier 1.

Under the effect of Equilibrium Talent, his Mental Energy crystals are also upgraded to Tier 3.

Coupled with the basic idea of ​​upgrading to Returned to Origin, he has been able to initially control and use his own Mental Energy.

So the next step of careful carving will not be difficult for him.

Unknowingly, the time came to the evening.

After refining the last gazebo, TAKHAOE,

"Finally finished``"

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled contentedly.

So far, his mansion has basically been built.

You can adjust it anytime later if necessary.

Night fell.

Five people, Cao Wu, Lin Guodong, Luo Feng, Tang Ling, and Yang Jiaojiao, plus five people, Su Xingyu, Zhang Guilong, Qin Yan, Lin Muqing, and Li Yuejiao, came hand in hand.

These ten people were invited by Jiang Bai.

When a new house is completed, you have to invite your friends to celebrate, right?

And in Jiang Bai's friend list, there are ten people including Cao Wu.

And these ten people are also the most powerful people in No. 6 village, except for Jiang Bai.

Grass in the backyard.

Everyone sat around a bonfire, chatting and drinking.

Not far away, Yuejiao, who has become a top chef, is personally grilling meat for everyone.

After getting along for a long time, the characters, abilities, and strengths of Su Xingyu, Zhang Guilong, Qin Yan, Lin Muqing, and Li Yuejiao have all been recognized.

Cao Wu has also promoted five people to become Elders and become the top leaders of the Dong tribe.

Therefore, the five of them actually knew about many important matters, and even participated in them personally.

So everyone didn't care about it when they chatted, and it seemed very relaxed.

Suddenly, Heavenly Dao's voice sounded.

[Announcement: The total number of detected tribes has reached 10,000, and the Tribe Rise event has officially entered the second stage - Tribe Rise!】

[Explanation 1: During this stage, the probability of tribal-related items from the BOSS treasure chest will be greatly increased to help Heaven Designated build a better clan. 】

[Explanation 2: Every 30 days, each tribe must experience at least one tribe defense battle—the intensity depends on the overall strength of each tribe, and the enemies are not limited to beasts. 1

[Explanation 3: Tribal leaders can also take the initiative to apply for tribal defense battles, but they can only apply for a maximum of five times every 30 days. It should be noted that if the core of the tribe is destroyed in the tribe defense battle, the tribe will also be destroyed accordingly, please do what you can. 】

[Explanation 4: There is a rating mechanism for Tribal Warfare—from low to high, it is divided into F-level, E-level, D-level, C-level, B-level, A-level, S-level, SS-level, and SSS-level. The higher the value, the richer the final reward. 】

[Explanation 5: All enemies killed in the clan defense battle can give their own clan the corresponding 'tribal points' - which can be exchanged for various clan-related items in the 'clan shop'. 】

[Note 6: The tribal leaderboard will continue the rules of the previous stage and continue to be implemented in the second stage. 】

[Explanation 7: When the total number of tribes in a cave world reaches 100,000, the world can enter the third stage - tribal hegemony. 】

After reading the content of the announcement.

Jiang Bai immediately realized that the Heaven Designated tribe would usher in a period of rapid development.

Not only that, the number of tribes is estimated to usher in a surge.

And this also means that the value of tribal orders will plummet.

At this time, Cao Wu said: ""It just so happens that everyone is here, if you have any ideas or suggestions for the second stage of the tribe's rise, you may as well talk about it (money is good)!

When the others heard this, they looked at Jiang Bai in unison.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai shrugged: "Then I'll do it first, I don't care about the rest, but the five tribal defense battles must be applied for, and no one can be missed."

After a pause, he added: "In the next period of time, I will not go out again."

"Okay, with your words, I have a bottom line in my heart!"

Cao Wu nodded happily, he also didn't want to miss those five tribal defense battles.

After all, tribal defense battles can not only earn clan points, but also earn evolution points, which can be used for training troops.

And after the defense is successful, you can also get rewards according to the score.

There are so many benefits!

Of course, this also requires strength to achieve.

And Jiang Bai is Cao Wu's confidence!

With Jiang Bai proofing, others began to express their opinions.

In this way, everyone surrounded this topic and discussed it until late at night before dissipating. .

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