The next day, early morning.

In the martial arts arena in the backyard of Jiang Mansion.

"It's only been ten days, and you're already Initiated?"

Jiang Bai looked at Yue Jiao in surprise.

When he practiced the pre-chapter, he was able to initiate so quickly.

It is entirely because of relying on the evolution panel to raise the strength to the first level in one step.

In this way, the speed of cultivation is naturally much faster.

But Yuejiao doesn't have an evolution panel, she relies entirely on herself.

Even so, she completed the pre-chapter Initiation in only ten days.

This is enough to show that she has extraordinary talents!

Maybe, she will also have a chance to break through the first-order extreme in the future!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai said: "Since you have Initiated, continue to practice! After you enter the first level, I will teach you the nine chapters of Innate Daoyin Technique!"

"Thank you, Master Jiang!" Yuejiao thanked gratefully.

Jiang Bai waved his hand: "Your aptitude in cultivation is very good, I hope you can use some refreshments and don't waste your aptitude."

"Yes, Master Jiang, I remember."

Yuejiao nodded seriously.

Morning exercise and breakfast.

Jiang Bai went out.

He came all the way to the market building, intending to buy a pill refining furnace.

As a pill refining teacher, how can there be no pill refining furnace?

Of course, forget about the high-grade pill refining furnace.

Although Jiang Bai has as many as 160,000 low-grade Spirit Stones, it is still not enough.

So he just bought a bronze-level pill refining furnace and planned to use Talent Enhancement when he went back.

After buying the pill refining furnace, the next step is Medicinal herbs.

Similarly, Jiang Bai can only buy Common Medicinal herbs.

Because even the lowest Spiritual Herbs and Elixirs in the market need Spirit Stones to buy.

So Jiang Bai had to buy Common Medicinal herbs, and then went back to use Talent for Enhancement.

After purchasing, return to the mansion.

Jiang Bai plunged into the quiet room and started Enhancement.

The first is the pill refining furnace, all the way from the bronze level to the gold level, and then the limit is reached.

Then there are the many Medicinal herbs.

Jiang Bai is now a platinum-level pill refiner, so he can refine platinum-level pills at most.

Of course, it is impossible for him to refine a platinum-level panacea as soon as he comes up.

The experience empowerment belongs to the empowerment, which is still different from the actual operation.

Therefore, Jiang Bai will start with the black iron-level panacea, absorb these experiences step by step through practical operations, and turn them into his own use.

two hours later.

"Is this the so-called Danyun ``?"

Jiang Bai looked at the Spirit Power Dan in his hand with a look of surprise.

Panaceas with the same first rank can be divided into four levels: Common, Excellent, Excellent, and Perfect.

It just corresponds to the low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, and best-grade of each grade.

Under normal circumstances, most of the pills refined by pill refining masters are at the 'Common' level.

If one can refine the elixir to an 'excellent' level, one can be called an elite pill refining master.

If one can refine the elixir to the level of 'excellence', one can be called a master of pill refining.

If one can refine the elixir to a 'perfect' level, it can be called a pill refining Great Master!

And the panacea of ​​the perfect level will have cloud-like patterns on it, which is commonly known as pill cloud.

Just like this Spirit Power Dan in Jiang Bai's hand.

Although it is only a black iron-level panacea, its efficacy is comparable to that of a low-level bronze panacea.

By the way, the pill refining experience of empowerment can only reach the excellent level at most.

Jiang Bai's ability to refine a panacea of ​​a perfect level shows that he not only has thoroughly used the pill refining experience for his own use, but is even better than others!

Among them, in addition to his own pill refining Talent, there is also the contribution of Qiansi Secret Art.

The Thousand Threads of Secret Technique allowed him to control his own Spirit Power to a meticulous level.

And the spiritual fire he used for pill refining was transformed from his own Spirit Power.

Coupled with the blessing of fire control.

In this way, the most difficult part to control during pill refining, the heat, has become no difficulty for Jiang Bai.

Therefore, he was able to achieve success in just two hours!

Now that the black iron-level panacea has been fully pulled to the highest level.

Then, naturally, it will be the Bronze Rank Panacea.

And with the experience of refining black iron-level panacea as a base, Jiang Bai can master the refining of bronze-level panacea more quickly.

that's all.

By noon, Jiangqu would be able to refine the best silver elixir.

As for the golden elixir?

Sorry, no materials.

With Jiang Bai's current strength, at most he can enhance Common Medicinal Herbs to Silver level.

Without gold-level spiritual herbs and elixir, it is naturally impossible to refine gold-level panaceas.

However, for now, the silver-level panacea is enough.

After Jiang Bai finished his lunch, he continued to refine the silver-level panacea.

The types of panacea are mainly Spirit Power Pill, Rejuvenation Pill, and Jiedu Pill.

Because these three kinds of panacea are standing panaceas, they can be used at home, in cultivation, in training, and in battle.

three days later.

In Cao Wu's mansion.

"..." Damn, where did you get so many top-grade silver pills?!"

Cao Wu looked at the three large wooden barrels half a person tall in front of him, his eyes almost popped out.

Because the three big wooden barrels are full of elixir!

"I refined these panacea, I don't need them, you can deal with them!"

Jiang Bai explained casually, then turned and left with a yawn.

He has to go back to catch up on sleep.

He didn't sleep for three days and three nights, and he was on pill refining all the time. He was almost sleepy to death.

After watching Jiang Bai leave, Cao Wu looked at the three big wooden barrels and became excited.

He knew that in the future, the Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang Tribe don't have to worry about the lack of panacea!

After sleeping until the next morning, Jiang Bai finally returned to his peak condition.

After breakfast, he found Cao Wu, ready to start the tribal defense war again.

In his words, being idle is idle anyway, just to exercise your muscles and bones.

After Cao Wu counted the manpower, he agreed.

Thus, the second tribal defense battle of the Yan (Demo Zhao) and Huang tribes began so hastily.

The enemy who came this time was the Tauren tribe, still a regular army of about 10,000.

Among them, the strongest tauren is as strong as Jiang Bai, both of which are level 3 and level 5.

This time, without waiting for the Tauren commander to order the attack even.

Jiang Bai jumped off the city wall, and took the initiative to kill the Tauren army one by one.

Then the people on the city wall saw snowflakes appearing out of thin air and flying down into the military officials of the Shengtou clan.

Immediately afterwards, the tauren fell in pieces.

In less than five minutes, the 10,000 Tauren army died on the spot, and none survived.

Everyone on the city wall was stunned.

They didn't wake up until the tribal announcement sounded.

Then one by one looked at the figure standing with a knife in the battlefield with hot and adoring eyes.

One person, one knife, sweeping away ten thousand regular troops!

This is the real powerhouse!.

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