All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 98 What, You Want To Quit The Tribe? !

next three days.

Jiang Bai asked Cao Wu to help start the tribal defense battle in the early morning.

He didn't need other Heaven Designated shots, he just killed all the incoming enemies with one knife.

It's time for morning exercise.

After clearing the tribal defense battle, Jiang Bai has nothing to do again.

After much deliberation, he had no choice but to fall.

"What, you want to quit the tribe?!"

Cao Wu jumped up from his seat in shock at Jiang Bai's words.

"Don't yell, listen to me.

Jiang Bai waved his hand and explained.

"You also know that the difficulty of the tribal defense battle depends on the overall strength of a tribe."

"And you should have also discovered that in the previous five defense battles, the strongest enemy was equal to my strength.

"So I don't even dare to improve my strength now, because I am afraid of increasing the difficulty of the tribal defense battle."

"So, do you understand?"

Cao Wu was silent.

The meaning of Jiang Bai is very simple, his ascension speed far surpasses other Heaven Designated.

If it is promoted at the normal speed, it is afraid that the difficulty of the tribal defense battle will push him to a point where other Heaven Designated cannot fight.

But as long as he withdraws from the Yanhuang tribe, he can improve his strength without any scruples, without worrying about raising the difficulty of the tribe defense battle to 900.

Seeing that Cao Wu was silent, Jiang Bai comforted him.

"Don't worry, I'm just quitting temporarily, it's just a bug in the event."

"I can rejoin when the Tribe Rise event enters the third phase.

"Besides, even if I quit the tribe, who dares to say that I am not from the Yanhuang tribe?"

"My mansion is still in the city!"

Hearing this, Cao Wu finally felt relieved.

He nodded: "Okay, you have said that, why should I stop?"

"That's it. In two days, I will quit the tribe when I go out."

Jiang Bai got up and said as he walked out, "I will go out this time, and I will explore farther places. If something happens, I may not be able to make it back in time. You have to be prepared."

"Okay, you should also pay attention to safety, I will wait for you to come back.

two days later.

Jiang Bai handed over the Innate Daoyin technique and the medicinal bath medicinal herbs needed for cultivation to Empress Yuejiao.

So he rode the golden eagle, soared into the sky, and flew out of the city.

At the same time, Jiang Bai quietly withdrew from the Yanhuang Tribe.

When he left, he was actually alerting the other Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang Tribe.

Because his strength surpasses other Heaven Designated too much.

Over time, it's easy to create dependencies on other Heaven Designated.

This is not good for their growth.

And with Jiang Bai around, it's hard for them to get tempered.

This also affects their growth.

You must know that there are still a large number of alien tribes outside Area 168.

These are all potential dangers!

If you don't seize the time to improve your strength and wait for these potential dangers to explode, then you will only have a dead end!

At this time, the golden eagle asked: "Jiang Bai, which direction are we going?"

"Last time we wiped out the north and east, let's go south this time, to wipe out the south and west!"

Jiang Bai thought for a while and said his plan.

"Okay, then stand still, I'm going to speed up!"

The golden eagle gave a warning, and then its wings shook, and its speed soared instantly.

Soon, one person and one carving left Area 168 and headed south.

About half an hour later.

Jiang Bai finds a goblin tribe through Hypervision Talent.

Judging from the size, he judged that this was a medium-sized tribe.

"Golden Eagle, do you see that goblin tribe in front of you?"

"Kill directly!"

The golden eagle responded with a cry and swooped down on the tribe.

Jiang Bai leaned down, his appearance changed rapidly, and he became a Tauren in the blink of an eye.

This is his Thousand Faces Talent!

Thousand Faces, B-level Talent, can pretend to be any creature you have seen!

Note the word 'camouflage'.

Because of the essence of Thousand Faces Talent, it is similar to spiritual Illusion Art or mental interference.

So as long as Mental Energy surpasses Jiang Bai, he can easily see through the disguise of Thousand Faces Talent.

Unfortunately, Jiang Bai has a Balanced Growth (cfbd) Talent which makes his Mental Energy incredibly powerful.

Therefore, want to see through his Thousand Faces Talent disguise.

Under normal circumstances, it is estimated that he should be one or two Realms higher than him in strength!

Uh, that's a long way off.

Closer to home.

When the golden eagle dived to a height of 100 meters above the ground, Jiang Bai, who was disguised as a member of the Shengtou tribe, jumped up.

He took out the Soul Slayer Bow in the air, quickly set the arrow and drew the bow, and shot and killed the guard at the main gate of the Goblin tribe.

Under the effect of the Unfettered Wind Control Technique, he landed lightly on the wooden fence and shot at the goblin mercilessly.

Arrows rained down, and those goblins who hadn't reacted were instantly shot and killed on the spot.

But the goblins who were not covered by the rain of arrows in the distance immediately warned loudly:

"Enemy attack, attack!"

Soon, the entire goblin tribe panicked.

The Goblin Warrior in the tribe also rushed towards Jiang Bai quickly.

Jiang Bai glanced over and stared at the Goblin Warrior who rushed to the front.

【Goblin Leader (Silver BOSS)

Race: Gob Lin Yi

Strength: Tier 3 Tier 1

Bloodline: Goblin Berserk Bloodline(30%)

Talent: bloodthirsty rage]

After the area barrier is lifted, Heaven Designated can also get evolution points for killing aliens.

Moreover, the leaders, priests, Elders, etc. of the alien races [have also become BOSS.

If not, how could Jiang Bai have accumulated more than a thousand potential points in the previous month?

Didn't it just rely on the elimination of alien tribes to brush it out!

Looking away, Jiang Bai was not in a hurry to meet the Goblin Warriors led by the leader.

Instead, he ran along the wall, quickly nodding his arrows and pulling his bow, shooting and killing other goblins.

Today, Jiang Bai's archery level has been raised to a terrifying level!

Within a kilometer range, it is easy to achieve a 100% hit rate!

No, every time an arrow is shot, a goblin will definitely fall to the ground.

Plus there is perception to lock the target position.

Even if the target hides behind an obstacle, it is hard to escape the fate of being shot.

Because arc arrows are designed to deal with this kind of situation!

The arc-shaped arrows in the six arrows that break enemies will automatically turn around obstacles and accurately hit the target behind the obstacles.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Bai stopped, retracted the Soul Slayer Bow, and took out the Chiyan Sword.

At this moment, the Goblin Warriors headed by the Goblin leader have all lost their minds in the rage, and even their eyes have turned blood red.

Seeing that Jiang Bai finally stopped, they let out a shocking roar, and threw them at Jiang Bai in unison.

Jiang Bai slowly raised the Chiyan Sword in his hand, and there seemed to be lightning flashing in his eyes.

At the next moment, he turned into a flash of lightning, shot down from the fence, and passed through the group of Goblin Warriors in an instant!

The figures of the group of Goblin Warriors suddenly stopped, and then fell to the ground one after another, without a sound!

This is the profound meaning of the Thirteen Swords of Ben Lei - A thousand kills in a flash!.

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